Don't look now but Biden is doing an amazing job all while trying to restore democratic norms! I would love to see that headline. The media are actively rooting for the Dems to get pummeled in the midterms but will the voters accommodate them? The economy is doing well, Joe Biden is likable and he clearly has a plan for everything. What are Republicans going to pull out of their asses this time? Socialist Commie Radical can only work for so long. Why isn't anyone writing about the possibility of voters tuning out Republican dogma? I think people are quite sick of the Republicans but simply do not want to talk about it. Why waste our breath? Just vote. Also, NPR has been bending over backwards for Republicans since GWB and 9/11. Actually, I would say the entire media have been subdued and lazy since 9/11 messaging from Republicans and have never recovered.

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What was that saying about the soft bigotry of low expectations? The flip side of that is the impossible burden of high expectations.

Democrats are supposed to remake the world into an earthly paradise for everyone, including the people sabotaging their every effort. When they inevitably fall short, the press calls it a failure despite what they have managed to do.

All anyone expects Republicans to do is keep Democrats from succeeding. No one expects them to actually solve any problems. They get a free pass.

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Dec 6, 2021Liked by Eric Boehlert

I stopped listening to NPR after Inskeep was installed as a cohost of Morning Edition to replace beloved curmudgeon Bob Edwards. Inskeep’s arrogance and bias was obvious then (in 2004) and both my husband I couldn’t stand him after a year or so. I certainly miss the old NPR, but what it became this century, no so much. Whenever I see high praise for either NPR—funny they dropped their full name National Public Radio—or PBS Newshour, I roll my eyes. Both have the same biases but they overlooked because of the “public” nature of their ownership.

Inskeep might do better to read Dana Milbank before he stupid-tweets again:


And here’s an interesting tidbit I found involving Bob Edwards:


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Joe Biden = Jimmy Carter is a meme that the clown car of Republican Senate candidates in Ohio have been hammering. The ads sound like a history of the 70s written by someone who wasn't an adult back then, and who hasn't done any reading on the mess Carter inherited in 1977. But, Biden = Carter is red meat for the rubes, and it warms Republican strategists' black hearts to see the media carry water for the GOP....again.

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NPR has been little more than Fox News with tote bags for years. I stopped listening to their news coverage long ago, propelled by the offensive but subtle partisanship of Leann Hansen on Sunday mornings. Like other commenters, I also lamented the loss of Bob Edwards, a far superior journalist than any of the hacks currently populating their airwaves.

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NPR is the NY Times of the airwaves. It's focus ultimately boils down to the interests of business. That said, the creep rightwards to appease loudmouthed Republicans is clearly a factor. It's just that Republicans say boo and NPR jumps twice as far to the right as they need to.

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They have used a literally hysterical tone in reporting on inflation and supply chain problems as well, but never follow-up with how the problems are resolving. Their political reporting is irresponsibly shallow, mainly focused on conventional wisdom and horse race style reporting.

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As I posted a few days ago the jobs number reported in the media is based on the survey done of employers, not the survey that is done of individuals. That second survey indicated a very good jobs number. On Andrea Mitchell’s show Austin Goolsbee pointed that out and explained that other data shows record number of people starting new businesses. The hiring by those new businesses won’t show up in the employer survey for awhile which could explain the big discrepancy between the number reported and the drop in unemployment claims. That drop was the lowest in 52 years. Given that the last jobs report had to be revised upward — significantly — it would be reasonable to expect an unbiased media to be much more skeptical of the low number they jumped on.

Not evidence a conspiracy, just of deeply ingrained bias on the part of a media.

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Thank you for validating me pounding my steering wheel with my fist sometimes when I'm listening to NPR in the car (oddly enough it's my only NPR time even though I'm a sustaining member of my local station). Audie Cornish of A-1 is also guilty of this behavior. She tends to toss volatile fuel on tiny embers, looking to generate a fire where none exists and it makes me crazy. Anyhow, a big THANK YOU for what you do - don't let up!

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I've given up on NPR for some time. Used to be a frequent listener and supporter. No more. I wonder how they will do in the coming fascist America that this kind of one-sided, hypocritical reporting will enable. Maybe they will dive in and become what one comment here noted: Fox News with tote bags. The MSM has apparently joined in some kind of "both-sides-do-it" suicide pact, and they are going to take all of us down with them.

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Thanks Eric. You struck a nerve this morning. An NPR nerve.

I discovered NPR in college, working with a construction crew to pay tuition, when the crew foreman tuned out truck radio to All Things Considered at the end of our workday. Around the same time I had my driveway moments on Saturday Nights with A Prairie Home Companion.

But in the last 4-5 years NPR shows like Morning Edition, etc., have practiced both-siderism to an alarming degree. The Muslim ban, child separation, et al we all know the list of things that started in 2017. And last month my favorite local program here in Philadelphia aired an economist espousing trickle-down economics. And by "aired" I mean gave him the same amount of time as the economist trying to explain how important Build Back Better is to the recovery.

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The first stone to be shaken off the Pillar of Democracy is the Free Press. In our country today the Pillar seems intent on suicide.

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(Noting: Was it also 3 months in a row that monthly jobs reports were drastically revised upwards?… Historically had never been ‘that off’? So much happening so quickly, would have to research that one… but a lack of ‘noise’ over those huge corrections also feels like another miss - ?)

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I've noticed a lot of media reporting bad opinions of Biden's achievements and proposed policies. First of all, he HAS policies! Isn't that amazing after 4 years of no policy? Second, you presented the facts well, and for the average American, unless NPR and other media spell out WHY they are bashing Biden and cheered Drump's similar achievements, we cannot not know their thinking. The fact that jobs have increased and the economy is booming after the chaotic and destructive pandemic is amazing. And, it's noted that the Biden administration has been trying to rebuild what Drump and his administration destroyed in addition to reaching out to help the average American citizen. Are there mistakes? Yes, but at least we have a president that doesn't spend press conferences lying incessantly and boasting his self-perceived great qualities. And, I have yet to hear or see Biden bully someone for taking an opposite view from his. I really think that media is stuck on creating drama and trauma to "sell" their headlines.

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I gave up on NPR when they endlessly slandered Anita Hill.

It's now just endless Republican Propaganda. Time to pull the plug and stop using taxpayer money to finance this cog in the 24/7 GOP BS Machine!

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I'll tell you what...Associated Press the only thing I read now...just straight news, thank you very much. NPR has gone way way off track and I'm so glad you got Steve Inskeep's attention, though doubt they will change their 'both-side-ism' ways.

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