What gets lost - in no small part because of media coverage - is the underlying high crime. In Impeachment 1.0, you didn't see reports about how legally and ethically appalling it was for Trump to attempt to extort personally beneficial action from a foreign leader by withholding congressionally appropriated monies. The coverage focused on political fallout for the Dems. And now it is more of the same - gloss over the months long effort by Trump of planting and nurturing the Big Lie and the death and mayhem that resulted, and once again talk about how an acquittal will be a political positive for Trump in 2024. Quite the reversal of the collective hysteria the Repubs and the media displayed over presidential blow jobs 20 years ago.

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sorry, but the media coverage of the sideshow aspects of an impeachment trial is driven, in large part, because the proceedings themselves just rehash stuff that has previously been reported -- especially during the impeachment phase in the House. The problem is the bias in the reporting on the sideshows.

This time might be different, because Raskin is saying that he has "new evidence" that hasn't been made public yet. In other words, the impeachment managers will actually giving the media something newsworthy to focus on. (and if they're smart, they'll dominate the news cycle while Team Trump gets its 16 hours by managing rumors of witnesses that might/could be called.)

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Politicians pay attention to which way the wind's blowing. Editors know that, and need to be

held to account when the facts are evident. This is a case where the facts are not just evident, but widely witnessed by almost everybody, on live tv, and ad nauseam every day since. Additional facts continue to become public record in prosecutorial filings against the perpetrators of the riot, many of whom have claimed they were directly ordered to attack the Senate by their "leader" to "stop the steal."

Yet Republican senators (jurors) are already saying they will vote to acquit, before the trial has even begun. This is the Real Story, the one that people should be challenged with: It is the Republican Senators who are making a mockery of the process, and their behavior will have long term and perhaps catastrophic consequences for our democracy. The editors and members of the press need to make this point clearly.

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remember how in the days following Jan 6 DC press actually thought GOP would turn on Trump? as you say today, they couldn’t care less

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I wouldn't be surprised if my eighth grade Civics teacher exploded out of her grave like an ICBM.

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Eric, wonder if they even question him about the funds, $170 million? raised to "fight" the count and to keep him in office or the funds he diverted from R campaign chest to his accounts? Is it Cruz who's now raising money to 🤣 fight the impeachment?

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they can't do that when they themselves are repugs and only go for sound bites from other repugs. the way things stand with the press and editors it's like the last thing on their minds is democracy. they continue to talk to trumpettes on their feelings they never talk to a dem voter about their feelings I guess we don't count.

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You're spot on, as usual.

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Did you see this headline in the NY Times?

“In the Battle for the Capitol, Veterans Fought on Opposite Sides:

Military veterans trying to defend the Capitol on Jan. 6 were taunted by veterans in the pro-Trump mob who were storming it. Both felt they were doing their patriotic duty in a fractured country.”


It might have described those veterans as “good people on both sides”.

Talk about coddling the military. If anything those vets trying to overthrow our government were more culpable than the others because they all took an oath to defend our government against people like them.

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Fox Business is now putting on Larry Kudlow, because I guess they think America needs an hour of watching someone combat issues, if you get my drift.

As for Politico, there's a reason that Charlie Pierce calls it Tiger Beat on the Potomac, and that no one who covers politics regularly in DC should be called a reporter. That should be reserved for people who actually commit journalism.

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Wow. How perfect and thoughtful. It is always the Democrats that are the problem according to Politico, it's as if some in the press don't even believe in democracy, the way they sow division at every turn.

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what’s so amazing is that when it was a Dem President being impeached the press coverage was completely different

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Yes, it was vastly different. No press covered any of the "behind the scenes sources tell us"... they do that all the time now as if it lets them have a pass. These lawmakers are not your friends. If you get an exclusive, it's because they wanted you to have it. Democrats tend to answer the press directly and as a result the coverage is different. If they answer the questions out loud, you aren't a "brilliant investigative journalist behind the scenes Woodward and Berstein type," you're just a working reporter like the rest of us. If the press try and make themselves the story coverage will be different. If transparent, there is nothing to investigate. In the Clinton case there was plenty to investigate, plenty of secrecy. Why then did they not cover this the same way?

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Other than with Clinton’s affair with Monica the other “scandals” were made up so the Clinton’s had nothing to keep secret. Most people don’t remember that fairly early in the faux scandal-palooza there was a Special Prosecutor, the highly respected, Republican Robert Fiske. Fiske looked at the Whitewater deal, Travelgate, Filegate and Vince Foster’s suicide and found no wrongdoing on the part of the Clintons.

