Democrats are always asking why their side doesn’t fight back. This is the perfect example of why they can’t — the mainstream “liberal” media attacks them when they do. Heck Democrats have gotten trashed if they haven’t pandered enough to the press. Just look at the criticism Al Gore got for not schmoozing them the way Dubya did because he was too focused on serious policy issues.


When Hillary Clinton had the audacity to point out that the media had ignored the report from Special Prosecutor Robert Fiske (a Republican) that had cleared them of any wrongdoing in Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and — the most insane — Vince Foster’s death, the media completely ignored her very accurate statement. Instead they mocked her for then asking why they weren’t looking into what she sarcastically called the “vast right wing conspiracy” out to destroy her and her husband. Journalists had to have known by then that there really was a cabal of right wingers who had been peddling lies about the Clintons to them but most journalists preferred using those claims to trash the Clintons rather than telling the public the truth. That is how we got to Ken Starr who was part of their inner crowd and leaked like a sieve to continue the trashing of the Clintons.

Sadly for years most Independents and even Democrats have bought into this kind of media framing. Right wing propagandists like Steve Bannon understand this which is why he said that it is the mainstream media that does the real damage to Democrats.

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yes, I didn’t really have chance to address this pt but it’s a key one….Dems have been slow to fight back against Fox and when they did they had to fight Fox and DC media.

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The Pod Save crew seem to have no trouble fighting back against both but to their cozy fan base perhaps exclusively.

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In one of their podcasts one of the hosts —Jon Lovett, I think — said something I have been thinking for a long time. He said he believes that Democrats receive the same kind of treatment that women do — criticized for looking weak if they don’t fight back, criticized for being too aggressive when they do. I think it happens because subconsciously people see Democrats as the feminine party while Republicans are the strong, macho party. Republicans get respected for bullying, (I remember watching the media swoon when Rummy would treat them like dirt.) Democrats get slammed for just speaking out. I keep waiting for some journalists to say out loud that those silly, squabbling Dems are having a cat fight.

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Oh isn't that cute!

According to The Hill...

Empire State Building to illuminate in red, white and blue for Fox's 25th anniversary.

Will there be little lit swastikas twirling around on the building too?


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I am still reeling from the revelation that AT&T funded OAN. We are switching our carrier as a result of that horrifying news but it won’t matter unless a lot of people do the same.

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No words 😶

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Like so many other members of the press, Jake Tapper's top priority has been climbing the career ladder, and with the mobility of the behind the scenes people (news/program directors, producers) he chose to fluff his "sister organization" rather than acknowledge the obvious. A "news organization" that has 1 neutral anchor (Shep Smith at that time) and 1-neutral Sunday morning host (Wallace) and 22 hours of rightwing propaganda a day certainly shouldn't have a front row seat in the WH press room. Having failed to learn that lesson, the legit reporters have to sit there and endure gotcha questions from Steve Doocey's brother and dimwits from OAN. Meanwhile, Tapper has his own show on CNN. Thanks for nothing, Jake.

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Not sure Tapper has ever addressed this episode

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I still cling to the hope that there is a legal path to hold the fox people accountable for their reckless endangerment of millions. Legally, financially and including appropriate retribution. And not soon enough. The legitimate news organizations should be held accountable for not calling out the sewage that the fox organization spews every day, and we, here on this forum have to grab a glove and get in the game too. Letters to editors, and anyone and anything else we can think of to get the word out.

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I am surprised they haven’t been sued yet by a family who lost a loved one as a result of lies thing to their lies. Reckless endangerment? Crying fire in a crowded theatre?

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I'm sure $crewpert Murdoch's lawyers are in full smear mode if anyone dares sue them. Oh and when $crewpert get sued the out of court settlement with a nondisclosure clause is always in place. Ask the Seth Rich family how that was done to shut them up!

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The late Seth Rich’s family settled a defamation suit with FOX in 2020 for lying about their dead son. Abhorrent people at FOX.

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I wish Fox clips didn't get attention even for the purpose of rebuttal. Man they stink up the place.

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Showing those clips runs the risk of reinforcing the claims if you’re not careful.

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I'm sure a behaviorist could explain that.

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Cognitive scientists identified and explained this phenomenon — the illusory truth effect — back in the late 70’s. People use not only rational methods to determine the truth or falsity of statements, they also rely on familiarity. If a claim is familiar people instinctively feel it is more truthful.

Cognitive scientist and linguists have also found that they way to combat spreading lies by repeating them is to use a “truth sandwich”. That is start by stating the actual facts, then the lie, then restate the truth. By starting with the truth you control the message with the truth because it’s the first statement that frames the message giving it more weight. By repeating the truth at the end the familiarity problem is solved because people hear the twice increasing its familiarity while they hear the lie only once.

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The smell is so bad we have to open the windows.

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I had an encounter with a screaming Fox viewer earlier today. Biden is senile, Harris is incompetent, Bernie is a communist, Democrats hate Israel, Afghanistan was a disaster, unions and teachers are evil. No idea what set him off, but he was eager to get in someone’s face about it.

The bit from “1984” where the tv would periodically have hate sessions is 24/7 on Fox.

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Fox News's longevity is just another example of how long the right wing coup has been working to subvert democracy. Whether it was for sheer profit or politically motivated, Fox News has aided and abetted lies regarding liberals and progressives since almost the beginning. They are a cancer on this country and unlike real cancer, there seems to be no therapy to cure it or at least slow it down.

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Our media is a both-sides Möbius strip, and defending Fox News is professional courtesy run amok.

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Could it be that journos are loathe to speak ill of a possible future employer?

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I’m wondering what Ruth Marcus would say about FOX today?

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I have told this before, I think. But there is a fairly significant figure in DC "journalism" who, early in their career, objected to doing a human interest story because other reporters teased them about it. It wasn't "serious." But what mattered more than all of the attention the story got--and it got a ton, locally and elsewhere--was whether other "reporters" approved of them. And that continues among the kurvas in the DC political media brothel, still the enemies of the people and of journalism.

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I guess we’re still in junior high school.

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Oh, I think we were more mature, and certainly better at what we did. :)

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If you doubt that the Beltway Kool Kids have an adolescent mentality read this disgusting piece of “journalism” from Howard Fineman from when Hillary and Obama were running against each other. Instead of treating that as the historic event that it was — a highly qualified black man running against a highly qualified white woman to become the most powerful person on the planet — we got this juvenile drivel. It still turns my stomach.


I also think another problem is that the media protects sources even when it has nothing to do with what they had used their confidential info for. They also seem to protect their sources even when they have lied to them. I have read the the Clinton-hating agents in the NY FBI field office were notorious for leaking to journalists and for palling around with them. I think that is why the media has refused to cover all things those agents did in 2016 to destroy Hillary. They were clearly the source for the inside knowledge Rudy and James Kallstrom had about investigations. Even after the IG report made it clear what the NY FBI had been doing there was silence from the media. The media hasn’t even bothered to cover the fact that the DOJ IG opened a separate investigation into those leaks, an investigation that was never closed as far as I know. But then how would anyone know since the media has refused to cover that story?

Recently I read that a woman who could corroborate Anita Hill’s testimony about Clarence Thomas’s behavior towards women didn’t speak up at the hearings because he had been a good source for her reporting on the EEOC.

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Why does the Press Corpse embrace 19th Century Fox?

Answer--because they are every bit as partisan Republican as Murdoch's Minions are!

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