That’s what’s so worrying, Eric.

Why should Republicans ever accept a legitimate loss again?

They need to be called the authoritarians they are and have been for years.

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Agreed. I’m not sure folks have come to terms w/ long term consequences of Trump attack on elections

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Just this morning Joe Scarborough said that Democrats will also use the same tactics in the future. He is ignoring the fact that Democrats actually believe in democracy. He is also ignoring the double standard for Democrats and Republicans. I can just imagine the media response if any Democrat did what Ted Cruz is doing. Democrats get inundated with media outrage just for having the appearance of corruption, conflicts of interest, etc.

Today the NY Times reports on the creation of yet another inside-the-beltway political publication started by reporters from Politico:

“They Seem to Think the Next Four Years Will Be Normal:

A Beltway school of journalism wants to get back to just-the-facts-ma’am reporting. But how do you cover this Republican Party?”


“Just-the-facts-mam” is code for “he said/she said” reporting. That’s what we need — more bothsiderism reporting. Ugh. These fools seem to think that our politics was normal before Trump, that the insanity of Newt and his foot soldiers was normal, that Bush ignoring multiple warnings of an impending attack on our country was normal, that going to war with a country that had nothing to do that attack was normal.......

Far too many journalists accept Republican lies, extremism and anti-democratic policies as

“normal”. The media has allowed Republicans to shift the “Overton Window” for acceptable behavior — but only for themselves, not for Democrats.

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In re: Scarborough. He’s always been a Republican apparatchik and he always will be. And I should note that projection from Republicans equals confession. They see that the democrats will do it too, because that is what they would do. They cannot see past their own strategies and motives.

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far too many journalists, especially at the big-name shops like NYT, WaPo, etc - are in fact Republicans and don't see anything wrong with what's going on.

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When you have a huge block of the American people ready to believe ANYTHING Donald Trump says as gospel, who wants to stand against that mob? Their "truth" is that Trump won—but the evil press, Democrats, Soros et al, and now certain GOPers have crafted an election steal on such massive scale that it's frightening. For four years they've cried "Fake news!" so of COURSE the election results were fake. If we weren't the enemy before, we surely are now. I am frightened. They WILL try to start a war.

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And that's what they are counting on that you are scared and will sit down a be quiet. As a black person there have been many times in my life I have been afraid, but I never sat down and quiet about injustice. This is the time for all the people stand up to injustice and not let the repugs get away any longer WE THE PEOPLE can no longer sit and be quiet in the face of what is going on in our country. We know we can't trust the media because for the last 4 years they have printed and spoke whatever they were told to say to the American people. It is on WE THE PEOPLE how we want to move forward.

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I actually heard Congressman Tim Ryan say to Julie Mason this morning, that he do isn’t know what they (Congress) should do about that phone call, maybe just move forward, that it might not be worth all the problems ! And I’m supposed to contribute and work for the DNC and DCCC. WTF is wrong with people like him ? That’s the worst thing the Democrats could do !

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we all know what GOP would do.....

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Why do the Democrats do so little under the regime of the cult which was the GOP? Why do they not hire the attorneys like the cult appears to have under their hats instead of rabbits? Of course rabbits would be better than the humans they have employed at times. How do we as constituents force their hands?

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I suspect it's mostly because of the political media's double standard

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The story was so much more than the problem with facts about counted and certified votes. Trump was, in the parlance of the Warner Bros. cartoons, a picture of a screw accompanied by one of a baseball. He sounded non compos mensis. He ought to be committed, not pandered to. Forget the elements of what he was seeking but how he went about it. My president, for not much longer, is cuckoo bananas.

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agreed, taped call really revealed his instability, agsin

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They laughed at Bill Maher when over 2 years ago said Trump will not leave. Well he will have to leave on Jan 20 but he's surely not going down without a fight. But let's move the focus from Trump to the Republican Party or what's left of it. These cowards, so frightened of losing the Trump voter, are blatantly shitting on the Constitution that they took an oath to defend. So what are they saying if they want to appeal to Trump voters? Where do they stand on healthcare, immigration, economic inequality? They don't have a stand. They are Trump! While they may run away from him behind closed doors, they are him in public. They need to be called out for what they are. Seditionists, plain and simple.

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Republicans haven’t respected the Constitution for a very long time. Reagan and Bush were all in on Iran Contra which was blatantly unconstitutional. For decades Republicans have tried to keep minorities from voting. Bush I vetoed the Motor Voter bill because i would make registering to vote easier for them. The Bush II administration fired Republican US attorneys for refusing to bring phony voter fraud cases, Republicans have repeatedly purged African Americans from voter lists using bogus excuses.....

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“If we “move on”, the GOP will refuse to concede future elections, then judge-shop until they steal one," Jonathan Alter recently warned, as Trump pursued his maniac campaign.” 👈👈👈 THIS.

There have got to be consequences for everything Trump and his GOP enablers have put us through, and clear contempt that it won’t be tolerated again. Democrats “move on” and take the high road to our detriment and it has to stop. Otherwise, we can kiss 2022 and our ability to make any significant progress goodbye. Not to mention, aren’t we all just tired of these disruptive stupid games that serve no one?

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If armed street mobs descend on Washington DC Wednesday, as encouraged by their hero, let's see whether the black fence goes up around the White House.

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First, yesterday, Chuck Todd decided to be a journalist. I hope it lasts. But speaking of performance art ...?

Second, here's the key point: None of this should be a surprise to anyone who has studied the history of the republican party (and it isn't a surprise to those who have, and I've done a bit in my own right). This was where we clearly were headed from Goldwater on, and I can make a case for it in the McCarthy era, and going back farther, to when Herbert Hoover did everything he could to sabotage the incoming FDR administration and then some right-wingers discussed a coup.

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I am curious as to why you would consider Chuck Todd to be a journalist when he gave Ron Johnson a platform to continue to roll out his lies like he was showing Americans the Ten Commandments given directly from Christ to the GOP?

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I do agree that he shouldn't have given the traitor the platform in the first place. But I could make a case that he should have the platform to be interviewed. And Todd didn't roll over and play dead, which is what he usually does. Note that I said I hope it lasts. I also hope to be mistaken for George Clooney.

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I am a Democrat and a Texan. I campaigned for and contributed to Beto O’Rourke for months. Everyone I spoke to, regardless of party was fired up about change and most importantly the kicking of Ted Cruz to the curb. But on par, Democrats got lazy and Beto lost. For the past year, every time I see on a Texan’s social media page about how much they hate Ted, I remind each and everyone of them that he sits in the Senate because we didn’t show up in 2018. 2022 is already next year. I hope Democrats can make the changes that must be made.

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