Memories of 1998 when 100+ newspapers demanded Bill Clinton's resignation over a stained blue dress and the Four Horsemen who led the Penis Hunt--Tim Russert, Tweety Matthews, Michael Kelly and Maureen Dowd endlessly called for Bill's impeachment.
But now--not a peep from the Corporate Controlled Conservative Press except for the usual crap about "Democrats in Disarray"...
Memories of 1998 when 100+ newspapers demanded Bill Clinton's resignation over a stained blue dress and the Four Horsemen who led the Penis Hunt--Tim Russert, Tweety Matthews, Michael Kelly and Maureen Dowd endlessly called for Bill's impeachment.
But now--not a peep from the Corporate Controlled Conservative Press except for the usual crap about "Democrats in Disarray"...
Russert, Matthews and Maureen Dowd were also huge fans of the much more reckless and adulterous JFK. They were appalled by Clinton’s dalliance but were able to overlook JFK’s.
To me a telling fact is that the public overwhelmingly opposed impeachment despite the media’s efforts to make it happen. Fox News was in its early days so it wasn’t a huge factor.
Times have changed, and newspapers are all on terrible financial footing. Losing advertisers or readers, becomes an existential threat.
And we are different. In 1998, and through the W and Obama years, I was able to listen to NPR all day at work. Now I cringe as they give republicans air time to spout disinformation, can't listen to Morning Edition, and have allowed my membership to slip . I don't think the lying increased (see WMD); I think my intolerance did. So in 2016 I stopped reading the NYT, and cancelled my subscription and $$$, based in large part of Michael Schmidt and "her emails." I read here, Daily KOS, watch TRMS, and skim the WaPo.
Memories of 1998 when 100+ newspapers demanded Bill Clinton's resignation over a stained blue dress and the Four Horsemen who led the Penis Hunt--Tim Russert, Tweety Matthews, Michael Kelly and Maureen Dowd endlessly called for Bill's impeachment.
But now--not a peep from the Corporate Controlled Conservative Press except for the usual crap about "Democrats in Disarray"...
Russert, Matthews and Maureen Dowd were also huge fans of the much more reckless and adulterous JFK. They were appalled by Clinton’s dalliance but were able to overlook JFK’s.
To me a telling fact is that the public overwhelmingly opposed impeachment despite the media’s efforts to make it happen. Fox News was in its early days so it wasn’t a huge factor.
Times have changed, and newspapers are all on terrible financial footing. Losing advertisers or readers, becomes an existential threat.
And we are different. In 1998, and through the W and Obama years, I was able to listen to NPR all day at work. Now I cringe as they give republicans air time to spout disinformation, can't listen to Morning Edition, and have allowed my membership to slip . I don't think the lying increased (see WMD); I think my intolerance did. So in 2016 I stopped reading the NYT, and cancelled my subscription and $$$, based in large part of Michael Schmidt and "her emails." I read here, Daily KOS, watch TRMS, and skim the WaPo.