The Times has an article today on America’s high death rate from Covid compared with the rest of the developed world, and lagging vaccine rates. There is not one mention of the deliberate obstruction by the GOP and right wing media on fighting the pandemic.

Apparently The NY Times is unable to conceive of any connection between Republicans and accountability.

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yes, so poorly done. America’s vax rate is 20 pts lower than all other high-income nations….just because

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That impressive gap in the NYTimes line graph showing how far behind we are in COVID vaccine rates just catapults me right back into my Trump disgust. You'd think that maybe it would have a similar effect on at least one or two of the editors.

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Not if they want to stay employed. Editors aren't experts in journalism these days, they're lackies for owners. They're not allowed to be anything more than that, so their choice is abandon a career they spent decades building or do the best they can fronting for propoganda and making excuses.

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I noticed this too. I’m tired of being disgusted by the NYT’s willful incompetence.

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I think it's willful, but don't think it's incompetence. They seem to be swinging to the right similar to elected Republicans. To frightened to put a straightforward truth out there. I cancelled my subscription to the Times and subscribed to Press Run. I don't want to support the Times' efforts to bamboozle Americans.

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Perhaps The NY Times wants to become America's Völkischer Beobachter, the propaganda rag from Munich that Hitler bought in 1923. The German paper helped Hitler to eventually be elected Chancellor. DeSantis, and Trump for that matter, currently do not own any newspaper. Why would they need to when the mainstream media is doing the cheerleading all on their own.

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I think we will uncover financial incentives that are helping the Times refrain from the truth for Republicans.

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I certainly hope so!

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I think NY Times has already become Völkischer Beobachter.

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Great article as ususal. Cannot understand how DeathSentence gets such gentle coverage. BTW, Dan Gelber is the mayor of Miami BEACH.

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agreed; 65k dead just gets swept away

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According to World Data we are now up to a whopping 890,000 covid deaths!

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And, remember that these numbers are probably false due to DeSantis' not reporting positives and deaths.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 4, 2022

Not probably. Florida is ground zero for inaccurate Covid data. And they have a surgeon general who doesn't believe in vaccines. His supervisor at UCLA reportedly didn't recommend him for the Florida post.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

He is also supposedly RupertM’s ‘selection’ for 2024, so… (from what I’ve read).

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I can certainly see that strategy; doubt it will work but I understand Murdoch plan

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Please explain. Is it just that Murdoch has never liked Trump personally? Youngkin doesn’t seem very different from Trump.

To me the question is why the Times keeps bashing Biden and burying his accomplishments while going easy on right wingers like DeSantis. I don’t think the usual “corporate puppet” explanation works. The Times isn’t owned by a corporation. In contrast to the Times and other “liberal” outlets, business publications like Forbes, Bloomberg, Business Insider and even the Wall Street Journal have put a spotlight on the good news about the strong economic growth under Biden. Bloomberg recently published an article showing that all income levels have seen strong growth since 2019. Most important Americans’ in the bottom half have seen their incomes grow 8.5% — in real terms with taxes and inflation factored in.


In contrast mainstream media has repeatedly declared that inflation has wiped out any gains lower income people have made. The Bloomberg article makes it clear that what will wipe out those gains is the Republicans refusal to renew the child tax credits and EITC.

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But is it, for all intents and purposes - ‘owned’ by Wall St.? (asking for a friend)…

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By “it” I assume you mean the Times? Good question but it seems odd that if Bloomberg, Forbes, Business Insider and even the WSJ, publications which certainly are tuned in to Wall Street’s point of view, are reporting the positive economic news that the Times is not. Instead like the rest of the media the Times is hyping inflation while mostly ignoring the good news.

Speaking of good news the WaPo has just posted a new piece written by the assistant opinions editor Robert Gebelhoff:

“ Biden deserves a lot more credit on covid-19 than he’s getting”

Gebelhoff strongly defends Biden’s handling of the pandemic while acknowledging the mistakes that were made.

I was so shocked when I saw that headline I nearly fell off my chair. I just hope this is the beginning of fairer, actually balanced, objective coverage of Biden’s performance.

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Don't count on it, especially as we get closer to the midterms.

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It's a sop to us who have been very vocally complaining about the shitty negativity every day. Don't get your hopes up.

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So HBO's Succession is based on more truth that we might have thought. Sad.

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Regarding Ron DeSantis, the following story today from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency news service: "Florida Governor DeSantis won't condemn Nazi rally in Orlando": "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has refused to condemn a Nazi rally that took place in Orlando over the weekend, claiming that those asking him to condemn the Nazi rally are trying to “smear” him." 80 years after WW2 The Times's posture now is eerily similar to the "nothing to see here" attitude they took towards their (non-) coverage of the Holocaust.

