Your characterization of this is spot on, they interview these folks as if what they have to say is somehow enlightening. Well it's not it's just delusional drivel. And "reporters" just take it in and "cover" it as if it's actual truth telling. There is a way to cover these folks without allowing them to seem rational. I have cringed and shouted at my TV for 5 years over this very thing. Thanks for your clarity on this destructive trend. We are all reaping the fruits of it as we speak.

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the *only* reason to interview these people is to forcefully debunk their lies—none of that is being done

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Jordan Klepper did one yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyLpbO5S4xE

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Yesssssss Eric!!! All of this. I'm so disgusted with the media and how they treat Trump and his absurd supporters. Why is it that they feel they can't/won't stand up to them? I swear every time I see them continuously pandering to loser Trump it's just disgusts me. Like you mentioned, where are the interviews with the folks that voted for Biden and how they are feeling?! This is just so disheartening because they are fueling these lies and misinformation. I like the idea of interviewing those that still chose NOT to vote. That would be something I'd like to hear about. I scream at the TV all the time and it's stressful LOL . Keep up the great work Eric. You are my morning read with my coffee. Appreciate you.

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Thanks! much appreciated

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There are many who appreciate your writings. Thank you.

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A possible new breed of sore losers seems to be people with COVID who refuse to admit they have the disease. These seem to be Trump people who may even be dying of COVID but insist it is just the flu and they argue people should not wear masks. Victims of this version of Trumpthink can't be interviewed in diners, but maybe from hospital beds. I am weary of the softie diner interviews too, but the ICU interview might do some good if the phenomenon is real.

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I’m hearing more and more of this—folks who test positive but insist they really have the flu

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Look, I don't trust a damn things the Republicans put out there, but if they told me there was a deadly disease and it was spreading rapidly through the air, I would research it, learn the truth, and act according. Just like when they screamed about the threat of M13 gangs in our country--I read about it to find out the truth and how much of a threat they actually were. (Yes, they are a threat in Long Island, but not that much to non-gang members). Or the caravans "attacking" our southern borders. Right wingers don't want to learn anything or change their minds about what they believe they already know.

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Just to be clear: I have no proper data on the frequency of COVID patients who deny their disease. Collecting that data would be a good project for an enterprising journalist. The anecdotal evidence I referenced does seem to fit the model of people being ravaged by confirmation bias.

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I wrote to one of the WaPo's editors, Cameron Barr, complaining about this after their latest "Trump Voter" story. I asked where were all the stories about Clinton voters between 2016 and 2020, and where are all the stories about people, especially Black people, who voted for Biden? What about the stories about people who voted for Trump in 2016, but flipped to Biden in 2020? It's ridiculous. Why are they still giving oxygen to these people, while giving nearly none to the opposition? I'm really sick of it.

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Also, I never noticed a plethora of interviews of Black voters when Obama was elected. The media think the only important voters are white Trump supporters.

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Thanks Eric.

I agree with the premise that several million, maybe tens of millions, people in this country consistently vote against their own interests. And I accept Eric's premise that the media contributes to this, with very serious consequences. And the most damning contribution is lack of pushback. Why no pushback? Revenue. But specifically, RW and/or republican revenue. As commenters here consistently write the worship of money is the root of many of this country's ills.

Here's the irony. In an effort to conceal this pursuit, sources tell us that trump voters have been ignored, and their voices should be heard. "Look at us, we are being fair." In what is a cover story concealing the pursuit of clicks, or increased viewership, or circulation, sources provide a false narrative and air wild-ass claims with no basis in reality. The wild-ass claims expressed are and have been ignored because they are false. In a real world event people walk away from people who talk like this--and they don't call over all the people at the gathering to listen.

After 3 years and 20,000 + lies, the media finally called trump a liar. Prior to using the word, we were offered tortured analysis by the NYT and others centered on not knowing what is in a person's mind when they speak. Just remember "alternative facts."

My solution has nothing to do with media. We must start teaching critical thinking much, much sooner in public education. Maybe then the diner interviews will be worth our time.

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another key point, raised by comment abt GOP voices claiming they’re “not heard”—they absolutely dominate Facebook. everyday 9 of top 10 FB posts are right wing...but press buys into “ignored” claim and showers then w/ more attention

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HS teacher in TX ~ believe me that critical thinking IS taught, but we can't combat those who willfully ignore the obvious. The ones who need to discern and learn critical appraising are those in the media. R's are not being "ignored" ~ Democratic voters are....

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Apologies, I in no way intended to suggest teachers were part of the problem. I began substitute teaching in 2016 in my part of Pennsylvania to support teachers who need time off. The silver bullet is education, and teachers are the key.

But I disagree that the media lacks critical thinking, instead argue they are too profit driven. (see above). And it is not ALL media, as we all know, and it is not ALL the time. I am thankful for the most comprehensive trump tax return analysis (so far) by the NYT.

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No apology necessary and you are correct. My argument is that advocating for enhanced critical thinking is moot if those who are making the decision to ignore the obvious do so consciously and are thus beyond redemption.

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I'm sorry but most of these Trump voting folks wouldn't know a fact if it bit them in the ass. Even faced with being in the hospital, Trump voting patients, dying from Covid 19, continue to believe the virus is a hoax. But yet we on the left are always made to feel as if our fact finding reality is somehow flawed. This exercise of continuing to interview the Trump voter signals that although Trump will thankfully be gone, his racism, hatred, and conspiracy theories will remain and more importantly, will likely hinder the Biden presidency. The media, whether willingly or unwillingly has and continues to fuel the division in this country. It makes me wonder why outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post, that are typically considered elite news organizations, continue to follow this line of reporting. It appears they all want to become the New York Post. That's fine for lining your bird cage but not for reporting accuracy and hard hitting journalism.

