Mr. Boehlert:

First, but hopelessly off-topic; your “bete noir”, Chris Cillizza, had a video post last Thursday that hit Trump about as hard as I’ve seen anywhere.

There was a point when Fox demanded the vaccine be named after Trump. There are pictures of Ivanka getting vaccinated. There are Trump quotes claiming ownership of the vaccine.

So, at some time, Trump & Fox turned against the vaccines. When & why? This 180 turn ought have raised more interest.

Finally, it is darkly humorous to see the “pro-life” party oppose vaccination. Those who deny the existence of natural selection are about to see it in action.

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Nihilism. Had to go to the dictionary for an accurate definition. Eric, that’s the word that truly characterizes the total lack of empathy, sympathy, compassion, integrity, humanity on the side of Murdoch, Fox, et. al. I’m not a religious person, but if there is a hell, they should start planning for their trip. For now, they are the purveyors of hell on earth. Shameful.

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My only possible explanation of Rupert Murdoch’s psychology is that he’s inherently damaged.

As Alfred said to Batman: “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

There’s no explaining him, he’s not making a buck off of this, his aged viewers are dying fast and not being replaced by younger, more affluent advertising targets. He’s a psycho.

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Good morning Eric. I'm sorry but I have reached the point where 'you can't fix stupid' and I see Darwin at work as the Rs kill off their voters.

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I'm hardly one to promote government regulation of the media. But "there ought to be a law" comes to mind after reading the "Merchant of death." Or at least a mountain of lawsuits.

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Ridiculous, unproven and dangerous conspiracy theories against vaccination against a deadly disease are being taught every single day in the classroom that is the fox cable channel. Seems to me, every new death of someone who has uttered any of the fox talking points in public as reason to have not protected themselves (and by extension, the rest of us) is a legal cause of action. A few hundred thousand counts of manslaughter in a court filing ought to get someones' attention. Fox is the definition of evil.

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How a court case hasn't tested the "fire" in a crowded theater paradigm for press freedom is beyond me.

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At some level, Rupert Murdoch must enjoy the idea that he has the power to convince people to do things that will kill them. There’s no other way to explain what he does.

It’s not just about the money and the sex he has at his disposal, the people of power who bend their knees to him - it’s that people are dying because of the grip he has on them. If that isn’t power, what is?

While the pandemic issue is bad enough, the climate denial from the Murdoch empire is wreaking havoc on a global scale. That Murdoch legacy will be felt for centuries.

Monster is such an inadequate word.

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When all else fails, my go-to explanation for things is always money. It is the great motivator for evil acts. However, there seems to be a lot more going on with Fox News (and the lesser right wing outlets) than simply raking in the bucks.

Rather than go into a long build up, I simply think it is a case where people for whom being dickish and an egoist self-promoter is a religion. Owning the libs is a secret club. It reminds me of the characters in Trading Places, Mortimer and Randolph, who ruin a man's life and promote another's for a dollar bet. People are dying for real but to Tucker Carlson and the other fools on Fox News, they're worth the sacrifice simply because they are of a lower class and fodder for their fun.

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Bob Somerby said it years ago about Sean Hannity: "When a guy with 3 million viewers is lying to them every night, THAT's NEWS, and it should be reported as such by actual journalists." Fox BS is not a challenge to Dems to come up with better arguments, it's an assault on honesty and decency and the country's ability to have a fact-based discussion. Goebbels is laughing in hell, and eagerly awaiting Rupert's arrival. (PS - "The Murdoch Variant" is brilliant branding!)

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I've never understood why Trump -- of all people -- passed up such a slam-dunk opportunity for self-promotion. He could have gone on TV live from the Oval Office in December or January and said, "I want everyone in our Great Country to go get the TRUMP VACCINE as soon as possible. The BIG, BEAUTIFUL TRUMP VACCINE, that's what people are calling it. There's never been anything like it in the history of the world, and it was brought to you by your favorite president." Even now he could do it, though it wouldn't have nearly the same impact.

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Does Murdoch have the same power in his homeland of Australia when it comes to the media?

I am disgustedly shocked that one political party in this country would work to sabotage a WORLD wide pandemic instead of working with Federal and State governments to get as many people vaccinated as possible. This is where we are in 2020-21. It’s absolutely horrendous. Where is my America and what have the Republicans done to her.

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How Fox News gets away with this is mind boggling. But then again, we are seeing very little justice in the wake of the assault on our democracy for over four years culminating with the insurrection on the Capitol. Really, what incentive do the bad actors, including Fox News, have in stopping from this lunatic behavior? Maybe the path to justice is slow and I've lost my patience but as every day goes by it seems more and more like we are just simply lost as a nation. I mean here we have a major news outlet hyping that a vaccine that will save your life, get us out of the pandemic and get the US and its economy back to normal is a really bad thing. If that doesn't tell you that the Republicans only crave power for itself at all costs and everything else be damned, I don't know what does.

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"Own" the libs? A telling turn of phrase! But how can these would-be Legrees own anyone, when they don't even own themselves?

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I'll bring a case of beer to the Press Run picnic for every one of the Fox Noise talking herd that HASN'T been vaccinated.

I expect to be traveling light...

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Wouldn't it be nice if some medical professionals thought, hm, we're ethically obligated to protect patient privacy, but it's more important to protect patients generally, so let's release the vaccination records of all of the Fux Noise traitors?

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