Just a reminder that Bob Casey kicked Santorum out of the Senate in 2006 by the widest margin of any Senate race that year.

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yes and we loved it here in PA.

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CNN ceased to be a 24-7 news purveyor when Ted Turner surrendered it into the Warner maw and that corporate entity hired the likes of Jeff Zucker turned it into Fox Lite. I quit CNN in 2015-16, after his crew of Trump cronies humiliated my intelligence once too often. Call it avoidance. Better yet, call it a boycott.

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It's all about ratings and click-bait...all of it. I force myself to stick to the garden and classical music, or else I would tear my hair out. My first protest was the March on Washington in October 1967.....we are actually in a WORSE place now,then we were then, IMHO.

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I don't understand what CNN gets out of putting this detestable clown on the air. Does Rick Santorum boost their ratings? Does anything he says add to the discourse? Is it just that they need the right wing foil so that every panel he's on turns into a McLaughlin Group cosplay?

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he provides CNN w/ political cover—they can point to him and say we have GOP’s too

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That may have been the original point but he’s so far removed from any current political discussions, he adds nothing

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There is a reason they have this particular person on and I suspect it's because he's so buffoonish and unlikeable.

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That Rick Santorum is a racist, misogynist, deeply offensive jerk is not news. He’s been this way for years. Why CNN keeps him employed is the mystery. He has no following I’m aware of. He has no ambitions that would be furthered by appearing on CNN. Someone somewhere must have lost a bet. And the loser had to put up with Rick’s constant embarrassments. That the viewing public is also subjected to him makes us all losers.

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CNN is only looking at the bottom line. It’s one thing to offer a range of opinions; it’s another thing to fail to recognize lies and hate speech and allow them to go unchallenged. Hitler’s views on Jews were an opinion, after all, right?

Nicolle Wallace has had an epiphany about the GOP and the way the media has failed to realize that Trump is what they all are now. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/4/27/2027778/-Nicolle-Wallace-on-Republicans-Fear-of-Trump-was-the-excuse-We-were-wrong-They-are-Trump

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MSNBC is competing well without pandering to right wingers. CNN could do the same but it has always been too timid.

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The 3 great premises in Charlie Pierce's "Idiot America" are validated 10 fold in this clown. What he wrote in 2009 is still true...

Premise 1: Any theory is valid if it sells books, soaks up ratings, or otherwise moves units.

Premise 2: Anything can be true if someone says it loudly enough.

Premise 3: Fact is that which enough people believe. Truth is determined by how fervently they believe it.

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To claim that having these people on is an attempt to represent Trump supporters or have diversity of opinion is reasonable. To stand for them spewing bald faces lies is not. Can CNN not enforce truth standards? Apparently not.

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If we were to get an updated version of the "Fairness Doctrine" passed into law we could actually see that change, however...

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Trying to “educate” Santorum is wasted effort. Willful ignorance can’t be cured.

Native American culture has made a significant impact on “American” culture. If not just place names like, Kansas, Dakota, and Utah; the game of Lacrosse is American Indian.

To the main point. Trump seems to bash CNN early and often.

Is it some sort of Kabuki Theater to maintain CNN’s “liberal bona fidies”?

Does Trump not see the support CNN gives?

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I stopped watching CNN back in 1988 when GOP Stooge Bernie Shaw recited the "Kitty Question" that destroyed Dukakis' chance of beating Old Man Bush.

The question was provided to Bernie by none other than Roger Ailes.

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Trumpism is here and it's just as dangerous as ever. Why do people like to be lied to when they should see right through [most of] it? Is it because these lies agree with their own prejudices of what the country should be? Do they think that an equitable society confirms their fears that the "brown" people are going to take over?

When their fears are compounded by the lies of all these "actors in bad faith" and these people, who in my opinion, are as foolish as possible is beyond my comprehension.

Our only hope is that the truth will prevail-- but I for one, am not [too] optimistic.

After the new Congressional Districts are drawn on (faulty [by design], thanks to Trump) "new" census information we will have to see how much control the Republicans may have commandeered from that [bogus] count.

People normally are good but put them in a group of like-minded sycophants and anything is possible as we saw on January 6th.

