At a recent lawsuit trying to hold Fox accountable for its lies, specifically Tucker Carlson, the defense was that Fox is entertainment and not required to tell the truth. That alone should eliminate them from the WH press room.

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Oh that’s a good point, yep!

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Something needs to be done on a federal level or this will be a constant threat to democracy, made worse by social media. Reinstating the Fairness Doctrine is only the beginning. Otherwise, at some point somebody smarter and way more savvy than Trump will achieve their dictatorial fever dream in America.

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that’s the fear for sure...imagine if Trump hadn’t been crazy

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And incompetent

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And so obviously corrupt.

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And lazy

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The Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast networks, not cable. Given the makeup of our Supreme Court I’m not sure that even that rule could be reinstated — there would be an uproar over first amendment “infringements”. The only thing I can think of that might make a difference is a huge protest against any corporation that funds the right wing propaganda outlets and extremist politicians. We need a massive protest and boycotts against any won who funds the fascists. Money is what these people understand.

Getting rid of dark money pacs would help. Without that we can’t know if these corporations that say they won’t fund guys like Cruz and Hawley are secretly funding them through those pacs. It might be possible to get the Supreme Court allow those pacs to be banned.

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I would like to know if any groups/agencies are working on this. Other democracies do a better job of ensuring facts in media. I would like to get involved with this. Thanks for any leads!

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After Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal and NY Post turned on Trump I was slightly hopeful that maybe the Murdochs were realizing they were killing the goose that laid their golden egg and would rein in the extremism. All those corporate leaders who have vowed to stop funding extremists need to be pressured to denounce Fox and vow to never advertise there or on any other media outlet that spews lies and hatreds.

Meanwhile the mainstream media seems to be getting back to its old ways of emphasizing conflict and the negatives . The Post’s top headline is “In first full day in office, Biden faces multiple crises”, not “On his first day Biden invokes the Defense Production Act” or “offers a comprehensive plan to defeat the pandemic” or any number of positive choices. The next headline is about how Biden’s LGBTQ protections have angered conservatives, as if that needed to be pointed out. Then comes an article about the National Guard complaining about being put in the Senate Parking garage instead of continuing to protect our Capitol, and one about the GOP trying to delay the impeachment trial not, for example, how the House is preparing its case while in recess. I had to get halfway down the page to get positive headlines — Biden increasing federal food benefits and Biden removing Trump’s Voice of America picks with no mention of Republican outrage. There is also a headline about Fauci feeling “unshackled” but that seems flippant and shallow given that he is facing another 100,000 deaths in the next few weeks.

It’s as if the headline writers are trying to destroy any hope readers have of fixing this mess which will only empower Republicans. How can they not make Biden enacting the Defense Production Act the headline instead of saying what everyone knows — Biden is facing multiple crises. Duh!

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So sad what Murdoch has done to WSJ—editorial page has always bern crazy. but he demolished a once-excellent newsroom

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I read WSJ off and on from the early 80's until early 2000's and I thought its reporting was stellar. Like the "good NPR", reporters would provide in depth coverage of people, places and things not covered in the mainstream. For example, during the economic downturn in the early 80's there was a profile of an executive who had either been fired or laid off and who was having a tough time finding a new position. The best part of the story was when the executive said one positive he had learned from his experience was empathy for people because they were demonized for needing help or being poor. WSJ also did a fascinating story about the Harlem Globetrotters and a new owner and how much he loved the team. During the early Bush years reporters took a hard, critical look at Bush's economic policies, unlike our friends in the mainstream media.

Eric, I'm sad that WSJ has become Foxified. What a loss.

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Just checked the NY Times. They are doing better than the Post for a change. One headline is about Biden using exec orders to expand food stamps and speed up stimulus checks.

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A really great, yet bone chilling read, Eric, and in case we were momentarily tempted to relax our guard in a wash of Inauguration day good feeling, it is a salutary and indeed necessary reminder that the hard right wing is by no means in retreat......

Stay well, and keep on keeping us aware.

