Coup 101 - Sew doubt in elections. Say the lie so many times that many people believe it because their confirmation bias prohibits them from looking at things objectively. Now add to that a "news" organization that is also willing to marginalize democracy and authoritarian rule just might ensue. In Michigan you have old fashioned law abiding Republicans pointing out the lie but the complicit Fox News won't let their viewers know. These are dire times indeed.

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absolutely. this is authoritarianism 101

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One "dead guy voted" case in Michigan turned out to be the son of the deceased, who had the same name as his father and lived at dad's house, who had cast his own ballot. Meanwhile, in Ohio, a Trumper who voted for himself and then cast a mail-in ballot for his dead father, got caught and charged with a felony. His defense is that he was just fulfilling his father's wish (to vote for Trump). Bonus: it's a Republican prosecutor who brought the case, and Ohio's Republican Sec of State lashed out at people who have echoed wingnut assaults on the integrity of the election process and machinery. (and the Former Guy won Ohio!)

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FB button malfunctioning again

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Another example of the lack of respect with which FOX holds its viewers. Cynicism of the worst kind. Makes my blood boil, which of course is the point.

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yep, outrage is their whole biz model

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Thanks Eric.

Michigan Republicans seem to be ahead of the curve. To win, they know 1) they must get out the Republican vote and 2) suppress the non-Republican vote. So they 1) issue a report affirming the validity of the results and 2) use the report to pass laws limiting access and empowering partisan election officials. Of course to many this is so illogical it hurts.

But becoming a laughing stock (AZ) or casting doubt on any result and thereby suppressing the base (GA 2020), seems problematic. So why not go full crazy? So long as Fox and other media keep spreading the propaganda ...

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it is interesting to watch pockets of the GOP reject Trump's "stolen" claims. just now sure how long they can hold out

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I was thinking the same thing.

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Well, I for one welcome the return of the Sex-Crazed Pandas as Tucker flails to distract his viewers from the news that 2020 was a normal election. Maybe we should start an office pool on what form of “Squirrel!” Fox News is going to use?

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Thanks again for The Good Stuff and The Fun Stuff!

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yr welcome!

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I look forward to the investigation and punishment of those who perpetuated the lie and caused so much pain and money

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me too! seems like clear case of fraud

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Dream on my friend. Dream on. I’ll believe it when I see it.

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AND....the ones who are lawyers should be disbarred. Usually the legal profession does a decent job of policing itself, but the bar associations and state entities (usually the highest court) who call the shots have certainly been lax in following up on conduct that would not be tolerated by lower profile attorneys than Rudy and Sidney Powell.

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Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall is noting that both the AP and the Washington Post are falling for Republican claims that Biden sprung a surprise on them by linking the two infrastructure bills together. Point of fact, they’ve known for days Biden won’t sign the bipartisan bill if the Democrats reconciliation bill isn’t on his desk too. The outrage is fake. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/wapo-hooked-too

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The First Amendment does not confer the right to commit treason against the United States. I think alleged Attorney General Merrick Garland, if he's alive, should think about that.

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