Eric, first of all, Politico USED to be revered as one of the major sources of great election-year reporting. And then they were bought out by a right-wing German publisher. Eugene, Rachael and Ryan seem to be simply accommodating their publisher's desires.
Another question has to be asked: why is the press ignoring the facts that they were villainized during 45, daily briefings eventually became nil, and if 45 becomes 47, most of 'em gonna lose their freedom of expression. Have all these American journalists forgotten what they've learned in school about what it means to be an American?
Condolences to Eric's family & friends. This was his last response to me -- we commented at each other from time to time (always in agreement). Eric broadened my mind and my world tremendously and I am a better person for it. I feel very bad about this.
I think American journalists are under the mistaken impression that "It Can't Happen Here". That Trump's rhetoric was just rhetoric. He didn't really mean it. It was just red meat for the base. When in reality. Trump meant every word he said against the news media. If he gets back in power. They are going to learn the hard way. How wrong they were about thinking it couldn't happen here.
I sadly believe that deep down inside the Press Corpse WANTS to see people oppressed. They want to see Trump's opponents attacked, punished and they want them locked up.
Thank you, I appreciate the suggestions. The thing about Eric that made him special is that he hit the journalistic sweet spot between stuffy, old bore and overeager, ADHD millennial. His style was...human. I cannot think of anyone else that does that in political journalist. They're all so full of 💩
There's a horrible & creepy person who posted the comment brlow, today, on a Feb piece about Joe Rogan. Does anyone know can I report this? It's disgusting!
This is the comment (to one by Eric Barcelon):
Eric Boehlert’s Corpse
5 hr ago
You’re an idiot and so am I. That’s why I got killed by a train lol
I saw this one, and another on another of Eric's articles. Imagine the depth of psychosis necessary to pay for a subscription just to troll a dead man. It shows that there were awful extremist right wingers who were trolling Eric's blog and decided to do the equivalent of spitting on his grave. I think it's up to Substack to deal with this, but I don't know how.
They no longer teach what it means to be an American in school, so you can forgive the younger reporters, I guess... The older ones have moved into senior management positions. Most of those realize that you can make more money by manufacturing drama for the front page than reporting the news as an honest means to keep the public informed.
In its zeal to predict a red wave in November, the media has forgotten to explain just what the GOP would do to make things better. They don't know because Mitch McConnell won't tell them. If Chuck Schumer told reporters they would have to "wait and see" what the Dem platform entailed, he'd be (rightfully) hammered for his arrogance. The Kool Kids want their jobs to be fun, and it isn't fun to cover elections in which one party wants to govern responsibly and the other wants only to wage culture wars and please its corporate donors.
Mitch doesn't have to tell them anything. All that has to happen is that the GOP's press branch at Faux News has to keep manufacturing fear and alienation. The rest of the press will follow their lead. Mitch and Jim Jordan only have to positions themselves as the solution that will protect Americans from Democrat's LGBTQ, CRT, BLM, etc..
Rick Scott is pushing a tax increase on the 99% to fund additional tax cuts for the top. Other gop senators are arguing not about the details but whether to admit to the plan.
Mitch McConnell has nothing much to say anymore because Trump neutered him. There are two GOP's now - one under Mitch and the other, Trump culties. Sometimes they converge.
They are lazy and want the GOP in control. There is no other explanation. While “Dems can’t message,” “Dems in dissaray,” and both sides bullshit are infuriatingly normal, the coverage since the Afghanistan withdrawal has gone beyond the usual; it’s been pointedly negative and relentlessly anti-Biden and anti-Dem. The fact that back in January, a Wapo/ABC News poll would include a question about Biden being “mentally fit” for the job says everything. The NYT bot on twitter is so perfect because it exposes this bias, framing every bit of news, no matter how good or innocuous, as “and why that’s bad for Biden.”