The media downplayed Fiske’s investigation. Then the NY Times called for an Independent Counsel, saying that Fiske wasn’t really independent because he was appointed by Clinton’s AG. Imagine the Times complaining about Robert Mueller like that — and Mueller was not only appointed by Trump’s AG, he was from the same party as Trump.

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Yes. You are right. But the question remains why are they doing it. I read an editorial in WAPO yesterday about how Biden needs to act now on Afghanistan, climate. Where was this outrage under Trump? They are dumping on him because they can. That does not make you a hard hitting journalist, it makes you a coward. Just as you point out they were with the Clintons.

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The best explanation I can think of is that they are trying to prove they are unbiased in their coverage of Democrats and Republicans. Unfortunately think being unbiased means being as tough on Democrats as they are on Republicans. Who cares if Republicans deserves a lot more criticism the media will find a way to criticize the Democrats just as much even if it means going after them on process, appearance and other trivial matters. Both USA Today and the NY Times’s Dean Baquet recently talked about how eager they were to be really aggressive in their reporting on Biden. They have been really intimidated by attacks on them from the right.

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"Unfortunately think being unbiased means being as tough on Democrats as they are on Republicans." Actually, it's that they think that being unbiased means that they are TOUGHER on Democrats than they are on Republicans, who the media rarely holds to account for their actions.

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Clinton was an outright LIAR on National Television. WTF. If anyone went against Hillary and Bill, they suffered mercilessly. They used OUR government agencies to terrorize people. Where have you been? Fiske was incompetent and biased about all that he "investigated."

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While doing some chores this morning, I heard Katy Tur on the TV say the country was split on convicting former President Trump. Split? As I turned my gaze to the screen and saw 56 percent want a conviction vs. 43 percent that don't, I asked to no one out loud, how is that split? Doesn't a split typically mean at or close to 50-50? It's a 13 point difference. That's a very big margin and hardly quantifies the country as being split or narrow.

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Katie Tur often seems to have a holier-than-thou attitude towards politics and politicians. She often seems to me to be dripping with disdain about the normal processes of healthy political processes. In recent weeks she has toned it down, clearly appalled by what Trump has been doing but I figured she would soon be back to her normal self. Looks like she already is.

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By now it should be clear that Politico, like The Hill, is a fraud. They are both Republican sympathizers masquerading as objective mediocrities.

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And now, Politico runs a header an hour ago, "TRUMP WAS QUITE DISPLEASED WITH HIS DEFENSE TEAM" with the sub, "The president was frustrated with the meandering arguments......" Excuse me. The PRESIDENT??? Doubleyew the Foxtrot? The PRESIDENT??? Politico is hereby dead to me.

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Can't help wondering WHY this extraordinary situation exists within your press/media - the "heads you lose, tails you lose" attitude to the non-GOP line/s.

Are the editorial boards comprised of secret GOP-voting men ? - are the editors themselves secret GOP supporters ?

Don't they SEE the bias of their publications on plain view ???

Sighh ..

It's very disturbing.

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This article by NYU professor of journalism, Jay Rosen, gives a good explanation for why this situation exists. It is the result of journalists warped idea of how to be objective.

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The reboot of Politico Playbook is a step backwards for journalism and a return to their patented “'Some Say,' Some Said” gossip-sheet selves.

I’m old enough to remember "The Caucus" that Katie Glueck (now with the NYTimes) wrote that was exactly gossip and innuendo in a listicle format in which not one source was ever named, but instead described as, “One Iowa Republican says...”

The creative wit was that she found lots of ways of writing “says” -- my favorite being “asseverated” which I had to look up in several different dictionaries to find.

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Asseverated. That’s a new one for me, too.

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Nailed it again on Politico and the mainstream press in general, Eric. I think it’s time to go after the top line editors who approve these angles. Their never ending quest to prove they are “objective” and aren’t part of the “liberal media” is appalling.

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I really appreciate your introducing me to great songs.

And to speak my mind.....one who has listened to entire Clinton impeachment, I'm sure there'll be more if not most voters who will turn away from repubs. I wasn't ready to vote yet and still vowed that will never vote for any R. I jokingly said that I will gladly vote for an actual donkey than the fraud that repubs are.

I understand that your focus is on calling out the media but there could be more than just bothsideism or theur desire to counter the "liberal media" image, like may be the owners, who must be ultra rich or just rich but friends of them, might influence the reporting.

