As you’ve stated, we’ve never had a Mussolini type crazy at the helm and I think it has flummoxed reporters to the point of paralysis. Or, are news organizations looking at their bottom line because 35% of the US are still supporting this psychopath? I think the real story is the undying support from Republican sycophants who long ago knew this man was a dangerous whacko and stood by him. They should be the ones standing up for democracy and screaming it from the rooftops. Adam Schiff said something along the lines of them being tied together with a steel cord. I hope history will be very unkind to them.

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I simply don't understand the chaos in the press over the underlying issue of Trump's behavior. He's erratic, angry, delusional, messianic, fatalistic, hubristic and about a million other things bouncing around moment to moment. Are there those in the media who don't see this or simply don't know how to address it within the confines of their news department's rules? It seems to me that Trump has thrown all the rules for behavior by a President out the window and done it since before day-one. Why are the press so reticent about calling it out for what it is?

If the newest polls are to be believed, the voting public is not having that same reticence about judging Trump - which is heartening.

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Thank you Eric. Many, perhaps most journalists have failed the test of covering the Republican party and the current head of that party. Just a short lifetime ago we were screaming about his tax fraud, before that the threat of stolen election; before that Trump's disregard for the military, before that, well we all know the list. While I do see some improvement with the questioning directed at this administration, there is a second concern. What are we missing?

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What is worse is the toxic virus of sociopathic behavior he has loosed upon the populace. The incivility, violence, insane ideas that are tolerated and adopted as new norms are directly tied to his example and normalization.

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The press sometimes remind me of seagulls at the beach, each standing solitary and bold in formation–– until one of them gets scared then off and away they all fly.

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When will a journalist ask, "What did tRump think of the socialized medical care he received at Walter Reed? Was it worth the $750 he paid in taxes????"

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Honestly I think that Covid-19 is the number two disease hurting America right now. The number one disease we all need to be very concerned about is Trump's malignant narcissism. As you point out, this man is clearly out of his mind, perhaps now enhanced by super steroids cruising through his body. Trump still has the nuclear codes. We have many adversaries around the world. If the average American doesn't think we are in a very vulnerable state right now, then clearly they are not paying attention. The press unwilling to call Trump out for what he is are doing a great disservice to this nation. I just hope one day when there is a Democratic president that the press gives him or her a pass for wearing a tan suit.

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Mental health professionals don’t want to make a pronouncement on Trump's mental health without personally examining him. But his main disorder is extreme, toxic narcissism, which is diagnosed by a person’s behavior. People with that disorder build up a fake image of themselves and work hard to maintain it, to go to great lengths to project that image, etc. They can be very charming in service of that goal but are vicious when challenged. If they realize that image is being destroyed they get very dangerous and can be very irrational. They don’t have to be literally “insane” to act the way Trump is acting, they just need to have an extreme personality disorder like narcissism.

If you read the best guesses of psychologists and psychiatrists who have been willing to offer an opinion they agree that Trump is an extreme narcissist. His behavior fits that to a T. He is reading the polls and knows he is in grave danger of losing and if that happens of being in serious legal and financial peril.

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Most of these media fools helped enable this embarrassment INTO the White House.

To state the obvious facts about Trump now would also require acknowledgement of their own complicity in this dire state of affairs. Pigs will fly first.

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“Today, there are two truths in play: Trump fits the textbook definition of a psychopath, and newsrooms don’t want to touch that story.”

This ☝️ is pretty much it in a nutshell. It reminds me of an excerpt in Mary Trump’s book describing Donald Trump’s father, who gradually declined into dementia. They were all embarrassed of him, but let him go about his business as best he could. So I’m just waiting until Trump breaks out the shoe-polish-black hair color. It’s only a matter of time.

Great song choice, very mellow.

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Joe Grushecky & the Houserockers - "That's What Makes Us Great" (feat. Bruce Springsteen)


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The usual bladda bladda bladda about how we do not need to inspire panic in the populace, so let's play things down. It is not working to calm the nation.

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