Remember when Obama requested time from the networks, and they refused? He was going to talk about immigration measures; they decided it was overtly political. Everything Trump does is political and filled with lies - but they can’t get enough of him. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/7/18172419/trump-immigration-speech-networks-obama

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If anyone reading these comments wants to take a small action, I'd encourage them to simply tweet @ the MSNBC lineup, particularly the Rachel Maddow show, and ask them to all stage a walkout tonight. They all claim to be on the side of democracy, and they also lavishly praise people who have the courage to leave their jobs and blow the whistle on the Trump administration. Well. Tonight is the night they get to decide if they themselves have any courage. Tonight @Maddow and @Lawrence and @BWilliams can make a real difference. If they all go dark...the risk to their jobs and contracts is miniscule. And if small fry like Lieutenant Colonel Vindeman and Olivia Troye can risk their careers to save our democracy maybe they can take a stand too.

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I sent nasty tweets to the relatively new NBC chief, Cesar Conde — @cesarconde_ — yes, the underscore is part of his Twitter handle. He came from Telemundo and was made CEO of all things NBC in May. I do hope you are right, Eric, and this ends up blowing up in Trump's face — and in Cesar Conde's, Savannah Guthrie's & NBC's faces.

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Here is the phone number for the Corporate Overlords.. Let them have a piece of your mind. 1- 212-664-4444. Of course it is an answering machine, which is fine, however they set it up after about 30 secs, to say they cannot complete the call.. Email it is..

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Comrade Covid (I refuse to use his brand name) is repulsive to the majority of voters. People are very tired of his autocratic clown show, including the sight of his face and sound of his voice. This forum will do him no good. He could well get some questions outside his usual talking point parameters that will put his mendacity and buffoonery on full display. Meanwhile, NBC is getting some well deserved push back for pandering to him. Everything about his campaign has been snake bit and I think this will be another instance.

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I so hope there is truth to your statement. I have yet to see anything other than whatsboutism, both sides coverage and free air time for wack conspiracies and blatantly obvious russian crap from “highly respected” journalists and news media, (ie: talking to you wapo, chitrib and nytimes, not to mention you accomplice-in-chief nbc, abc and cbs.) if more exposure to the liar-in-chief makes an obvious case for Biden, and changes even one more undecided voter, I will keep my barf bag readily available until the orange cats ass is frog marched out of Our House.

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Thanks Eric. Not sure why Fox didn't step in.

Here's the quote from you that matters most to me:

".... Trump is still a congenital liar and NBC will prove to be powerless to stop the torrent of misinformation that he spews at the town hall. That's what happened when ABC News last month hosted a Trump forum — he lied without pause and the moderator only occasionally tried to stop him..." Maybe sending a celebrity television correspondent worth $40 million to interview a congenital liar doesn't work? (See August 3, 2020 Axios interview with Jonathan Swan.)

Add the "torrent of misinformation" uttered during the debate with Biden. Trump will again attack the election, and allowing him to do so is completely reckless journalism.

But, the opportunity to see the joyful Nicolle Wallace, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow together on set after the propaganda is most welcome. As many have said trump is the gift that keeps on giving, and these three remarkable and brilliant women are the right mix to take advantage. Who else could suggest Pence delivered a "flaccid" debate performance?

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when reports first surfaced of possible NBC/Trump town hall last week i tweeted, “nothing good will come of this.” Ie it’s going to get worse for NBC tonight when NBC is unable to control his lying

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OK, I want credit for predicting that trump would give us lots of new stupid lies, see above, though I didn't see Savannah Guthrie coming

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This is one viewer who will NOT be watching!! I'll be tuning in to Joe Biden.

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Okay, now that the dust has settled, the NBC town hall with Trump is not looking quite so bad. Trump came across as a rabid weasel, and Savannah Guthrie backed him into a corner several times and did not let him trample her.

It also provided a stark contrast to Biden’s town hall. Trump’s cult members won’t be swayed, but the rest of America got a real case for Biden over Trump.

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After Joe Biden spent the better part of an hour and a half Thursday night on his ABC town hall providing extensive details of his plans on multiple key topics, Jonathon Karl, commenting on both town halls said, "We have heard very little from either of these two men about what they would actually do over the next four years." WTF! Did you see that Eric?

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omgosh no. that's kind of amazing given the Biden event

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I have stopped being surprised. When my ability to not be appalled and disgusted wanes, I will know it’s time to apply for political refugee status in a country that still recognises a multituple party system.

I believe it was Les Moonves(?) who said trump may be bad for our country, but is good for their business. Nuff said.

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A joke. Yeah, not surprised by that. The orange cats’ anus also uses the same excuse. Not buying it. Moonves, and now Conde only see what makes their investors, and thereby themselves, happy. Too bad honesty, integrity are sacrificed for profits. Although I am sure even the current occupant of Our House honestly, and with the utmost integrity, believes what comes out of his pie hole. Just like Ms Covid-Barret honestly, and with the utmost integrity, answered “I have no agenda.”

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NBC is getting a lot of backlash for this decision on Twitter and staffers, past and present are also outraged. I really want to know how this came about. Was it just Chuck Todd being Chuck Todd or were the higher ups pushing for this decision? Clearly NBC isn’t doing this for voters because is that were the case they would have scheduled it on a another night.


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Oct 15, 2020
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and tonight MSNBC has to run trump for 90 mins! their viewership is going to evaporate

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Today on Morning Joe he was ranting about how stupid all those people were for getting the vapors about the NBC town hall because Samatha Guthrie had done such a good job — as if that makes up for scheduling the town hall at the same time Biden’s was being broadcast. It doesn’t make a difference what kind of job Guthrie did. NBC clearly was not concerned about informing voters.

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right, he conveniently misses the entire point.

very little of the criticism revolved around how Gutherie would do in terms of moderator. it was abt enabling Trump who chickened out of Biden debate to then dictate time of his town hall, directly opposite Biden.

also, i'm sorry i dont' see how NBC, giving Trump a platform to lie about 85% of mask wearers get Covid, deserves any praise.

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PKC--TRMS made a specific point of distancing MSNBC from this decision by NBC News division.

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Oct 15, 2020
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and Megyn Kelly! they paid her $$$$ for failed show

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ICYMI, the new nickname going around is MAGA Haberman.

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Oct 15, 2020
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I am cancelling my subscription to both wapo and chicago trib. I will die mad for what they are currently doing and what they did to Hillary.

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