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Page right out of TFG’s playbook…

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I still remember Dolt 45's "there were fine people on both sides" remark after the tragic events at the Unite the Right rally at Charlottesville.

Now, DeSatan's refusal to condemn the Nazi rally is because he doesn't want to alienate the members of the GOP outside Florida who share the same anti-black, anti-Semitic & racist sentiments as the demonstrators.

He probably believes that the criticism of the reluctance to condemn the rally will be short-lived, and won't hurt his chances for higher office just like his idol, who made racist comments against Mexicans by falsely accusing them of bringing crime & drugs.

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Even Sen Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Rick Scott condemned it!

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I saw DeSantis speak on the subject. Chilling. The Nazis spit upon and beat a guy who stopped and shouted at them. His grandfather survived a concentration camp.

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Today's Times has a front-page news analysis that concludes that Donald Trump might actually be dangerous. Obviously, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to sneak one past Dean Baquet.

Has anyone sent him a subscription to Eric's newsletter? He once said I only complained about things after Eric had.

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Seems strange that no one ever qualifies statements about TFG running in 2024 with ‘pending on the outcomes from the Jan 6th Committee’ - I guess people sense it won’t block his eligibility. Wow

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I think they suspect the committee won't go that far. Which may be wrong, and, on their part, would be wrong. Now maybe if someone woke up Merrick Garland ...

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I cannot imagine anyone having the guts to prosecute a former president. Everything is political and everyone sweats over what it's going to do to the Democrats. Tbh, I'm tired of it.

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I have a favorite story about and quote from Ulysses Grant that explains how Democrats now respond to the treason party, and how they should respond:

One of the generals, obviously thrown by the events on our right flank, come to my command post and said, “General Grant, this is a crisis that cannot be looked upon too seriously. I know Lee’s methods well by past experience ; he will throw his whole army between us and the Rapidan, and cut us off completely from our communications.”

I am afraid I lost my temper. I replied, “Oh, I am heartily tired of hearing about what Lee is going to do. Some of you always seem to think he is suddenly going to turn a double somersault, and land in our rear and on both of our flanks at the same time. Go back to your command, and try to think what we are going to do ourselves, instead of what Lee is going to do.”

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Regrettable that people still aren’t getting a clue — or worse, are in denial — that the mainstream media are in the business of promoting the GOP and have been since the late 70s. And as such democracy as we have dies as a practical matter, one should remember that the press were complicit and it couldn’t have happened without said complicity.

More importantly, that Peyton Manning thing on SNL was legit amusing. Highly recommended way to spend a couple of minutes.

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Peyton is so great!

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It was exactly what I needed after the DeSantis horror. He’s hilarious!

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It was exactly what I needed after the DeSantis horror. He’s hilarious!

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Long held respect & love for the NYT is so deeply ingrained that it breaks MY heart to forward negative press abt them to friends/family who are fans. Tough news to deliver - :/ Like trashing their best friend.

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it’s so frustrating bc longtime readers know it can be so good, when it chooses

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God knows they have the resources to be exemplary but the immediate prior publisher wasn’t interested — look at the editors he got along with, not a heavyweight among them except maybe Lelyveld who all knew was going to be a short timer.

Today, as I keep ranting, when the mainstream was good and the Times and Post exemplary was a historically anomalous period.

Good old days…

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When Bill Clinton was running in '92 I devoured the Times at my desk at work every day. Its coverage was excellent. I can hardly believe we're talking about the same newspaper.

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Not me. Howell Raines pathological hatred of the Clintons seeped into every nook and cranny of the Times.

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I don't recall that at all. There was a whole group of us Democrats in my office who bought up all the copies of the Times sold in our building and read voraciously every day.

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Oh I do When Jeff Gerth lied about Whitewater that was a clear signal that that propaganda rag was in the tank for the GOP.

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HAH! True.

And despite everything, I’m not canceling the subscription. They’re still sort of essential 🤨

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I haven't yet either, though I made the decision yesterday to do so. The Annie Carni "GOP is trying to rehabilitate themselves" combined with downplaying the revelations involving Trump and 1/6 were the final nails. That election map I keep going on about (and the puzzles and cooking) is what holds me back. But the official break is coming shortly. Just can't take it anymore.

And like Eric B said, it's heartbreaking because the Times have GREAT reporters and have broken really important stories. I've read this paper for more than 45 years and became an early digital subscriber (2010). The Times was my hometown paper for more than three decades—I didn't get on the subway each morning without it. It's killing me to let go.

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I find it essential, just not for hard news. I suppose there’s maybe busting through the paywall when necessary…

The problem is the entire mainstream is unreliable. One has to find alternative, reliable sources. The entire mainstream is rotten, toxic, harmful as a rule. Then again, far too few seem able to learn so, you know, maybe a reliable, honest mainstream would accomplish nothing but I think it would.

