Hi Eric, go visit southwest florida for your Fox News fill. Those people think all of this is overblown and political. It's an elderly population of snowbirds who are out dining, golfing and beaching. As much as I love the sunshine, Bugs Bunny had the right idea when he sawed off the state in one of his cartoons. (google it)

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I wonder how the collective cognitive dissonance of Fox viewers in a red state like Kansas is resolved? Their governor (albeit a Democrat) has taken clear and decisive steps to curb the spread of Covid-19. At some point, when daily lives are dramatically impacted, as opposed to passive television exposure, doesn't reality creep in? Ditto Nevada which has a significant Trump base, whose Democratic governor just closed the casinos. Can reality continue to be suspended when everything around you is changing?

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Murdoch is a sociopath. He literally does not care about other humans except as means to an end. So yes, he personally acted prudently, while his businesses acted to maximize profit, which, as noted, involves taking precautions for employees while continuing to sell product. Lots of people seem to have real trouble accepting that sociopaths exist and many of them have positions of power. (Trump is also obviously one.)

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Two quick points:

When a media outlet willing echoes what they know or should know is inarguably bullshit, itā€™s not reporting, itā€™s not even misinformationā€” those two are accidental, inadvertent. What it is is disinformation. And it does society real harm.

Also, disgusting as Foxā€™s personalities are ā€” Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, Pirro, etc., etc., etc. ā€” the news side shouldnā€™t be tarred with that brush. The news side is not significantly worse than the rest of the establishment media. I know; super faint praise for the news side but still.

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