Another half truth report by the weak, leeadershipless left. I watch Fox news. I'm aware that hosts have shows( including those on the left leaning CNN & MSNBC). There is a certain entertainment value that these hosts have to supply to Their audience. Fair enough. This article is an example adjust how ridiculous and out-of-touch this journalist is. Everyone calls it like it is from their vantage point. Strong leaders don't always make the right decisions immediately, but they eventually do. The left is cluttered it's worthless leadership. Don't let this journalist fool you. Put your thinking cap on and listen to the news that makes the most sense.

I can tell you that what he said about Tucker Carlson's broadcast is absolutely false. Not in reporting exactly what Carlson said but in interpreting it. Don't take directions from someone who can't read a map.

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You mean not as honest as the news stations that called Trump a Russian agent for 3 years?

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I think an argument can be made that Fox News was established by a foreign actor to undermine and ultimately destroy American democracy (for profit) with disinformation, propaganda and the fomenting of a malignant cohort of retrograde, low-information zombies ripe for a monster like Trump. Fox News is not a news organization. It is an ongoing attack on America. There should be consequences, but their evil is of course shielded by the First Amendment.

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MSM seems to operate under the same delusion that Trump supporters can be 'won ' back, either by praising Fox opinion hosts, playing incoherent Trump press conferences, or interview Trump talking heads. These are absurdist fantasies. Fox's opinion hosts and Trump core supporters have shown us who they are and what they value...we should all believe them.

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(By Eric Boehlert, article)And that's why Rule No. 1 is so important and foolproof: Never give Fox News credit for doing the right thing.

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When I'm calling you stupid, I am complementing you....

You're to kind.

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People subscribe just to be trolls? I sincerely hope these folks are safe from the virus. With cases doubling every one to two days, that's unlikely. Will they feel the same way when they feel like they are drowning and can't breathe? Maybe someone they love? My oldest daughter is has been ill for days and couldn't get a test. Someone in her husband's office tested +. Now he, and my two preteen grandchildren have a cough. She is so fatigued she can barely get out of bed. Thankfully DeWine is making good choices based in science, which is atypical of him.

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As just another American in New York,

I am worried about this pandemic and more terrified by the ineptitude of our President and his chorus of enablers. When will this country stop allowing this to continue and insist that more qualified people take over. There have already been too many deaths and many more infected to close our eyes and leave the current blatant mishandling of this global crisis to go on anymore.

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