It's clear that the term "Liberal Media" was a concoction from Republicans. No Republican politician ever seems to come under the same scrutiny as Democrats. While Fox News is the obvious right wing mouth piece, make no mistake that the other outlets are at least owned by conservative billionaires. MSNBC is the only channel that leans the furthest to the left but there are examples from that network that makes me shake my head as was the case with the intense interview of Joe Biden by Mika Brzenzinski of his alleged sexual misconduct that shortly thereafter completely unraveled. Trump never faced that level of interrogation from Mika or any other outlet. The Republicans are the obvious blockers of a new stimulus. But the media can't get themselves to say that. I don't understand defending the Republican Party especially when they are only Republicans in name. There is no liberal/conservative debate between Democrats and Republicans anymore. That debate now happens entirely within the Democratic Party between its left wing and the moderates. The Republicans are Fascists. Their actions and words prove it everyday. So it is even worse for the media. They are defending Fascism.

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Thanks Eric.

I'll add WaPo, "White House considers unilateral moves amid stalemate in Congress." You are correct that republicans can't legislate. Think "Repeal, Replace." With control of all three branches and following 8 years of chanting, nothing was passed. Specifically, when the light was turned on, and the press reacted to massive public interest in healthcare, and against repeal and replace with no idea how to govern, the coverage was better and disaster was avoided.

They are the party of "no."

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It’s astonishing really, the links the American mainstream media will go to to help Republicans destroy our country.

“Republicans just ruined the lives of millions of struggling Americans as the economy falls off the cliff.” Well-said.

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We can give WaPo's Amber Phillips some props on her reporting of this subject from her 5-Minute Fix column on Thursday morning.....


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Unemployment payment is determined by each State. This additional money is just the federal money on top of the regular unemployment. Maybe the amount is the problem and not enough was ever given to begin with. Why doesn't each state create their own package and increase the amount themselves? or extend the unemployment? Why do they need Federal money? What about the policy that you can only receive unemployment for so long? How can you apply for unemployment twice in a row? Why does it have to always be about political groups and not about policies? Why does it always have to do with Congress and not at the City and State level?

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Your statement "More specifically, the Republican Party does not want to govern and doesn't see the federal government as an instrument to help working Americans..." is, simply, profound.

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This is a particular favorite issue of mine, and I must say, I was out of town and behind on reading The New York Times, so it wasn't until the weekend that I came upon an article from a week before in which Carl Hulse, The Times's normally much better chief correspondent in DC, had a piece about the failures of "Congress." But he and The Times have the habit of claiming the existence of bipartisanship where it does not exist (I refer you to their coverage of Lamar Alexander, whom the media like; therefore, they tolerate his treason and bigotry).

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Eric, is there anything that can be done about the both siderism that plays out in the headlines? It is so frustrating to read this daily. What is so difficult about calling out the GOP for this? I don’t think there is a way to exercise accountability for the editors of the NYT who write the headlines?

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Can I pay with paypal or no? I'm waiting on a new debit card in the mail, & mail is screwed up right now.

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Thank you for this article. The use of “Congress” has just fried me for the last several years—but I never thought to call it out. Learned helplessness, I guess. Thank you for reminding me of the need to be both vigilant and responsive.

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Well, there is this piece in WaPo this morning...


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Mr. Boehlert,

It’s worse. Apparently the Republicans in the Senate can’t get a plan together. So there are at least 4 parties negotiating: Trump’s White House, Mitch & Republican “mainstreamers”, Republican “deficit hawks”, and Democrats.

Though the good news is that Trump himself is strangely silent on the issue, only wanting to send out more checks with his name on them.

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I agree that this is entirely on the Republican Party and their adherence to a political philosophy that is akin to a religion on their part. However, I've seem more than one instance of Democrats or others on the left saying that Democrats should not agree to anything unless X is also part of the deal. I'm sorry, but people need to pay rent and feed themselves. If the Democrats in Congress can get Republicans to extend the $600 then do it. Worrying about the USPS or whatever else right now is extra.

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