Mr. Boehlert. Quoting Meghan McCardle’s opinion piece as Washington Post authority is both unfair and unwise. Unfair as she is a well known part or RW Media & thus predictable in her opinion pieces. Unwise as it gives her a credibility she simply doesn’t deserve.
One part of me via not unhappy that Republicans are cutting benefits. First,…
Mr. Boehlert. Quoting Meghan McCardle’s opinion piece as Washington Post authority is both unfair and unwise. Unfair as she is a well known part or RW Media & thus predictable in her opinion pieces. Unwise as it gives her a credibility she simply doesn’t deserve.
One part of me via not unhappy that Republicans are cutting benefits. First, because the Federal deficit is too high as it is. Second because the attack ads write themselves. Picture Republican Officeholder being shown literally snatching money out of people’s hands.
But the reason for this post is that you, the Republicans, and everyone else in this debate, miss the key point here.
Unemployment recipients are consumers.
Workers are consumers.
Hammer this home. It’s not about payments as much as the spending on goods & services those payments allow.
Megan McCardle is published by the Washington Post, not some right wing propaganda rag which gives her opinion weight. Also Post’s articles about economic issues, not just McCardle’s has been consistent with Republican claims in recent weeks. They have had several articles, including ones by the editorial staff, hyping the fears of Biden’s proposed spending causing inflation. Most of those articles used Larry Summers’s claims plus the options of unnamed economists to “prove” their point and completely ignore counter factual evidence.
Why aren't the opinion people and the so-called experts like Summers required to show evidence when they make these claims? To quote Christopher Hitchens, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". In other words, put up or shut up.
Mr. Boehlert. Quoting Meghan McCardle’s opinion piece as Washington Post authority is both unfair and unwise. Unfair as she is a well known part or RW Media & thus predictable in her opinion pieces. Unwise as it gives her a credibility she simply doesn’t deserve.
One part of me via not unhappy that Republicans are cutting benefits. First, because the Federal deficit is too high as it is. Second because the attack ads write themselves. Picture Republican Officeholder being shown literally snatching money out of people’s hands.
But the reason for this post is that you, the Republicans, and everyone else in this debate, miss the key point here.
Unemployment recipients are consumers.
Workers are consumers.
Hammer this home. It’s not about payments as much as the spending on goods & services those payments allow.
Don’t allow the roles to be split.
Megan McCardle is published by the Washington Post, not some right wing propaganda rag which gives her opinion weight. Also Post’s articles about economic issues, not just McCardle’s has been consistent with Republican claims in recent weeks. They have had several articles, including ones by the editorial staff, hyping the fears of Biden’s proposed spending causing inflation. Most of those articles used Larry Summers’s claims plus the options of unnamed economists to “prove” their point and completely ignore counter factual evidence.
Why aren't the opinion people and the so-called experts like Summers required to show evidence when they make these claims? To quote Christopher Hitchens, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". In other words, put up or shut up.