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Yes, right wing never retreats. It’s exhausting

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“The people who are trying to make this world worse never take the day off.” ― Bob Marley

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Fox “News” is the enemy of the People. I have a conspiracy theory person in my life. She believes that pedophiles have taken over the Public School system and NAMBLA has decided the curriculum should include teaching transgender and gender fluid information to kindergarteners. They are doing this with math problems. WTF! This shit is just plain crazy. Where the hell do they get this info? It’s insane. Yes, she is a Trumper.

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The FCC has no sway over the cable networks, only broadcast. But if they did, I would question the part about <a href="https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/broadcasting-false-information”>broadcasting false information that causes substantial public harm</a>.

The remedy is not in the Fairness Doctrine, as again, Cable is not under the control of the FCC, it is with the FCC itself. Cable news needs some regulation. (Also, remember that the Fairness Doctrine only said Both Sides... and where have we heard that before?)

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As I remember it, the Fairness Doctrine required 'contrasting views'. But the stations were locally-owned and most of them weren't going to put Nazis or white supremacists or black power activists on the air outside 30-second clips on the evening news.

What we're facing now is a confluence of circumstances--the rise of cable news, lack of monopoly enforcement, lax regulation, etc.--that allows only a few voices to dominate the media and permits companies like Sinclair to force their stations to air political statements.

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This is extremely alarming. We know Geraldo Rivera was assimilated long ago but where does Chris Wallace stand in all this. Is he on his way out too? Can the FCC force Fox to put up a banner occasionally indicating that their broadcasts are opinion and for entertainment purposes only. The White House can ban Fox News from press conferences but will they? Have they done so with OAN and Newsmax TV? Democrats have to put their foot down. This decision will continue to divide this country? Stupid me, I honestly thought Fox could have used this election result as a stepping stone to real journalism. That's as dumb as thinking Mitch McConnell will start working across the aisle. We the people need to pressure corporate sponsors of Fox News. Hit them below the belt, their wallet.

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This is interesting,. May I ask what your opinion is of CNN and MSNBC, do you believe them to be honest or do you also include those far left liberal stations in with your above comment.

I notice you only appear to Label conservative stations. I've a gut feeling here that you have a terrible bias and quite likely poorly informed because of it.

CNN and MSNBC are embarrassingly bias and it is well documented now that CNN is nothing more than the propoganda wing of the D.N.C, even the most aggressive leftist wouldn't be able to disagree with that.

I would becareful what you wish for.

Facist talk like yours is very dangerous.

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I do believe them to be honest. And prior to Trump, they often played the "both sides do it, Dems in disarray" narrative. Typically their reporting can be found among multiple sources. They just don't come out with a story and not back it up with interviews with the journalist involved. A report that appears on MSNBC or CNN in addition from coming from their own reporters, is backed up by reports from major newspapers and other reputable media outlets. That can't be said about Fox News who simply voice their right wing opinion. Remember Shepherd Smith? He actually had a good, informative news program in the afternoon on Fox. They drummed him off the air because he did not follow the company propaganda that played into the viewers confirmation bias. There should not be multiple flavors of news. If you follow the facts, they lead to the same place. 2 plus 2 is not 5 somewhere. It's always 4.

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I do agree that Fox is bias, however no more bias than CNN etc.

It's very complicated especially with respect to Trump.

I would like to think tho' that honest people would agree that CNN told a lot of lies about Trump.

So much so that it became impossible to distinguish between genuine stories and those that were fake and designed to damage.

Russia was a proven lie, peddled by Clinton. (Please go and read the declassified documents which were reluctantly released on Wednesday) CNN actually knew this early on in the saga yet chose not to come clean for fear of destroying the narrative and damaging the democrat mid terms of 2018.

A similar situation occurred in 2020 with respect to the Hunter Biden laptop. They called it Russian disinformation when it was known to be otherwise.

Again they didn't want to damage the democrat party prior to elections

I think it is very difficult in good conscience to say CNN are honest when it comes to politics.