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Oh my god! Yes! I follow you on Twitter and you couldn't have put the frustration of so many more succinctly. Essentially, those who are Trump supporters only 'recite and repeat and regurgitate' talking points that they get from FOX, Limbaugh, Parler, InfoWars and they all sound 'bat shit crazy'. I GET IT! Yesterday on MSNBC, we had to listen to a clip of John Bolton in which he mocked everyone for referring to these people as "stupid". It's really amazing to me, how John Bolton, Jenna Ellis, Jason Miller and others have learned the "art of Trump speak" to shut down the hosts who interview them so they can launch into their victimization, insane triangulation of Trump supporters with the "fake" news and "white christian" discrimination bullshit. This media triangulation is "masochistic"- ratings and dollars for the abuse, disinformation and disproportionate attention to issues that allow for the same 'marketing' that Trump used to get elected as he plots his next moves and exploitation of stupid people. How about letting the rest of us focus on the crisis of COVID, the environment, racism that is alive and well, the role that black and brown people played in this election instead of the predominately white, male dominated obsession of white peoples feelings that still occupy newsrooms!

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I agree with your premise. I would also like to suggest that we identify actual stories the press is NOT covering--their failure to name and teach policy; their failure to hold the Senate accountable for all the legislation they are sitting on, for example. If all the voters understood what exactly was on America's plate, and the press helped to refocus voters' energies not on "is this a problem," but rather "this is a problem and here a proposals to solve it," I think it would help. I don't care about voters' feelings--not in the press or in your own piece. Why quote them? We have seen that. You know what I mean? I appreciate what you are doing and I subscribe. Thanks.

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In every competition when there's a winner and a loser, the loser is given their time to talk about how hard they fought and what they could have done better. Afterwards, the celebration of the victor continues on and on until there's a "parade". Last I checked, 78 is more than 73. We don't overly celebrate the losing team that scored more points than any losing team has ever scored in history...the point is...they. lost. Time for the celebration of the victor to drown the crying of the losers. 78 million people spoke so we better listen to them and tell the other 73 million, good job...better luck next timed, and move on.

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"We don't overly celebrate the losing team that scored more points than any losing team has ever scored in history"

If we are going with that story line, then critical thinking plus math should show that the winner scored more points than ANY team in history. So much for the story that Trump couldn't have lost with more votes than any losing team, right?

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“Everything I worked for, Biden wants to give to the immigrants to help them live, when they don’t do nothing but sit on their butts.”

Wait - I thought the immigrants were coming here to steal our jobs.

Which is it? I have a hard time keeping up.

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Only once since 2016 did I see an article with a reporter, Will Bunch, talking to Hillary voters. Of course you never saw that in the New York Times at all and we know why!

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I'm sick and tired of them, but mostly because they continue to spread covid. I am unfollowing anyone who is babbling about how they are going to ignore their governor and have Thanksgiving as usual, "kissing all my relatives on the mouth." Maybe I'm just as crazy but I'm wondering if Trump really didn't have Covid-19. Seems strange he had no real consequences--and no one around him except Christy went into the hospital. They continue to be well enough to get up and tell lies to the public. Leads to furthering the notion that Covid isn't that serious.

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Let's call it what it is. The media is peddling grievance porn.

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The problem for the rational half of the populace as well as the press is that these voters are an enigma that needs explanation. I agree that letting them spout nonsense without pushback provides little of the desired explanation, but I'm guessing that the underlying issue is bafflement that so many voters can have become completely detached from reality. How is it possible that so many Americans can take one of Trump's insane and disproven fantasies and just run with it as if it were empirical truth? How can such a large swath of Americans be so ready to sacrifice their mental freedom? Is their mindlessness just a mask for brute rage? "Maybe if we interview some of them we'll get some insight into why they are so ready to buy Trump's garbage..."

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Thanks for this article, exactly what I was upset about the other day. I watched that absurd interview on Sunday’s ABC News’ “This Week,” with Martha Raddatz. Forget the issue that there is no follow up to the responses, which was bad, the show even let one of the "interviewees" wear a Newsmax hat.

If you based your opinions of Trump supporters solely on these interviews or articles, you would think every Trump supporter earns over 400K a year, so the Biden tax increase will hurt them, or they are small business owners, so any regulations implemented by Biden will hurt their business. No in between. Their Trump support has nothing to do with racism or bigotry, nope, not at all. Just about tax increases and government regulations.

Of course sometimes an article will finally raise the issue of racism or bigotry, but usually at the end or by mistake. Such as a recent article I read on Muslim support of Trump. How it's just that Trump's policies are so helpful. Then towards the end of the article, the real truth comes out, that the people being interviewed are extremely conservative and don't like the Democrats support of LGBTQ issues.

To the media, please end these "let's hear what Trump supporters have to say" stories.

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The interesting thing is that "Trump voters" are all tough, study, salt-of-the-earth solid citizens who are bigots, rapists, and xenophobes, or support bigotry and rape and xenophobia, but have to run to Parler and need a fainting couch the minute someone comes even within a mile of quoting Oliver Cromwell's message to the Church of Scotland, "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken."

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And they are such wonderful disciples of JC that they march with tiki torches and scream "Jews will not replace us!".

And the media does their usual mainstreaming of right wing extremism.

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Amen. And that is one of the many reasons that, first, they do indeed deserve to be compared with Nazis and, second, why their Jewish supporters (i.e., Sheldon Adelson) deserve additional contempt.

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