For my own sanity I have had to tune out often because it is so awful. That CBS needs to add more GOP to its payroll for “access” because they have already declared a GOP victory in Nov is brain melting. (I guess there aren’t enough republicans on Face the Nation.) It’s a cynical, calculated attempt to lure Fox viewers. What happens to the country and democracy be damned. Watch for more lying liars there and on the rest of network news and CNN.
Also, I think Peter Thiel is bankrolling these suits, including Palin’s. But these days there are so many rich donors on the right determined to turn us into a fascist state because of greed, ego, and power/control. And the press could not care less about these cases aiming to restrict investigations/serious reporting and commentary and free speech.
Big Dark Money is fuelling anti Democratic propaganda in which ever way they can. Privately. Perhaps even Directly. Into the pockets of some reporters? Or as they do in Russia with blackmail threats of exposure? Above all is the threat of job loss when they print real stories with genuine connections. And where is big tech in all of this?Listening to all of us. They want complete power over all of us. So do Authoritarian Kleptocrats, Private Equity, Asset Management Corporations. Big Money. Mercer. Thiel. American Corporations prefer an Authoritarian Structure, a Fascistic Structure & we are all complicit. A Free Press is not part of that picture.
I didn’t know, I’m devastated, prayers and condolences to his family and loved ones.
I’m new to Twitter, and Eric, and Press Run, but I thought he was the most interesting, most relevant, and felt he was driving the wedge into the bleak world of propaganda homegrown, that is targeting Democracy, he seemed to be getting to the heart of what ails us, OMG we need him.
Wow, here we are 2 years later. I read other bloggers but darn it, I still miss Eric! Here's something - the closest one I've found to just a little of his style is - get this! - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, right here on Substack. It's his sense of justice and idealism, and wanting to leave us with cool music or a bit of humor. <3 :)
PS: I will never delete my collection of Eric's "Press Run" emails!
I didn’t know, I’m devastated, prayers and condolences to his family and loved ones.
I’m new to Twitter, and Eric, and Press Run, but I thought he was the most interesting, most relevant, and felt he was driving the wedge into the bleak world of propaganda homegrown, that is targeting Democracy, he seemed to be getting to the heart of what ails us, OMG we need him.
Some of the worst people are pundits like David Axelrod and other old white guy Dems? NYT pitchbot is hilarious when someone shares the posts. (I left twitter when musk bought it so kinda' out of that loop.)
I wondered why there was no new Press Run yesterday.
Then I found out the shocking news this morning about Eric's death.
As a non-American, his Press Run column was an eye-opener to the skewed priorities of the American mainstream media which was more interested in ratings & financial profits over the truthful and accurate reporting of the news.
His willingness to call out the B.S. of "both-sidesism", and double standards in the media coverage of Republicans & Democrats was important in my understanding of the brokenness of the institution.
I feel like I lost a family member. I have been following Eric since his days at Media Matters. While there are others that point out the media's lazy journalism, no one comes close to Eric's work, especially his amazing coverage of the DC Press's incomprehensible normalization of a Republican Party that wants to destroy our democracy. I can't wrap my head around this tragedy. Like you, I checked my email several times yesterday wondering why Eric didn't post and it had also dawned on me that there were no tweets from him. I found out last night through Bob Cesca's podcast what had happened. I had to read it several times. I was in total disbelief. From all accounts, Eric was a great family man and very much loved in his community. My thoughts are with his family and friends who must just be in a complete state of shock. Sadly I don't know if there is anyone that can fill this space the way that Eric Boehlert did.
I heard Stephanie Miller say Eric's name this morning, and I perked right up, eager to hear from him, and then I realized she was on the verge of tears as she spoke of the awful tragedy that had befallen Eric and his family. I feel like I lost a brother...and I know you guys do, too. Much love and sympathy to Eric's wife and kids, and hugs to all of you. This hurts.
Goodbye Eric. You will be missed! I will try to stay engaged, but right now I’m just so sad for your family and selfishly for those of us who’ve lost a truly great American. Rest in Power!