They follow the narrative of the DNC in exactly the same way FOX does the GOP.

In essence they are two sides of the same brush.

Which all the more makes me laugh when I hear them and others call for the censorship of Fox for behaving in a similar manner to themselves albeit for a different ideology.

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You're absolutely right about Fox. As you pointed out in an earlier piece, they're losing ratings. OAN and Newsmax are just right wing fan fiction and Fox needs to keep up. The Obama White House tried to ban Fox and there was an outcry from actual news outlets and the public. Can the Biden White House do it without causing the same and, of course, the hypocritical cries of, "What about unity?"

Also, do you know if the OAN "reporter" that was relegated to the depths of the press room is still there?

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it’s inevitable that Fox News will become even more unhinged as it faces competition from the extreme right

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In the UK, misinformation by the media is met with large fines. Just a thought.

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This piece addresses a bit part of the problem with the political media. Yesterday's incredibly stupid question about Democrats and "unity" in the White House press briefing came from someone at The New York Times. At that paper, they're supposed to know better. They don't, for a couple of reasons. One is that the questioner and the other correspondents at the White House cover politics--the investigative side is the group that did the great work on the previous maladministration. They're too busy thinking about the superficial.

The other is that this is how Fux Noise drives the narrative, prompting supposed journalists who should know better to be enemies of their own profession. To put it another way, 81 million voters saved the First Amendment for a political media that did not deserve it.

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30,573. Fox pretty much gave credence to them all. The network is nothing but a tabloid.

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You're so right about Fox, Eric, and it just goes to show that it's simply all about profits, no longer about sincere news gathering... Not that it's really been for Fox at all... But, as you said, there was a small portion of it that tried. It's funny that, in a way, our biggest threat is from an Australian rather than a Russian!

Also, good to hear about Biden purging the VOA — that organization has gone through some truly unnecessary controversy, thanks to Trump and the lackeys he appointed to lead it. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Biden's going to do with the FCC, now that Ajit Pai is gone, thank goodness. He should give the job to former FCC commissioner Mignon Clyburn, not just as a thank you because she's Congressman James Clyburn's daughter, but she was one of the Democratic commissioners who was really outspoken against the Trump-y actions of Pai and made a name for herself totally separate from her father.

Changing gears: don't 'cha just love this CNN headline today, "Prospects of convicting Trump erode as GOP grows vocal against Senate impeachment proceedings"...? I mean, really, guys? The piece was cowritten by Manu Raju, who I used to think was terrific — but in the past year he has gotten so damn cynical. I don't know If CNN ask him to be like that and/or he's just trying to make a bigger name for himself. But he tries to kick up drama all the time now, at the expense of evenhanded journalism.

But you know what's weird? Same day, CNN publishes this: "McConnell privately says he wants Trump gone as Republicans quietly lobby him to convict.". Two competing headlines in the same news organization! smh

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I should have said "two antithetical headlines" rather than "competing."

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Where did you go to journalism school Eric Boehlert? You give an opinion without facts and counter facts you are an echo in an echo chamber of hatred.

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When Fox News violated the UK's broadcasting rules, (2017?) a Hannity broadcast and a Carlson broadcast (big surprise there), Ofcom, a UK media watchdog, promulgated the violation through BBC News. Regarding Hannity, Ofcom said they had taken into account "that Fox News is a US news channel, directed at US audiences, which is available in the UK. The people who watch it in the UK are aware that it is a US channel and their expectations are different."

Yes, they are aware it is full of lies. So why aren't so many Americans?

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UK really dodged a bullet

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I'm sorry but is this actually a serious article.

Fox has its faults however it reported fairly in the Russia and Ukraine situations for trump. Also the Hunter laptop.

CNN and MSNBC have reported many falsehoods the last 4years yet this article does not discuss them.

I'm afraid it is impossible to judge this article and author as nothing more than bias hacks and leftist Propoganda.