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Therein lies the rub…

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Me too. Can’t quite let it go.

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I did appreciate the "Go Bills!"

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The question in everyone's mind - Will Maggie Haberman be DeSantis' Maggie Haberman the way Maggie Haberman was and is Trump's Maggie Haberman?

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She's MAGA Maggie, her solo beat is Trump. After all she's the "Trump whisperer." They have many political reporters and will assign a few to specifically cover DeSantis if they haven't already (I haven't paid attention to the bylines.)

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‘Careerists’ gotta ‘career’…

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Don't forget Tommy "Six More Months" Friedman and his obsession with centrism...

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Friedman is a moron. He's been a moron for decades especially in middle east politics.

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He lusted for war with Iraq. That's easy to do when you have no skin in the game.

I will NEVER forgive that jerk for his endless recycling of the "6 more months" crap when the war started. Atrios nailed that jerk good with naming the "Friedman Unit" or "F.U." for short.

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He infamously quoted himself in one of his columns about the Egyptian Revolution actually mansplaining the revolution to an Egyptian woman.

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Isn’t DBrooks in that club?…

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Brooks is in the KKKlub! 😏

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Better known as ‘my actual JOB relies on a two party system…?’ /s

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No, seriously - most decisions in 2022 / USA depend on:

-polling numbers

-how shareholders are affected

-impact on 401k


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As I posted above what is really shocking to me is that recently the business press has been putting a spotlight on our strong economy, income growth even for the bottom half (that has not been wiped out by inflation as the MSM claims), strong job growth, creation of new companies, etc. If those outlets aren’t pandering to the Republicans then why are the Times, WaPo, and the network news, etc. doing that? They used to follow the lead of the business press when reporting on the economy.

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For what it's worth, I've read the comments sections in publications since they were first instituted. I did have a lull of late because of needing to step away from reading the Times. The thing I noticed recently is that the cadre of readers who consistently commented for years on the news and op ed pieces—smart people who had interesting things to say—are nowhere to be found. In addition, many, though certainly not all, of the comments appear to lean more to the right—more so than ever before. They tend to pile on with the criticisms of the administration, though there are still some who push back.

I wonder if many of those (seems to me) missing stalwarts are among the droves who have cancelled their Times' subscriptions. I have no idea, but to see a real switch among the tone of readers' responses from just the end of last summer tells me that the Times is succeeding at its mission to become "the paper for everybody." They seem to believe (wrongly so) that the country is much more conservative and R leaning than it is, and have shifted (as if it took much!) to reflect that.

Of course I could just be talking out of my ass, but having followed the comments for a decade or so now it really makes me wonder.

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I read the WaPo most days, especially the “most liked” comments. Most are not right wing (although there are some regular trolls). They regularly push back against articles that hype the negative storylines about Biden, criticize the clickbait headlines, etc. The “liked” comments are generally well-informed and substantive. I stopped reading the Times at least a year ago so I don’t know about their commenters now but their reporting drove me crazy with it’s shallowness. The WaPo does a lot of that too but they also have Jennifer Rubin, Greg Sargent, Paul Waldman and Margaret Sullivan. They and the commenters are the reason I have kept my subscription.

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There may be a deliberate effort by the editors to publish the right-leaning comments in the endless - and futile - effort to show the smarter Republicans there is no liberal bias.

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Clickbait, too.

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Interesting context…

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022


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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Correction: Biden / many D’s care.

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Hit the nail on the head. It’s that simple in many cases.

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"He’s proven remarkably deft at fighting back." Not hard when you're opponent is weak-kneed.

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ugh, right? press lives in awe of GOP hardball

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Well as Deepthroat once said - "Follow the money". The MSM loves the money that the GOP sends their way. What other outcome could have been expected when the decision was made many years ago, at least on TV, that the news divisions needed to turn a profit.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Gotta love a Deepthroat reference @8:00am…☕️ (Haha! Thanks :)

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R’s know exactly how to leverage patriarchy…Who ever expected the boring suits w/traditional haircuts to actually be the ones to ‘trash the hotel room’ - or completely burn it down… McC’s ‘disappointed Dad’ portrayal should go down as Best Performance Art in the annals of history.

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Their beloved Rethuglican Bully Daddies!

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I think the NYT is just desperate to continue this bothsidism in conjunction with the failed idea of a two-party system. They cannot accept that the GOP is dysfunctional and broken. So, they push the puff pieces these politicians’ people feed them. I don’t see DeSantis winning the nomination, much less the presidency. Nobody down here likes him after the way he handled (or rather didn’t handle) Covid crisis management. Those of us here in Hurricane Alley take crisis management very seriously. I really don’t see him having the votes for a nomination. Have you seen any polling on it, Eric? It would be interesting to see where he stands with his own people.

