The Trump years were an outrage-generating fireworks display. The saner media learned from Fox News that outrage is addictive (adrenalin rush?). My guess is there is part of the motive here. Plus these scribblers came of age under the notion that Reagan had been a philosopher king, so that's their baseline. Always get insight from your pieces, Eric. Another good one.

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thanks. and yes press just cannot leave behind idea these voters are most important in America

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Thank you for continuously justifying my cancellation of my WaPo subscription months ago. I know a few people who have also cancelled because that thing has become just another right ring rag which, considering it’s history, is really sad

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I have to say the WP is really struggling under Biden

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WaPo and others push, with absolute certainty, the premise that the Dems will lose the House at the midterms because that’s ALWAYS been the pattern in the past. AHHH! As Eric says, old habits die hard. Is it a lack of imagination, time or fear of being called out by the Rs that keep them in this unbalanced Trump voter rut? Not newsworthy, imo; just biased and boring.

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Dems in Disarray!

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Note how the DC Press Corpse baits Jen at every briefing she does. They are in overdrive trying to create scandals to bring Joe down but Jen smacks them down every time.

That doesn't stop those GOP Stenographers.

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Because the L word is not liberal for the DC political media brothel and its New York branch. The L word is lazy, and these stories are easier than actually reporting, which, I seem to recall, is what reporters are paid to do. At least, elsewhere.

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While we're at it, maybe someone could explain to me why Chris Christie is now thought of as an elder statesman that should be constantly quoted and appear on network news shows. Hilarious watching him talk about how fair the Georgia bill is, all the time thinking to myself this guy's administration was just on trial for corruption. Is the bar so low that Christie is now the most sane when compared to the other Republicans.

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I found that article really disturbing. The authors make a point of saying they interviewed dozens of Republican voters but they didn’t say how many dozens — 2? — and they didn’t say how they selected those people but it’s clear there was nothing random about it, making any conclusions about Republican voters not supporting the infrastructure bill completely bogus. The authors made that conclusion anyway, deliberately ignoring the results of well-conducted polls showing strong public support of the infrastructure bill, even from 50% Republicans for the infrastructure bill. Talk about spinning the news!


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You'd think the media would find the ongoing and endless bad faith of Republican Senators and Representatives a story worth reporting, but....no. Where were the reports on Mississippi's senator and Rep. Madison Caldwell boasting of the benefits their constituents were receiving from the Relief act that both of them voted against?

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The CCCP (Corporate Controlled Conservative Press) wants Trump back in office because he brings in lots of $$$$$ to them.

That's the bottom line.

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This is a drug the media can’t quit. And like any addiction, it will be their undoing. I’m sure I’m not alone in changing the tv channel when some dumb ass film crew shows up at a middle of America , ie: white, diner. There to take the pulse of the forgotten, again white, American. The voters have spoken loud and clear, why can’t The NY Times, the Washington Post and CNN hear them?

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As the recent Reuters-Ipsos poll shows (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-biden-infrastructure-poll-idUSKBN2BP126), Republican voters love the items in the infrastructure bill, but when it is presented as being from Biden or Democrats, they hate it. This is exactly the same as when the "Affordable Care Act" was polled (“Love it!”), but when “Obamacare" was pulled, it was the work of the Devil himself.

"Keep your socialist hands off my medicare,” was the best quote I remember from that one!

As for our Failed Political Press™ talking to Trump Voters is another fix for the Horse-Race Junkies. They are going to send amateur Margaret Meads to the square states to study the primitives for the rest of Joe Biden’s first term. It’s a sucker bet to think otherwise.

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Republican talking points are like mad libs with schoolyard taunts. Democratic talking points reflect critical thinking skills. What makes the former "newsworthy" is a mystery and thank you Eric for setting the example on calling it out.

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A really, really small thing, but I appreciated the wording in this line: "The Post felt it was important".

Indeed! They did not *think* it was important, because no real thinking played a role in their decision making process. Having taught philosophy, critical thinking, and logic for a number of years, it is a distinction that is always at the front of my mind.


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In just three months some relief from the PTSD induced by the craziness of the past five years is just beginning to taking hold. Please don't tell me this colossal mistake is on the threshold of launching a second wave of nonstop lies, vitriol and hate upon us. More than ever, now is the time to resist, expose, and hold the press accountable. Keep after 'em Eric!

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I think I am really getting the big picture with Dave Troy and others reporting on the 'embed' of Republicans in all facets of American life, of course including a vast swath of media 'superstarts'. Yesterday, on Twitter, I saw a post that indicated that Youtube and FB will allow DJT to return to both platforms. I was horrified. I responded that it's like giving Charles Manson or Jim Jones a platform. I know that QAnon, paramilitaries and disinformation messengers are on these platforms. DJT has the biggest bullhorn ever. Anyway, later I read a tweet that said that it was not resolved with FB or Youtube. I know I've fallen for disinformation myself and I try really hard to be vigilant! There are reporters with the NYT's and WAPO who report responsibly and ethically. But, the NYT's /WAPO editorial boards or whoever shield and amplify the shi**y reporting with the responsible reporting. If I cancel WAPO and NYT, I can't in turn open that article and I won't see other excellent reporting. I could name a number of reporters, investigative journalists and others who have use Substack, Medium, podcasts and other platforms. But subscribing to all of them is expensive and not centralized. What to do?

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The press has GOP Stockholm syndrome - “It’s always good news for Republicans.”

The question is, what do Manchin and Sinema have for an excuse?

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