Turn back the clock to the late 80s/early 90s, and recall the media (and GOP) reaction to David Duke spewing his neo-Nazi BS. Duke was disowned by the GOP and mostly ignored by the national media, and was never mentioned without reference to his KKK roots. Greene is a dumber version of Duke, and she doesn't even try to disguise her quest for attention and campaign cash. That today's media is flummoxed by a carnival barker says more about the media than it does about Greene.

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Gaetz , cruz, boebert, greene, cotton, gosar, and prolly more than a few more are nothing but social media trolls who pretend to be elected officials. Welcome to today's GOP.

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For the record, the "gold" stars worn by Jews in Nazi occupied Europe were actually YELLOW stars. Gold stars are what your receive when your school homework is good, therefore have a positive connotation.

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Once again, this is why I subscribe to Press Run. If enough people in the DC media bubble read your newsletter, maybe the industry will overcome its infatuation with political power and the resulting asymmetric politeness.

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How about doing both; minimize her exposure (+ therefore opportunities for fundraising) while using the sharp, honest language Eric outlines when reporting on her? After all she is the smallest and ugliest of people who is operating in a governmental position way beyond her abilities and doing so within a big, overeager press environment; she’s using the press to her advantage. She doesn’t belong in Congress and the press must make that clear every time her name is mentioned. Charlie is spot on, says more about the media’s flailing about than MTG.

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Should the press ignore Greene? I don't think so. In fact, the press should do more to show how unhinged she is and to tie together her behavior with the entire Republican Party who more importantly are attempting to usurp democracy. The number one issue the press should be focusing on is the Republican's deliberate attempt to suppress votes so they can gain power. The bogus recount that is going on in Arizona and likely to happen soon in states like Michigan and Georgia needs to be pounded by the press daily. Even with Trump gone and with the Congress in the control of Democrats, our nation sits on the brink of fascism. Green is simply a small piece of this Republican nightmare. So yes, Greene can't be ignored. She must be reported on accurately with the correct language but so must the entire party. If the press continues to not view the Republicans as a clear and present danger to our democracy, we are finished as a free country.

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Enjoyed this article. However, I would say that the msm is NOT "afraid" of gQp backlash...they are SUPPORTERS of the gQp...the owners are definitely such and i'm guessing that many "journalists" are, too.

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Greene ought to thank CBS for calling her a firebrand. It is no longer the uncomplimentary dictionary definition, it quite some time ago came to mean a go-getter. Very many people in the media aren't literate.

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Except for a handful of reporters who were in the Capitol on 1/6 and profoundly affected by the event, I don’t believe the Beltway press know or understand the threat the Trump party truly poses to the nation and our democracy. They treat GOP “lawmakers” with kid gloves, echo the GOP viewpoint and talking points, and continue to seek out their commentary in stories and invite them (often exclusively) on the useless Sunday shows. Not only that they are consciously or unconsciously shaping a negative view of Biden and his administration, positioning every story as “the sky is falling.” And if the GOP succeeds in taking back Congress, the media will cover their authoritarian moves as “strong leadership.” Luckily many people do see through today’s reporting. But it isn’t enough and unless something changes with coverage, the unthinkable will become the inevitable.

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Our Failed Political Press’s ™ coverage of Rep. 3-Names is the same problem as the coverage of Trump during his entire public office. In 2016 Trump won the nomination of the GOP with more primary votes than any candidate in Republican history. He was not some aberration, he reflects the party itself (and still does). Greene is much the same.

The coverage should not be that one member makes offensive anti-semitic/racial/homophobic/transphobic remarks, the story is that the GOP does not censure her, and therefore are A-OK with it.

The Big Story is that one of our two political parties has gone completely bug-fucking crazy. It is the story of the century and our media isn’t covering it because then they would have to admit that the pundit press been wrong since at least the Reagan era. You see, Both Sides don’t. It’s that simple.

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"Or does her toxic awfulness represent an important part of today’s politics?"

Yes, the media must cover every last outrageous word Greene says, over and over and over. Americans MUST see how awful she is, and MUST be told that the GOP allows this. Over and over and over until she looks like a fool. Being awful is not enough; she must be made to look like a fool. Nothing is so politically damaging as to look like a fool. Then, finally, the public will see her for what she is and will tire of her awfulness. At the same time, the media must do everything that Eric suggests, and I would also suggest reminding the public over and over what a bully she is (and call her a bully), and show her refusing to go through the metal detector at the doorway to the House. The public must see that she is what Eric called her: a public menace.

The New York Times described her in terms that her supporters love about her: “a “combative style,” known for “increasingly brazen behavior”. The media is largely illiterates copying illiterates.

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I also want the media to repeatedly point out that Republicans do not believe in democracy and are actively dismantling ours. I have been heartened to see that happen more and more but it should always be the main point. These people are theocrats, plutocrats or in many cases both not small “d” democrats

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Marjorie Trailertrash Greene is so undeserving of any mention, whatsoever...but here we are, too, having to do so for our own sanity.

She lucked out when Tя☭mp was silenced by social media. Now msm has sadly latched onto her, instead, for their pathetic titillating broadcasts.

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Shorter AP on firing that reporter: “We regret that we didn’t handle it so nobody noticed it happening.”

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First, I continually wonder why it's necessary to cover Greene in the first place. That notwithstanding, sure, honest journalism can be had with a minimal of fact- and reality-based context. As I've noted and WITF has demonstrated a sentence is enough.

As for the CBS Evening News, suffice to say Norah O'Donnell has old Walt spinning furiously in the grave.

As for the Wilder affair: The AP can say whatever it wants; they caved. The tweet that's believed to have gotten her fired was an opinion of how (again) reportage can be honest. If that's wrong to post, AP has a real problem. If the problem was essentially opinions held while an undergrad, that too is (or should be) BS.

They caved to make Greene's fellow travelers (to coin a phrase) happy.

And while the media have some fear of GOP backlash, there's also been a lot of proactive reaching out as were to the GOP -- support. A lot of the fawning coverage of Reagan had nothing to do with fear of any backlash. And a reminder: The term of liberal media is a far right creation. Which is to say, as is their frequent practice, a perversion of language and reality. Like they pervert pro-life (the GOP is maybe pro-birth but anti-life big time) or patriot.

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“Exclusive: Special Counsel Probing donations with foreign connections to Trump inauguration “:


Funny money.

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