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Sadly your not balanced in your perspective. The false statements by Trump and blindly followed were without evidence to support these baseless claims. Do you research with trusted sources, not made up information. The Secretary of State for Georgia was clearly accurate, an unbiased report of the election. Get your head on straight and you will need to quit following the lies.

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"Baseless claims". The common theme from all the leftwing media channels and newspapers. Almost word for word talking points.

The problem is they were not completely baseless.

What the leftwing media have failed to point out was that the democrat party lawyered up heavily prior to the election and set about changing election laws. In a lot of cases what they sneaked thru was actually very illegal. This moving of the goal posts at the last minute was where the significant indiscretion "fraud" took place.

If you bother to leave your echo chamber and do a little bit of research on the matter you may find out that trump did have a grievance that should of been looked at.

I can't say or would dare too suggest it would of made any difference. That is what an investigation should achieve.

It was such a pitty no one had the stomach for it. Scared off every time.

Even the courts refused to see any evidence and dropped each case based on standing only and not lack of evidence. Remarkable and makes one wonder what they were afraid to see and judge on.

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"The democrat party lawyered up heavily prior to the election and set about changing election laws..."

That's demonstrably false. But even if it weren't, that sounds like "just another day at the office" for the political parties...

Or utter, reeking hypocrisy from a babbling British moron.

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They did, it's actually very true.

I'm just stunned that you can deny that.

Just because you don't like what I said doesn't mean it isn't true.

Maybe you should read the TIME article that shows how they Fortified (rigged) the election, or consider reading the Democrat Bill that looks to make permanent all the state legislative changes made in 2020 and have them enacted across all US states.

The only real hypocrisy we are seeing is coming from the Biden administration and Leftist media. It's shameful.

You guys need your heads banging together for allowing it to continue because it is only going to get worse. Conservative media has some bad actor's but it pales in comparison to what we see on the left right now. It's poisoning society and sending people to the extreme ends of politics away from the centre on both sides.

This British moron appears to have a better understanding of American politics, law, culture and History than you.

I'm afraid that says less about me and more about you unfortunately.

Of course I don't blame you, it's difficult when you guys are force fed a narrative and because of personal bias won't leave your echo chamber or even consider the party you support is behaving very badly right now.

Wish you well👍 I truthfully hold no animosity.

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Very telling that you would cite an article and yet not provide a link...

So allow me:


And here's a quote:

"The President spent months insisting that mail ballots were a Democratic plot and the election would be “rigged.” His henchmen at the state level sought to block their use, while his lawyers brought dozens of spurious suits to make it more difficult to vote–an intensification of the GOP’s legacy of suppressive tactics. Before the election, Trump plotted to block a legitimate vote count. And he spent the months following Nov. 3 trying to steal the election he’d lost–with lawsuits and conspiracy theories, pressure on state and local officials, and finally summoning his army of supporters to the Jan. 6 rally that ended in deadly violence at the Capitol."

Those efforts clearly worked on you and like minded proto-fascists...

And yet here you are, again, hypocritically claiming that the effort to counter Trump's steal constitutes a "rigged" election.

Grow up.

I believe you that you think you hold no animosity. It doesn't surprise me as you likely have no soul. I do not believe, however, that your well-wishing extends to democracy and an informed electorate. You've clearly drunk the Kool Aid that the late Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch have sponsored for almost 30 years now -- Faux News' accidentally accurate call for Arizona notwithstanding. The right wings media machine marches in lockstep with the anti democratic republican party, and the British moron in you accepts it, cluelessly ignorant of American politics law, culture and history.

I wonder why...

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Lol at "reported fairly on Russia and Ukraine"....

Smart move citing two investigations that he obstructed and was caught in repeated lies, then when the lies became untenable, right wing media and Trump spoonfed their lazy, ignorant viewership "oh, it's not that bad, so what if he did it?"

Also, you clearly don't know what propaganda is (and isn't).

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Seriously, stop with your leftist proven lies. It doesn't wash anymore.

As you are so sanctimonious, please just take a look at what your side of the street is doing right now.

It's the first step in understanding the regime you wish to be apart of.