Btw, we in the South do not consider Florida part of the South. It’s like its own galaxy and completely foreign to us. If the NYT considers DeSantis a Southerner, then they are showing their own yankee upbringing. There is nothing Southerners detest more than hifallutin yankees. ;)

And speaking of the Trump playbook, here is my latest post on PANEM:

Trump Really is a Heinous POS,

And the multiple ways he tried to overturn the 2020 election


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That word (‘southerner’) stuck out to me, too - I don’t see FL as part of it.

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I hail from the Alabama Gulf Coast. What part of the South are you from?

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I’m from the NE - but when you factor in a city like Miami and the massive presence of Corporate Disney - FL is not a ‘typically southern’ state, IMO.

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True, but we think of it more in terms of slavery and the old “Deep South” push for succession from the Union. That was not really a Florida thing.

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Agree- I do have to go back and see what FL was doing at the time - not up to speed there.

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Did the Times piece mention DeSantis's silence regarding Nazis openly demonstrating, and harassing people, in Orlando?

Just kidding...I know they didn't!

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I'm sure Editor Dean sees nothing wrong with that.

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There is no Republican ass The New York Times won't kiss.

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esp not in Fla

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Especially how they gloss over Rick Scott.

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He’s another craven, ugly man.

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I'm glad I cancelled my Times subscription because I wouldn't throw my money away on it. They're obviously trying to shake their old label saying they're a "liberal" newspaper. Perhaps they've become convinced that keeping the paper afloat depends on pandering successfully to the Republicans. It was my thought yesterday when I was reading Dan Froomkin's excellent piece on the debut article written by NYT's newbie, Annie Karni. To call it blistering is an understatement.

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She came over to the Times from Politico (figures) and they switched her from the WH team to covering Congress. This was her first story covering Congress. (I've disliked her reporting for a very long time.)

As if the GOP doesn't have a big enough megaphone with Jeremy Peters. Perhaps the Times want more GOP Congressional coverage because Baquet is certain MAGAs are going to take back the House and Senate.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Seriously, does Baquet know anything else other than to grovel and kiss the ass of the GOP?

Three years ago, the jackass was concerned about his reporters getting death threats ( even Maggie Haberman wasn't immune!) because the Traffic Cone of Treason was constantly attacking the press.

Penis Pumpkinhead also insulted Baquet in a Tweet; "He has long been considered one of the dumbest men in the world of journalism, and he became Executive Editor of the Failing New York Times. Not easy to do."

Now, the spineless fucker is now living up to the insult by trying to curry favor with the GOP though relentless Biden-bashing articles as some form of desperate self-preservation if the RepubliKKKans win back Congress this year, and the presidency in 2024.

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Nope. He lives to lie any lie for his Republican pals!

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Both Trump and DeSantis may run in 2024. Baquet might simply be covering his bases. I tend to think DeSwamprat would beat the Traffic Cone to the nomination.

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That’ll leave a mark

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Not only the NYT but a lot of news outlets are going to be chasing Republicans in the coming months, because of the midterms and because they'll continue their assaults on Joe Biden.

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Dean the Dork can't wait for the Republicans to take back the House and impeach Joe & Kamala. He's just salivating at that prospect!

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Could be…

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DeSantis is the most craven of all. Imo he goes ranks lower than TFG as he is a well educated person who knowingly is spreading bs causing death to thousands throughout his state and lying to his constituents. A thug and a cowardly bully and thin skinned for sure. So if this is who the Times is touting, shame on the Sulzbergers and the other big shots in charge. Their institutional memories are long enough to know all about the Holocaust and what led up to Nazi power. Are the wearing of blinders purposeful? Unless they like the idea of TFG and DeSantis going at in a political free for all/slug fest filled with horrendous venom, vitriol. $Click. $Click.

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And now...this...

CNN Boss Resigns Over Romantic Relationship With ‘Closest Colleague’


CNN President Jeff Zucker announced he’s stepping down on Wednesday over a romantic relationship with his “closest colleague” that he failed to disclose to the company.

Good riddance...

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The NYTimes is a family business, and one suspects that the Sulzbergers can call some shots. My best guess is that the family and company enjoys their 2017 tax cuts, and therefore they like the modern version of the GOP that basically stands for nothing except tax cuts.

So it really comes down to this: as New Yorkers, they would rather see an ersatz Trump than the actual Trump.

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DeSantis, as the so-called "Smarter Trump," could cause significantly more damage to our democracy. The Times should be careful what it wishes for.

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I know this is a bit off-topic, but why isn't the press doing any follow-up reporting on BLM receiving $90 millions in donations but haven't filed any reports with the IRS? It's been mostly conservative media that's been following this (NY Post, Washington Examiner). The only liberal media has by New York Magazine. Every time Patrisse Cullors appears on a black media outlet, they ask soft-ball questions. Nothing about the money or who is running BLM.

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