Rest in Peace, Eric. I listened for the content, but I also just loved the sound of your voice. I'm so sorry for your family, and for us all to lose someone like you, much too soon.
I will always value Eric's voice. This newsletter is an absolute tonic in these times. Today's news is too cruel. Big feels to those who knew him well personally, his family and friends. I'm so sorry for all of us. We need more Erics not less.
I don't see any mystery about the press' attitude toward Biden. The previous administration proved that an entertaining, albeit incompetent, executive branch is far more lucrative for the press than an efficient, responsible one. If the president can't make a train wreck out of policy and law, then the press needs to manufacture a train wreck and a presidency in crisis to keep eyes on ads.
The word is that the Press Run newsletter will continue, but who knows how and by who. Still, it would make sense to subscribe if you haven't already, for his family's sake and to ensure his legacy endures.
The mainstream media monopolies such as CBS->Paramount->Viacom->National Amusements are owned by the same international oligarchs who support Trump. They've managed to inculcate into the US consciousness the notion that ONLY Republicans, as the representatives of white males, are fit to rule. Democrats, nominally the party of every body else such as women and people of color, are NOT fit to rule under their white supremacist worldview, and so all the MSM's stories are premised upon finding a way back to "the way things should be," with white male Republicans in charge. This notion has been built and reinforced by the media since the Carter administration.
The oligarch-owned-and-operated mainstream media are no friend to representative democracy. Until these monopolies can be broken up we're going to need to accept that they do not exist to support democracy or America.
Exactly. But so many people believe individual journalists determine what they write or, on TV, what stories they report to their viewers. We really do have a racist, misogynist and money-loving system, and it's not only in journalism, but in our culture. And it's far, far older than the Carter administration. It goes back centuries, and we seem unable to free ourselves from it. Look at how Kamala Harris is treated by the press - why do people think she should run for president when we know the press and the GOP would crucify her? Our country doesn't want a female president - we seem not to even like the idea of female governors.
The fear generated by CRT and a female of color as vice president has triggered the aggression against women's reproductive rights and body autonomy. Before that, male fear brought about by civil rights advances has created the far right movement. We are slowly collapsing as a liberal society. The media wants to cover the whole mess, for ratings.
I'm devastated beyond words. Sending my deepest condolences to his family. He was a media critic but the description I read in a tweet really captured the heart of who he was - a fierce warrior for democracy.
The Beltway Buffoons and the American mainstream media seem to have a problem with reporting on a president that doesn't go out of his way to seek their attention.
They've somehow gotten used to getting 24-7 non-stop content from a wannabe dictator whose word vomit of white grievance, racism, fearmongering, paranoia and whatever crazy batsh*t idea in his mind was/is shared with little or no context on his now-deleted Twitter account or unhinged interviews that also involved him threatening members of the press with imprisonment or death.
Those fools in the Beltway press corps have somehow decided that the short-term rewards in the form of eyeballs & clicks that would translate into huge financial profits for their owners (corporate, family-owned or both) is better than actually dealing with the long-term negative effects of their crappy journalism on the state of American democracy.
Yes and those 12 Trump voters in the rural Ohio diner that the New York Times endlessly talks to lapped that up like they were kittens getting a fresh bowl of milk.
Damn forgot about that incident and his incitement of the January 6 insurrection to stop the counting of the votes that Joe Biden won in a free & fair election.
Seriously, the Tangerine Turdblossom has done so many crazy & horrible things to damage American democracy it can sometimes be a challenge to remember & keep track.
As a non-American, his boorish and terrible behavior is reminiscent of Third World tyrants such as Rodrigo Duterte, who is the current & outgoing president of my country, the Philippines.