I get that it may not be your fault. So many people have been manipulated by the left wing media lies. Take a chance on yourself. Try to improve. Put that garbage down. Seek out other sources and you may just be surprised.

I'm not calling for you to become a republican. That's ridiculous.

I'm just saying that your side of the street is absolutely full of shit also and need to be called out for fear mongering, shilling for the DNC and promoting ideological methods reminiscent of Idi Amin's late 70s rule.

With a heavy heart thats a subject I am very familiar with.

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Oh dear and here it comes, the attack attack attack.

Impossible to be civilised with these people.

It is a matter of fact now and I would strongly urge you to go and read the declassified documents released on Wednesday that pertain to the Russian collusion propoganda, dished out by democrats and media. A real scandal and one all on the left should be ashamed of.

I am British, I have no pony in the show however I follow international politics for reasons you do not need to know.

I am fortunate in this respect as I am able to view the goings on without the taint of bias towards either party.

I will be honest with you guys on the left - You need to grow up.

Internationally you have become a laughing stock. Do you realise that many scholars across the world regard the left in the USA as the bastard son from a dirty weekend between Marxism and facistism? Its true!!!

The projection of your own fallacies onto others is frightening.

Take ownership, realise that you guys are not morally superior to anybody.

It's not clever to hate trump because you believe him to be a racist nazi.

He isn't and that's proven. One big reason he became more popular is because people discovered the media framing was just a major slander campaign.

By all means dislike his policies that is perfectly fine, but to point the fingers of corruption yet blindly ignore what's happening on the democrats side is willfully poor judgement and leaves it impossible to take you guys seriously.

And read more.....

Leave your echo chamber (another leftist problem).

You guys are not as informed as you believe you are. Taking the word of leftist bias journalists at face value is horrendously ignorant.

Always two sides to a story.

As a side note: I have it on good authority that CNN are calling for the removal of conservative outlets. It has nothing to do with lies.

CNN bosses know this narrative is total B.S.

It has everything to do with money.

CNN and MSNBC are close to financial ruin. There is too much competition in the market place and it is crippling them. They need a return to the good old days where they were the 'go to' place for news otherwise they are gone.

Unfortunately it has become a leftist talking point now because people need to write articles and make money and get clicks.

So like what happens in everything journalistic these days we yet again see some bandwagon jumping resulting in us two idiots giving it back and forth over some B.S when we could be doing something productive.

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Do you believe that the declassified documents released on Wednesday disprove that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goals of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump, and increasing political and social discord in the United States?

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No, however the Russians have been trying to interfere with western elections since the 1950s and western governments also have been doing similar things on a global scale for a longer period.

It is known to all governments and is considered to be "just another day at the office".

What it does prove is that Trump was not in league with the Russians and it should never of been used as a weapon to damage his administration.

It proves that the Steele dossier was a fabrication and Obama and the FBI knew all along.

It proves that Obama, by expelling 40 Russian diplomats was complicit to sow the first seeds of doubt against Trump.

Ultimately the media and DNC worked to undermine his administration from day one.

Did the Russians interfere enough to cause Clinton to loose the election, absolutely not, she lost due to arrogance and poor strategy.

Trump was able to speak to the hearts and minds of those who had felt let down by previous administrations both republican and democrat.

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And you concluded this all from this single, recent release of classified documents, specifically selected by the DNI, John Ratcliffe before the election?

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Actually no, However it did help.

I think the problem really stemmed from those on the left wishing so desperately that the Russian collusion was real.

Hoping that it would provide some justification as to how there own choice could loose to a man like Trump that it blinded them to serious red flags and contradictions.

It all ended up to be a fairy tale.

The tragedy is CNN knew this in 2018 prior to the mid terms yet still carried the charade.

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If you're not a paid troll, you do a great job imitating one. Very hard to get the grammar and spelling errors just right.

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I shall not apologise for my grammar!!

This article lacked so much credibility and standing I didn't feel like it warranted more effort than the less than 30seconds it took to quickly type a comment in my phone and post.

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