Thank you for a great piece that gets to the heart of the matter. As I watched this train wreck, conducted by the president, I could hear his “debate prep” at work. I heard buzz words repeated over and over as a means to gen up his base. I witnessed a man wholly ill-prepared to speak on important issues such as climate change because his…
Thank you for a great piece that gets to the heart of the matter. As I watched this train wreck, conducted by the president, I could hear his “debate prep” at work. I heard buzz words repeated over and over as a means to gen up his base. I witnessed a man wholly ill-prepared to speak on important issues such as climate change because his prep clearly didn’t care enough about it to cover it. I watched Joe Biden, who undoubtedly knew it would be bad, turn to the camera to at least acknowledge he knew we were watching as a country, and that he was sorry we had to be subjected to this.
There was not a single doubt in my mind that Trump would not be prepared and he’d figure out a way to extend his rallies at a national debate. I just didn’t realize that it would be EXACTLY that. If you tuned in, you were subjected to his lies, hyperbole, derision, and even a call out to the racist part of his base to “stand back and stand by.” We deserve better. And if you then read most of the national headlines meant to chronicle the event for the fortunate ones who missed it, you initially saw a beltway media learn almost nothing between 2016 and 2020, which is startling and demoralizing at the same time. We again, need something better.
With just over 30 days until the election, it would be a fool’s errand to look to the debates to learn anything new about the candidates’ policies or positions. We knew going into the first one, based on the debates of 2016 and Trump’s lack of any semblance of growth and astonishing ineptitude and corruption of the last four years, that tonight would be the only thing he could make it, the farce of all farces. When you have a clown driving the car, it’s foolish to think you’ll end up anywhere else other than at the circus. Thank you for pointing this out unapologetically.
Nicolle Wallace asked the $750 question last night: Why did Trump take this strategy? He knew it wouldn’t gain him any new voters, even though he’s trailing in the polls by a lot, and in fact, it probably cost him voters who might have otherwise stuck with him. It was a stupid strategy. So, why did he do it?
That presumes that he had a rational strategy. Trump really believes the power of his personality is all he needs to win everyone over. He is more of a magical thinker than my 5 year old granddaughter.
Thank you for a great piece that gets to the heart of the matter. As I watched this train wreck, conducted by the president, I could hear his “debate prep” at work. I heard buzz words repeated over and over as a means to gen up his base. I witnessed a man wholly ill-prepared to speak on important issues such as climate change because his prep clearly didn’t care enough about it to cover it. I watched Joe Biden, who undoubtedly knew it would be bad, turn to the camera to at least acknowledge he knew we were watching as a country, and that he was sorry we had to be subjected to this.
There was not a single doubt in my mind that Trump would not be prepared and he’d figure out a way to extend his rallies at a national debate. I just didn’t realize that it would be EXACTLY that. If you tuned in, you were subjected to his lies, hyperbole, derision, and even a call out to the racist part of his base to “stand back and stand by.” We deserve better. And if you then read most of the national headlines meant to chronicle the event for the fortunate ones who missed it, you initially saw a beltway media learn almost nothing between 2016 and 2020, which is startling and demoralizing at the same time. We again, need something better.
With just over 30 days until the election, it would be a fool’s errand to look to the debates to learn anything new about the candidates’ policies or positions. We knew going into the first one, based on the debates of 2016 and Trump’s lack of any semblance of growth and astonishing ineptitude and corruption of the last four years, that tonight would be the only thing he could make it, the farce of all farces. When you have a clown driving the car, it’s foolish to think you’ll end up anywhere else other than at the circus. Thank you for pointing this out unapologetically.
incredibly he’s a worse “debater” today than in 20216
Yes, why is that, do you think?
Nicolle Wallace asked the $750 question last night: Why did Trump take this strategy? He knew it wouldn’t gain him any new voters, even though he’s trailing in the polls by a lot, and in fact, it probably cost him voters who might have otherwise stuck with him. It was a stupid strategy. So, why did he do it?
That presumes that he had a rational strategy. Trump really believes the power of his personality is all he needs to win everyone over. He is more of a magical thinker than my 5 year old granddaughter.