Trump would have loved to have had the BLM protesters gunned down in the streets. He loves that tyrant mystique. The idiot clearly enjoyed saluting "his" generals and "his" troops, and his favorite word for them was "warriors." The love had a limit, though. He hated visiting the cemeteries on Memorial day and called the fallen soldiers "stupid" and "dumb."
Eric, first of all, Politico USED to be revered as one of the major sources of great election-year reporting. And then they were bought out by a right-wing German publisher. Eugene, Rachael and Ryan seem to be simply accommodating their publisher's desires.
Another question has to be asked: why is the press ignoring the facts that they were villainized during 45, daily briefings eventually became nil, and if 45 becomes 47, most of 'em gonna lose their freedom of expression. Have all these American journalists forgotten what they've learned in school about what it means to be an American?
the remains the key mystery—why is press anxious to have its abuser return ?
Condolences to Eric's family & friends. This was his last response to me -- we commented at each other from time to time (always in agreement). Eric broadened my mind and my world tremendously and I am a better person for it. I feel very bad about this.
I agree completely. His writing and analysis cut through the corporate media smokescreen. His death is a loss for all of us.
I’m still so sad about it. Usually at 7am, I get the Press Run alert. He spoke to my frustrations about the political press in a way I never could.
Yes, his psssing shocked and saddened me. He replied to me too. I’m just so gutted by this. My condolences to his family. He is so missed by us.
Clicks = ad revenue
I got a feeling a lot of those in the Press Corpse want more tax cuts.
I think American journalists are under the mistaken impression that "It Can't Happen Here". That Trump's rhetoric was just rhetoric. He didn't really mean it. It was just red meat for the base. When in reality. Trump meant every word he said against the news media. If he gets back in power. They are going to learn the hard way. How wrong they were about thinking it couldn't happen here.
I sadly believe that deep down inside the Press Corpse WANTS to see people oppressed. They want to see Trump's opponents attacked, punished and they want them locked up.
Joe. Today is Wednesday the day we heard of Eric’s death 💔. Hoping we can all be in touch especially now. Heartbreaking.
I saw James Fallows' blog last night and just cried. What a loss, I feel like I knew him personally. Such a tragedy.
This really hurts. I was shocked when I saw The Rude Pundit's tweet and then saw the Daily Kos diaries. My heart just goes out to Eric's family!
I was thinking about this as well. There are a bunch of subscribers that I have come to really like and respect - where do we go now?
I suggest James Fallows. I wish Dan Froomkin would join Substack. I swear, he's Eric's ideological twin.
Thank you, I appreciate the suggestions. The thing about Eric that made him special is that he hit the journalistic sweet spot between stuffy, old bore and overeager, ADHD millennial. His style was...human. I cannot think of anyone else that does that in political journalist. They're all so full of 💩
Jennifer Rubin too.
☹️you always gave me a laugh. Short, pithy, fab.
There's a horrible & creepy person who posted the comment brlow, today, on a Feb piece about Joe Rogan. Does anyone know can I report this? It's disgusting!
This is the comment (to one by Eric Barcelon):
Eric Boehlert’s Corpse
5 hr ago
You’re an idiot and so am I. That’s why I got killed by a train lol
Astounding. Maybe start with Substack.
I'll try that. Thanks.
I saw this one, and another on another of Eric's articles. Imagine the depth of psychosis necessary to pay for a subscription just to troll a dead man. It shows that there were awful extremist right wingers who were trolling Eric's blog and decided to do the equivalent of spitting on his grave. I think it's up to Substack to deal with this, but I don't know how.
It's very upsetting. It actually made me physically ill.
They no longer teach what it means to be an American in school, so you can forgive the younger reporters, I guess... The older ones have moved into senior management positions. Most of those realize that you can make more money by manufacturing drama for the front page than reporting the news as an honest means to keep the public informed.
Well note how the CCCP has gone silent about Ginni and Clarence Thomas.
We heard more about Will and Jada this past week than we heard about Clarence and Ginni.
That's really inconceivable?
