I can't even watch MSNBC when they roll clips of Tucker. (Mute!) What an odious bag of gas.

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Carlson is as bad as you can get, the cash cow for Fox. No way will he be let go. From Eric’s piece, it seems that all sides of the Australian political spectrum agree about the poison spewed by Murdoch and minions and the danger his media company holds for Australian democracy. Not here in the world of capitalism where money, power are everything; morals, ethics are for suckers, losers. Is there nothing or no one who can/will extinguish the power, misery and intellectual arsenic being foisted by Fox on the American psyche?

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I have heard that yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater is not legal under the first amendment. If this is even remotely true, I'd like to know why carlson hasn't been sued out of his pants.

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Murdoch should be in prison. Of what consequence does a billionaire face when his corporation is responsible for destroying our democracy? None, okay, just asking.

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Great song by a great band. I have always loved The Beach Boys original, as I did most of their middle period after their surf board/hot Rod Chuck Berry lifts phase. But Los Lobos is just a tremendously under rated and wonderful band.

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It saddens me to even think of Tucker Carlson's audience but I sure do love this new Los Lobos record. Those guys are just amazing. I first saw them in LA at the Olympic when they opened for PIL in 1980. Lucky to be friends with them since their first EP came out. I think David Hidalgo is the best musician of my generation.

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I love Los Lobos. The new covers release, Native Sons, is characteristic of the great band. They chose to do covers of music that was important to them (and to many of us) without trying to do "their version" of those great recordings. They succeeded, but the covers, though each a precise homage to the originals, still sounds like Los Lobos. And I love Los Lobos.

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Mr. Boehlert, Good reasons all though you forget Carlson's viewership. Carlson gets the ratings which impact the rates charged for advertising.

Not quite the "Golden Rule" but, "He who makes the Gold makes the rules".

Though I suggest the real answer is some combination of all the reasons you suggest as well.

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For the record and for the sake of accuracy, Australia lags behind developed countries in terms of vaccination rate. Much of the global south still has little access to vaccines. And yeah, Carlson is a toxic waste site. Not to mention Murdoch.

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The thing is, as a Sydney-sider it’s always been surprising that the Daily Telegraph has always supported vaccination and some other social health programs. Of course they do have to carry many of the Murdoch columnists and headlines, so I don’t bother buying the paper.

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As an Aussie, I need to point out that the Evil Murdoch was born in this lovely country, but thankfully lived in Britain for years, and then became a Yank. Good riddance.

By the way, the situation is not all lost here - we have the ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation) and SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) - both publicly owned and both very centrist and unbiased. They are much loved by a good swathe of the educated population.

But I concede that meat-heads like Alan Jones do have large audience among the lower classes ... who just like in the US totally and utterly get everything upside-down, and vote against their own best interests every time.

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Ah Tucker meeting his idol Viktor Orban...

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The reason Murdoch let Alan Jones go is the Australians generally require their media to consider facts in their reporting. The Supreme Court has interpreted the 1A to mean facts are optional in U.S. media reporting. Ole *ucker is taking full advantage of that.

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Eric, please write a column on Jane Mayer’s “The Big Money Behind the Big Lie.” Her investigation and expose of big money donors behind the Arizona “audit” and their support of voter suppression and efforts to undermine democracy in other states amounts to a takeover of our government that will ensure the control of Repuglicans in 2022, 2024, and for years to come. This story should be the front-page and top online news story on every media outlet.

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If you haven’t already, please read the link below, from Mother Jones. I’d love to see you do an entire post on this. As I’m sure you know, Fox News has been spouting and promoting lies since its inception in 1996, which have become increasingly outrageous. Tucker Carlson is probably the most dangerous Fox pundit because of his millions of followers. This week he’s broadcasting from Hungary, where he has also met with Orban, who wants to turn Hungary into a “Christian” nation, just like extremist Christians here want to do with the US, falsely believing that our nation was founded on Christian beliefs and principles. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/07/american-anger-polarization-fox-news/

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The First Amendment does not protect against reckless endangerment or treason. And everyone at Fux Noise should be indicted for both.

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