Frankly, I was amazed that Tucker didn’t urge the Republicans to take to the streets to demand justice for White people, but maybe they were afraid of the new laws that lets counter-protestors drive into crowds.

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Fox news made its bones on conceit. They want you to think they have an insider's scoop on everything. Hasn't that worn thin already?

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Tucker Carlson was right when he said Chauvin trial viewers saw a lynching, but he mixed up the victims. Chauvin lynched George Floyd, and then got a fair trial and was convicted. Carlson's attempt to portray Chauvin as a victim shows Carlson to be every bit as depraved and inhuman as Chauvin was that day. Meanwhile, Limbaugh and Goebbels are laughing in hell.

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The Rethugs simply went to "Plan B" - Threat of "riots" cowed the jury since clearly on the video Chauvin was innocent. There was a "Plan Q" - by Marjorie Taylor Greene, lying that the streets of DC were empty, expecting a verdict reaction. The BLM Protests last year were not riots. They were protests. Many instances of property damage - and a couple of murders - have been laid at the feet of White Supremacists who hoped to blame such disasters on the protestors. They have a January 6 problem, obviously. THAT was a riot, that was murder, that was chaos. So the fervent hope that Chauvin would've gone the other way so they could other sided the insurrection. As it is, National Guard were at the ready - the Guard that was nowhere to be found on Jan 6 until quite late.

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Fox isn’t capable, but they should’ve just taken the L on the whole Chauvin story

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Fox failed this time anyway because 55% of Republicans agree with the verdict according that that USA Today poll.


This is the most hopeful sign I have seen in a long time. I need it especially after reading that the No Labels group has hired the odious Mark Halperin. They didn’t even back down when some staffers strongly objected. Instead they “allowed” them to take time off to think about what they want. Too bad there isn’t more attention to this story.

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Fox isn't content with whipping up white hate. They want a race war.

Those who advertise on Fox must be held liable.

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Well said, Eric. As always. #BLM

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Name a loyal republican who IS for America?

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Let me think... OK. Not a one.

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I don't know why you even poised to think about it 🤣😂😂😂

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Many are “for America” but not for America as a democracy.

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Biden's success and popularity so far, as well as the potential progress ahead, must be driving Fox executives bonkers. The network's further turn to the right reaks of desperation.

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Biden’s success also seems to be driving the headline writers at the WaPo crazy, too. They keep hyping crises and problems that supposedly are threatening Biden’s presidency.

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Biden's success takes away the power of the 'both sides' argument.

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It's all so amazing and predictable when it comes to Fox News. I wonder what Tucker Carlson's take would have been had Chauvin been a black police officer who snuffed out a white George Floyd. I think we all know the answer.

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And the FOX cheese stands alone. Limburger imo. What happens to FOX as it’s audience ages into oblivion or somehow figures out the cruel ruse. Tucker Carlson is an unconscionably smug and hate filled man. I agree with Eric, they should have taken a pass on this one. Despicable.

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The circular logic of the Republicans and their media enablers is a perpetual motion machine that reaffirms itself every trip around. The cat in the box might be alive or dead, but they have reasons to be pissed about any outcome. So the circle is complete. Schrodinger's Party. You never know what excuse they'll use but the cat is always dead.

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In this case it is the circular logic of Republican leaders and right wing media that is operating. However it isn’t succeeding this time. According the the USA Today/Ipsos poll that Eric cited 55% of Republicans agree with the verdict!!


Color me shocked and pleased. Clearly the information about Floyd’s killing broke through the wall of right wing propaganda which makes me hopeful that a significant portion of Republicans are not completely lost to facts or so racist they don’t even care about black people being murdered by cops.

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