Since the days of Adam Smith, the debate has raged about the proper level of pay for labor. The lord and merchant classes were convinced that anything beyond subsistence wages would disincentivize work. But because a steady labor force was needed, workers needed enough money to be able to feed their children - the next wave of cheap la…
Since the days of Adam Smith, the debate has raged about the proper level of pay for labor. The lord and merchant classes were convinced that anything beyond subsistence wages would disincentivize work. But because a steady labor force was needed, workers needed enough money to be able to feed their children - the next wave of cheap labor. The dilemma was finding the level of pay that would allow workers to reproduce without making them lose their desperation to work. Seems there is still a market for that thinking.
also, the market doesn't work overnight. employers are scrambling to fill millions of post-pandemic jobs. there's no precedent for that kind of demand to be met in a matter of weeks. it will take many months. but GOP/press claiming there's immediate crisis
You can bet if the predicted dangers don’t happen the press will ignore that and go on to reporting about the next crisis Biden faces or has created. In fact a few days ago the WaPo had a headline about the current Israeli-Palestinian violence that framed it as a crisis for Biden and as causing division among Democrats as if that is the important takeaway. No mention of how Jared supposedly had already solved the problem.
That mentality is all over the Dickens' novel 'Hard Times'. You can't pay people who are literally losing limbs and being poisoned in factories or falling down abandoned mine shafts a decent wage or give them any rights because they'll somehow be spoiled goods who are unable or unwilling to work. See Mr. Potter in 'It's A Wonderful Life' as well.
Since the days of Adam Smith, the debate has raged about the proper level of pay for labor. The lord and merchant classes were convinced that anything beyond subsistence wages would disincentivize work. But because a steady labor force was needed, workers needed enough money to be able to feed their children - the next wave of cheap labor. The dilemma was finding the level of pay that would allow workers to reproduce without making them lose their desperation to work. Seems there is still a market for that thinking.
also, the market doesn't work overnight. employers are scrambling to fill millions of post-pandemic jobs. there's no precedent for that kind of demand to be met in a matter of weeks. it will take many months. but GOP/press claiming there's immediate crisis
You can bet if the predicted dangers don’t happen the press will ignore that and go on to reporting about the next crisis Biden faces or has created. In fact a few days ago the WaPo had a headline about the current Israeli-Palestinian violence that framed it as a crisis for Biden and as causing division among Democrats as if that is the important takeaway. No mention of how Jared supposedly had already solved the problem.
That mentality is all over the Dickens' novel 'Hard Times'. You can't pay people who are literally losing limbs and being poisoned in factories or falling down abandoned mine shafts a decent wage or give them any rights because they'll somehow be spoiled goods who are unable or unwilling to work. See Mr. Potter in 'It's A Wonderful Life' as well.