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I have never been more depressed.

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I hear that. Every day I wake to the MSM spewing the false narrative that both parties are the same. They are NOT! Liberals are not carrying their AKs into Walmart and storming the Capital trying to overthrow the (duly and fairly elected) government.

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Just last night NBC had uber tool Peter Alexander on the road asking Trump voters if Biden is failing to unite the country. This concocted "failure" ignores longstanding coordinated Republican intransigence. Why not ask voters if the GOP is making bipartisanship impossible?

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GOP Presstitutes won't stop lying any lie about Joe.

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I am still waiting for the Dems-in-diners story.....(tapping foot impatiently)

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So true......where is whataboutism when you really need it?

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you did not include CNN's greatest liar of all, one Kayleigh McEnany... over two years of spouting, millions served.

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Maybe CNN is being subsidized to signal boost white nationalism.

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Interestingly, John Roberts--the racist on Fux Noise, not the racist chief justice--corrected himself for viewers on the whole meat business. That doesn't make him any less a paid propagandist and a disgrace to journalism, but it brings me back to my favorite question: Why do those who are supposedly journalists--the diseased hundred-thousandth-of-a-cent streetwalkers who comprise the DC political media brothel and its satellites--treat people from Fux Noise as the pariahs they should be? Of course, I just answered myself.

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Rick Santorum probably still thinks Christopher Columbus is a great humanitarian. He's such an ignorant racist fool and for CNN to continue to roll him out for their both sides bull s@#t certainly lowers their credibility in their attempt to be the pinnacle of journalism. At what point does the media give up in trying to prove that there is some merit to the Republican Party? They don't care about governance, fairness, healthcare, the environmental crisis, the crumbling infrastructure, the pandemic or the deficit unless they can use it as a talking point when Democrats are in charge. Folks, we are at a very serious time in this country with the Republicans gerrymandering districts and passing voter suppression laws. Trump was right about one thing, the system is rigged. The problem is it's the Republicans who are rigging it because they can't win over the American people with their ideas. All they can do is cheat and scare folks that the aliens are coming to replace them. Santorum is just another idiot with his bringing America back to the 1950s platform. It's high time that we call out CNN to get this buffoon off the air.

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Chris Cuomo claimed his audience needed to hear Kellyanne Conway's hogwash because she was close to Trump and insight into his thinking was valuable. This was after Conway made it abundantly clear that she would not (or could not) ever be honest, and that all she brought to CNN's audience was a slightly more coherent version of whatever lunacy Trump had spewed that day. It certainly wasn't insight, and it seemed idiotic to give a dissembler like Conway a platform. Looks like Zucker and Cuomo were on the same page - political cover had some value.

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Why don't they hire a real Republican, someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger??? All of these ppl that have been hired in the past are part of the MAGA cult? Shame on Zucker and so glad I don't have cable!

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the GOP poll of sane Republicans is very thin, from hiring standpoint

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Kinda says it all.

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And this guy was a presidential candidate!? When he first appeared on CNN, I thought Santorum was just ignorant but that his Christian heart was in a good place. Not anymore. I no longer tune in. I’m with Dina: What’s so hard about finding a sincere and enlightened spokesperson for the right to appear on the show? Santorum’s comments about Native Americans are appalling, heartless and intellectually shallow and another black mark on CNN.

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I can tell you from a Very Personal DISTASTEFUL Encounter with Prick Santorum that he was just as phony as every Pulpit Pimp Preacher you see on TV.

Mother HATED him with a passion. When he campaigned for Senator in 1994 he knocked on Mom's door. She told him to go to hell and slammed the door in his face. So proud of what Mom did!

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Yes, us boomers, many of us, still have a good sense of right and wrong. But I am truly terrified for our democracy, as in, "if you can keep it."

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yep, Santorum’s a has-been to boot!

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I live in PA...you can't believe how embarrassing it was to have this guy as a Senator back in the day. Awful, just awful.

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I know all too well what that CENSORED did to my family and how he hurt Mom and Dad.

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Oh Ah-Nold isn't a real Republican anymore. Trump purged him out.

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Little’s better than a lecture on the greatness of western civilization from a supporter and proponent of tribalism and barbarism.

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