In its zeal to predict a red wave in November, the media has forgotten to explain just what the GOP would do to make things better. They don't know because Mitch McConnell won't tell them. If Chuck Schumer told reporters they would have to "wait and see" what the Dem platform entailed, he'd be (rightfully) hammered for his arrogance. The Kool Kids want their jobs to be fun, and it isn't fun to cover elections in which one party wants to govern responsibly and the other wants only to wage culture wars and please its corporate donors.
also, Biden’s brand of competence is “boring”
Competence, focus, discipline, empathy and compassion are kryptonite to our vampire media. I think they're just plain evil.
Mitch doesn't have to tell them anything. All that has to happen is that the GOP's press branch at Faux News has to keep manufacturing fear and alienation. The rest of the press will follow their lead. Mitch and Jim Jordan only have to positions themselves as the solution that will protect Americans from Democrat's LGBTQ, CRT, BLM, etc..
Rick Scott is pushing a tax increase on the 99% to fund additional tax cuts for the top. Other gop senators are arguing not about the details but whether to admit to the plan.
Mitch McConnell has nothing much to say anymore because Trump neutered him. There are two GOP's now - one under Mitch and the other, Trump culties. Sometimes they converge.
They are lazy and want the GOP in control. There is no other explanation. While “Dems can’t message,” “Dems in dissaray,” and both sides bullshit are infuriatingly normal, the coverage since the Afghanistan withdrawal has gone beyond the usual; it’s been pointedly negative and relentlessly anti-Biden and anti-Dem. The fact that back in January, a Wapo/ABC News poll would include a question about Biden being “mentally fit” for the job says everything. The NYT bot on twitter is so perfect because it exposes this bias, framing every bit of news, no matter how good or innocuous, as “and why that’s bad for Biden.”
For my own sanity I have had to tune out often because it is so awful. That CBS needs to add more GOP to its payroll for “access” because they have already declared a GOP victory in Nov is brain melting. (I guess there aren’t enough republicans on Face the Nation.) It’s a cynical, calculated attempt to lure Fox viewers. What happens to the country and democracy be damned. Watch for more lying liars there and on the rest of network news and CNN.
Also, I think Peter Thiel is bankrolling these suits, including Palin’s. But these days there are so many rich donors on the right determined to turn us into a fascist state because of greed, ego, and power/control. And the press could not care less about these cases aiming to restrict investigations/serious reporting and commentary and free speech.
Big Dark Money is fuelling anti Democratic propaganda in which ever way they can. Privately. Perhaps even Directly. Into the pockets of some reporters? Or as they do in Russia with blackmail threats of exposure? Above all is the threat of job loss when they print real stories with genuine connections. And where is big tech in all of this?Listening to all of us. They want complete power over all of us. So do Authoritarian Kleptocrats, Private Equity, Asset Management Corporations. Big Money. Mercer. Thiel. American Corporations prefer an Authoritarian Structure, a Fascistic Structure & we are all complicit. A Free Press is not part of that picture.
Wanting to touch base with our PressRun gang following Eric’s sudden death 💔.
I didn’t know, I’m devastated, prayers and condolences to his family and loved ones.
I’m new to Twitter, and Eric, and Press Run, but I thought he was the most interesting, most relevant, and felt he was driving the wedge into the bleak world of propaganda homegrown, that is targeting Democracy, he seemed to be getting to the heart of what ails us, OMG we need him.
Wow, here we are 2 years later. I read other bloggers but darn it, I still miss Eric! Here's something - the closest one I've found to just a little of his style is - get this! - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, right here on Substack. It's his sense of justice and idealism, and wanting to leave us with cool music or a bit of humor. <3 :)
PS: I will never delete my collection of Eric's "Press Run" emails!
I didn’t know, I’m devastated, prayers and condolences to his family and loved ones.
