I (by Eric Boehlert, articleknow this clip was widely viewed when first posted on Twitter. It captured NBC's Heidi Przybyla as she refused to play the GOP impeachment game and pretend the answers given by Republicans made any kind of sense. But I want to share it again because it's important to note that this is what coverage could have …
I (by Eric Boehlert, articleknow this clip was widely viewed when first posted on Twitter. It captured NBC's Heidi Przybyla as she refused to play the GOP impeachment game and pretend the answers given by Republicans made any kind of sense. But I want to share it again because it's important to note that this is what coverage could have looked like for weeks if more journalists had been serious about holding Republicans accountable, and not let them offer up nonsensical answers to serious impeachment questions.
I (by Eric Boehlert, articleknow this clip was widely viewed when first posted on Twitter. It captured NBC's Heidi Przybyla as she refused to play the GOP impeachment game and pretend the answers given by Republicans made any kind of sense. But I want to share it again because it's important to note that this is what coverage could have looked like for weeks if more journalists had been serious about holding Republicans accountable, and not let them offer up nonsensical answers to serious impeachment questions.