A joke. Yeah, not surprised by that. The orange cats’ anus also uses the same excuse. Not buying it. Moonves, and now Conde only see what makes their investors, and thereby themselves, happy. Too bad honesty, integrity are sacrificed for profits. Although I am sure even the current occupant of Our House honestly, and with the utmost inte…
A joke. Yeah, not surprised by that. The orange cats’ anus also uses the same excuse. Not buying it. Moonves, and now Conde only see what makes their investors, and thereby themselves, happy. Too bad honesty, integrity are sacrificed for profits. Although I am sure even the current occupant of Our House honestly, and with the utmost integrity, believes what comes out of his pie hole. Just like Ms Covid-Barret honestly, and with the utmost integrity, answered “I have no agenda.”
A joke. Yeah, not surprised by that. The orange cats’ anus also uses the same excuse. Not buying it. Moonves, and now Conde only see what makes their investors, and thereby themselves, happy. Too bad honesty, integrity are sacrificed for profits. Although I am sure even the current occupant of Our House honestly, and with the utmost integrity, believes what comes out of his pie hole. Just like Ms Covid-Barret honestly, and with the utmost integrity, answered “I have no agenda.”