I’m new to Twitter, and Eric, and Press Run, but I thought he was the most interesting, most relevant, and felt he was driving the wedge into the bleak world of propaganda homegrown, that is targeting Democracy, he seemed to be getting to the heart of what ails us, OMG we need him.
What happened to CNN claiming some weeks ago that they were going in the direction of more straight news?
They hired Stephen Colbert's producer to run the network instead of someone with a journalism/news background.
Chris Licht actually started out in Morning Joe at MSNBC before becoming the showrunner/producer of "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."
Yes first they predict, then facilitate by hiring “expert” to slam Biden on economy just ahead of midterms
Some of the worst people are pundits like David Axelrod and other old white guy Dems? NYT pitchbot is hilarious when someone shares the posts. (I left twitter when musk bought it so kinda' out of that loop.)
Going to miss you in my inbox. Been a follower for a long time. May your memory be a blessing to your family and friends.
I wondered why there was no new Press Run yesterday.
Then I found out the shocking news this morning about Eric's death.
As a non-American, his Press Run column was an eye-opener to the skewed priorities of the American mainstream media which was more interested in ratings & financial profits over the truthful and accurate reporting of the news.
His willingness to call out the B.S. of "both-sidesism", and double standards in the media coverage of Republicans & Democrats was important in my understanding of the brokenness of the institution.
RIP Eric Boehlert.
I feel like I lost a family member. I have been following Eric since his days at Media Matters. While there are others that point out the media's lazy journalism, no one comes close to Eric's work, especially his amazing coverage of the DC Press's incomprehensible normalization of a Republican Party that wants to destroy our democracy. I can't wrap my head around this tragedy. Like you, I checked my email several times yesterday wondering why Eric didn't post and it had also dawned on me that there were no tweets from him. I found out last night through Bob Cesca's podcast what had happened. I had to read it several times. I was in total disbelief. From all accounts, Eric was a great family man and very much loved in his community. My thoughts are with his family and friends who must just be in a complete state of shock. Sadly I don't know if there is anyone that can fill this space the way that Eric Boehlert did.
What a colossal loss on every level.
I heard Stephanie Miller say Eric's name this morning, and I perked right up, eager to hear from him, and then I realized she was on the verge of tears as she spoke of the awful tragedy that had befallen Eric and his family. I feel like I lost a brother...and I know you guys do, too. Much love and sympathy to Eric's wife and kids, and hugs to all of you. This hurts.
Goodbye Eric. You will be missed! I will try to stay engaged, but right now I’m just so sad for your family and selfishly for those of us who’ve lost a truly great American. Rest in Power!
Rest in Peace, Eric. I listened for the content, but I also just loved the sound of your voice. I'm so sorry for your family, and for us all to lose someone like you, much too soon.
RIP Eric 💔. We’re heartbroken.
Besides Eric, I’m going to miss all the smart things people here say. Best comments on the web, you guys. I learn so much from you.
I will always value Eric's voice. This newsletter is an absolute tonic in these times. Today's news is too cruel. Big feels to those who knew him well personally, his family and friends. I'm so sorry for all of us. We need more Erics not less.
I don't see any mystery about the press' attitude toward Biden. The previous administration proved that an entertaining, albeit incompetent, executive branch is far more lucrative for the press than an efficient, responsible one. If the president can't make a train wreck out of policy and law, then the press needs to manufacture a train wreck and a presidency in crisis to keep eyes on ads.
And viewer numbers and subscriptions dropped in 2001 by huge percentages. The press wants those high numbers back.
RIP Eric Boehlert. You were an American Hero.
As far as I can tell this was the last comment he posted (the day before yesterday) on this, his last Press Run piece:
The word is that the Press Run newsletter will continue, but who knows how and by who. Still, it would make sense to subscribe if you haven't already, for his family's sake and to ensure his legacy endures.
Thanks for your time. Hope it helps.
I'm wondering if Soledad O'Brien might take up the mantle, with his family's blessing.
