Thank you Eric. Here's the math: Cheney is 54; the former guy is 74 with all sorts of health issues. Unfortunately, the cult will not disappear until the former guy meets his maker. Sorry to wish ill-health on anyone really, but it is THE ONLY WAY, he will disappear because he is a malignant narcissist, who got an incredible dose of …
Thank you Eric. Here's the math: Cheney is 54; the former guy is 74 with all sorts of health issues. Unfortunately, the cult will not disappear until the former guy meets his maker. Sorry to wish ill-health on anyone really, but it is THE ONLY WAY, he will disappear because he is a malignant narcissist, who got an incredible dose of what he needs for his daily fix, in winning the EC and NOT the popular vote, in 2016. This need will not end until he is 6 feet under. Cheney has time on her side and all the true conservatives who are still out there. She's not going away.
Thank you Eric. Here's the math: Cheney is 54; the former guy is 74 with all sorts of health issues. Unfortunately, the cult will not disappear until the former guy meets his maker. Sorry to wish ill-health on anyone really, but it is THE ONLY WAY, he will disappear because he is a malignant narcissist, who got an incredible dose of what he needs for his daily fix, in winning the EC and NOT the popular vote, in 2016. This need will not end until he is 6 feet under. Cheney has time on her side and all the true conservatives who are still out there. She's not going away.