The 1976 film Network was so ahead of the curve. At the time, it was nothing more than a brilliant satire. In retrospect the film accurately depicted the future of network news. Perhaps not as over the top but today's news follow a similar motivation--ratings. It's nothing more than ratings. And ratings of course means money. This is one example of how unregulated capitalism can bring down a nation. It's painfully obvious today that the media is giving this maniac Trump a pass but this has been going on for decades now. Republicans lie, cheat, suppress votes, make up rules to their benefit and the press says business as usual. Democrats create minor infractions and then the news outlets claims the sky is falling. Look at all the episodes of this presidency. If Trump had won as a Democrat, at what point would the Republican controlled congress have removed him from office? When he said in Charlottesville that there were good people on both sides? Remember how outraged we were at that time? That was nothing when compared to what followed and yet he's still in the White House with the Washington press corp willing to continue the show. Big money runs the media. The press is not about to upset the applecart. Make no mistake, the media has failed as one of the checks and balances that our founders had designed to help protect our democracy. Happy Fourth of July everyone!

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Why is Stephen Miller off limits to the press and Congress?

I don't mean that he's never mentioned; he is but always as an addendum or aside to some central point about Trump. Miller wrote that speech as he has all of the similarly themed speeches. The man is an out-and-out white supremacist - something that isn't even in question considering his history. There have been lengthy profiles of the man. There have been passing mentions. However, there has never been any attempt by anyone to bring this man to account.

Why? Why isn't Stephen Miller being exposed daily? Why aren't his connections to white supremacists being exposed daily? Why aren't investigative journalists out there daily digging up every single thing about Miller - if for no other reason than the historical record about what I consider a singularly dangerous man next to the President? Somebody please explain to me why he's treated as if he's some shadowy figure when he's right there in plain sight. I just don't understand why he isn't being slammed on a daily or even hourly basis for his crazy racist opinions especially when he puts them into Trump's mouth sounding as if they're a Hitler speech.

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None of this makes sense.The media helped create this monster and has been handsomely rewarded with ratings. It's as though I am living in an alternate universe watching a really crappy reality show. We need a hero since I don't think simply getting out the vote will fix this.

Here's hoping America wakes up before the damage is permanent.

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Setting aside discussions of objectivity, a little story: Red Barber, the great sportscaster, became director of sports at CBS Radio in 1946. He was the first person hired to report to the director of news there, a fellow named Murrow. Murrow used to tell people to be careful of their adjectives. Well, how many writers on all sides have talked about the value of the right word? Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug. You can call the TEXT of the speech fiery, but its delivery? Please.

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I guess Hitler gave "impassioned, fiery, patriotic, free-wheeling" speeches too. Oh, wait, tRUMP-45 is a student of the führer's methods.

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We need to reinstate The Fairness Doctrine and also take profit out of journalism. It’s the only solution I can think of for this problem. With no profit motive, it’s why university newspapers are often better, more honest, and more accurate than the big papers. And ffs, get rid of opinion in media altogether. Batshit crazy opinion exploitation is why we are where we are. It makes propaganda and manipulation too easy. And I say this as a former journalist who took full advantage to convey my own biases/influence in my work, because I could.

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An XLE thought: How many people actually follow the news? More relevantly, how many have heard more than a sound bite out of Donnie? Curious. Me, when I listen to him for any period of time, all I hear is phrases at best, often just a sequence of words with minimal connection, one to the next. Sentences never.

Really, in a word, he’s unhinged. Yes, sad that the media refuse to say so. Then their failings are nigh infinite.

BTH: His holiday speeches were directed only at his base and the fawning media. Weren’t meant for us or the majority of the nation.

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What a great discussion here. Thanks to everyone for their commenets.

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T卐ump's about as "fiery" as a dollar store candle ... sputtering out after an hour of mediocre light.

He speaks only to other morons (who, apparently, are able to comprehend his corkscrew lingo) as the rest of us tune out for fear of going mad.

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