The mainstream media monopolies such as CBS->Paramount->Viacom->National Amusements are owned by the same international oligarchs who support Trump. They've managed to inculcate into the US consciousness the notion that ONLY Republicans, as the representatives of white males, are fit to rule. Democrats, nominally the party of every body else such as women and people of color, are NOT fit to rule under their white supremacist worldview, and so all the MSM's stories are premised upon finding a way back to "the way things should be," with white male Republicans in charge. This notion has been built and reinforced by the media since the Carter administration.
The oligarch-owned-and-operated mainstream media are no friend to representative democracy. Until these monopolies can be broken up we're going to need to accept that they do not exist to support democracy or America.
Exactly. But so many people believe individual journalists determine what they write or, on TV, what stories they report to their viewers. We really do have a racist, misogynist and money-loving system, and it's not only in journalism, but in our culture. And it's far, far older than the Carter administration. It goes back centuries, and we seem unable to free ourselves from it. Look at how Kamala Harris is treated by the press - why do people think she should run for president when we know the press and the GOP would crucify her? Our country doesn't want a female president - we seem not to even like the idea of female governors.
The fear generated by CRT and a female of color as vice president has triggered the aggression against women's reproductive rights and body autonomy. Before that, male fear brought about by civil rights advances has created the far right movement. We are slowly collapsing as a liberal society. The media wants to cover the whole mess, for ratings.
I could not agree with you more! You nailed it.
Eric died suddenly in a bike accident y’day 💔wanting to reach out to the PR gang and send a virtual hug. Heartbreaking.
I'm devastated beyond words. Sending my deepest condolences to his family. He was a media critic but the description I read in a tweet really captured the heart of who he was - a fierce warrior for democracy.
I still can't wrap my mind around this tragedy. It's an incalculable loss. I'll miss seeing your comments Kathleen.
I will miss yours as well! So kind of you to say that. I appreciate it.
This was Eric's last post. He will be missed and my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.
The Beltway Buffoons and the American mainstream media seem to have a problem with reporting on a president that doesn't go out of his way to seek their attention.
They've somehow gotten used to getting 24-7 non-stop content from a wannabe dictator whose word vomit of white grievance, racism, fearmongering, paranoia and whatever crazy batsh*t idea in his mind was/is shared with little or no context on his now-deleted Twitter account or unhinged interviews that also involved him threatening members of the press with imprisonment or death.
Those fools in the Beltway press corps have somehow decided that the short-term rewards in the form of eyeballs & clicks that would translate into huge financial profits for their owners (corporate, family-owned or both) is better than actually dealing with the long-term negative effects of their crappy journalism on the state of American democracy.
Trump ordered tear gassing, clearing of protesters so he could march to church and hold a Bible upside down.
Yes and those 12 Trump voters in the rural Ohio diner that the New York Times endlessly talks to lapped that up like they were kittens getting a fresh bowl of milk.
Damn forgot about that incident and his incitement of the January 6 insurrection to stop the counting of the votes that Joe Biden won in a free & fair election.
Seriously, the Tangerine Turdblossom has done so many crazy & horrible things to damage American democracy it can sometimes be a challenge to remember & keep track.
As a non-American, his boorish and terrible behavior is reminiscent of Third World tyrants such as Rodrigo Duterte, who is the current & outgoing president of my country, the Philippines.
Trump would have loved to have had the BLM protesters gunned down in the streets. He loves that tyrant mystique. The idiot clearly enjoyed saluting "his" generals and "his" troops, and his favorite word for them was "warriors." The love had a limit, though. He hated visiting the cemeteries on Memorial day and called the fallen soldiers "stupid" and "dumb."
It’s called megalomania 😱. See Putin.
Chaos is the point; by design. Too many horrors to keep track of as you say.
Touching base upon learning of Eric’s sudden and tragic death. I know we’re all shattered.
I will also miss the Press Run community.
Me too, big time.
Totally get that.