For last 4 decades the stupidest, laziest dereliction on part of Democrats was to ignore the shenigans and hypocrisy of gop and their faux cry of "liberal media" while turning the media into RW mouthpieces. Instead of stripping their faux values and making bare their fraud the Democrats acted like a spouse in a bad relationship. I'm so glad that Biden administration started with bold policies and love the press secretary for calling out media's BS. Hope Joe will continue to work on the implementation of the majority's will and needs.

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Until recently anytime Democrats tried to fight back the media would hammer them for doing it. I still remember how when chickenhawk Bush’s henchmen attacked Kerry’s genuine war heroism the media put more focus on how Kerry was responding to those attacks. At first he chose not to dignify those insane lies with a response and the media accused him of looking weak. When he did fight back they said he looked defensive, i.e., weak.

Trump was so blatantly horrible that that standard has changed recently but I woudln’t count on it staying that way. The media expects the Mommy Party to clean up the messes left by the “boys will be boy” Daddy Party without complaint.

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That's another thing I couldn't forget and will never forgive the media; the traitors called repubs are beyond forgiveness and redemption.

I was shocked and mad to see/read the disrespect by his fellow veterans in trashing John Kerry with their vitriolic, and hateful lies with ugly drama called swiftboat veterans for w. The joke was on repub voters as they believed the lies against a decorated purple heart veteran by fellow veterans for a win for W, a draft dodger, first time illegitimate, crowned by SC. . From an "immigrant's" perspective, even though American citizen, (oh yes, I have been told to go back for expressing my political views), America's downward journey started with Reagan and was fast with W and fastest with drumfp. The time R chose greed and power over country. The systematic policies to lower education standards to keep uninformed and illeducated that way, making poor yet poorer, making the middle class poor while making rich ultra and 1%s. I as an ordinary citizen was baffled as to how a rich country treats it's poor and how can a society function and be successful without including ALL in the journey?

Read the best article, should be a must read, from Times magazine about the efforts starting in late 2019, put in by labor unions and chamber of commerce to fight to save our democracy in 2020 election . It wasn't just us voters, although I 🤔. It's frightening to imagine how close we came to loosing our democracy. I'm sure a lot of us would like to see cruz, hawley, johnson, graham, jordan, rubio etc even mcConnell expelled for their compromising of last 4 years. But we know the outcome of the drama that's been played out right now. It's time Democrats wake up and stand up to R and most of all the media. Democrats should start using fir lies and smear as the Smartmatic company's the fauxnoise and their dumb and crazy mouthpieces.

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Have you noticed that whenever people in the mainstream media want to emphasize the extremes Republicans will go to to slander a Democrat they always bring up birtherism, not the attacks on Kerry or their accusing Bill, and often Hillary Clinton, of murdering their close friend Vince Foster? Murder is the most heinous crime yet the media has chosen to forget that Republicans not only spread that lie, the wasted millions of our tax dollars on 4 Republican-led investigations of that vicious slander. I think the media prefers to reference the birther lie because Trump was involved and they want to blame right wing insanity on just him. That way they can pretend that the insanity is an aberration caused by Trump, not Republican leaders. The other reason is that they don’t want to admit that the they were guilty of not holding Republicans’ feet to the fire for their slanders of Kerry, Clinton and Gore. In fact the media often joined in spreading the lies. For example, the media knew that Gore had never claimed to have invested the internet but many had fun repeating that lie.

I recently listened to Hillary’s podcast interview with Nancy Pelosi. Nancy told Hillary that she believes Republicans went off the rails under Newt when they went all in on the politics of personal destruction. I agree.

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Obama is the easiest target as R made magots believe to be muslim and Kenyan. What's infuriating is these R and their patriots are actually hurting this country and Obama tried to save from those. I'll never understand ANY woman ever supporting let alone voting for R knowing, watching their misogyny, inhumanity in women's basic rights and utterly disrespectful attitude. Hillary Clinton is the poster woman. That was another observation the hatred and ill-treatment if Hillary before, during, and after Bill Clinton's presidency. Comey became instrumental and played central role in making drufp P. They rather wanted and had a morally and financially bankrupt, inept, dumb, undeserving man with entitlement attitude, (with apologies to all good white and other men), than Hillary who's historically experienced, competent, more deserving than anybody and who would have furthered the country's agenda and actually MAGA than the fraudster that was awarded with the responsibility that he wasn't competent nor willing to shoulder. It was more our loss than was Hillary's.

Newt and his gang started the RW loons on this path and then more and more of RW crazies, then came along drumfp and his fine people and their hatred of anyone different is going to destroy this country if we don't change the course and steer country towards getting pandemic under control, rebuilding, and success for ALL.

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Sorry meant "Democrats start suing for lies"

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Fuck Politico. It’s become trash.

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