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Nice little shiv there, Washington Post!

“​​The Ukraine crisis has featured an unlikely test of personalities: Putin, the ex-spy, has brazenly used the threat of military power, advertising his desire to control Ukraine and rewrite Europe’s security rules, even as he denied any intention to invade. But he has been met by a stalwart Biden, the genial career politician who stumbles over his sentences — but not, in this case, with his actions…

The Presstitution never stops.

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I was always struck by how much Obama hesitated when speaking — lots of “ups” and “has” although not when given prepared speeches. I think it was because he was so cautious about not saying anything the media or Republicans could twist but it was very pronounced yet the media mostly ignored it. Their frame for him is an eloquent speaker (which he is) so they ignored the fact that he wasn’t when speaking off the cuff.

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Maga folks appear to be steadfast on three things, I’ve noticed: Joe is 100% senile, NPelosi is a nefarious evildoer(?)- and Fauci is the 😈 incarnate. Baked in.

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Nice catch:/

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