"There's no 'there' there." Professional liars in the GOP, following the lead of a mentally ill, pathological liar, have to be laughing at how easy it is to dupe the media. The Big Lie could have been mitigated - if not eliminated totally - if the media had reported last August that Trump's braying about potential voter fraud was baseless; that he had done the same thing in the run up to 2016, and that it was part and parcel of the mental impairment that makes it impossible for him to grasp any kind of rejection. The CRT issue is another example of journalistic malpractice. Another instance of the GOP trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist and creating political red meat for the rubes. Once again, the political media doesn't even attempt to address the underlying fraud.

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LBJ told the truth in 1967 when he said "If you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on and he'll even empty his pockets for you!"

This has been the Republican game plan ever since Nixon and Murray Choitner (His Lee Atwater) implemented the Southern Strategy to turn Dixiecrats into Republicans.

Add in a complicit corrupted media hell bent on kneecapping Joe Biden every chance they can because they want Republicans back in control and you'll see why our corrupted Media is spreading the lies about CRT.

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Eric talks about the right wing richies funding, propagating another big lie while the political journalists carry water for them, rather than reporting on the origin of this scare tactic. After all, it’s a rumor with no basis in fact. Such a great point. A deep dive into these origins IS the story, not the bs about the libs using the CRT to indoctrinate school kids. I spent 30+ years as a teacher and administrator in 4 different school systems from the urban to suburban, rich to poor, and not once did I come across CRT in classrooms (per Eric, which really wouldn’t be a bad thing). Education and knowledge have become verboten among these Americans, very scary. Astounding how upside down we have become.

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I need all teachers and their union to step up and make known that CRT isn't taught at all in their classrooms. You have all these parents coming out and protesting which goes to show that they have no idea what their children are being taught. This is just pitiful and again the media/ journalists continue to fall for the okeydoke (sp) It's really just disgusting. Thanks Eric for all you do. You are appreciated.

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CRT: Is this where 20 Africans were brought to this country in 1619 and made to work for White people who made them work for FREE and beat and tortured them? And how White people STILL think it's okay to treat people of African hertitage VERY badly, as if they were still slaves, with no rights, like VOTING? I could throw in indigenous people too, but that is a whole other topic. I CANNOT wait for the day that WHITE people are in the minority....and I myself am WHITE.

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When the public is undereducated, it's so easy to create straw man arguments. Most people that react to Critical Race Theory have no idea what it is and couldn't articulate it even if they tried. What the Republicans are so gifted at doing is to create a phrase that instantly has a negative connotation. All Republican supporters know is that CRT is bad. Why? That never even enters into the argument. They know it has to do with race, assume it's something the Democrats are behind and therefore it is bad and must be stamped out--even though it is not taught in schools. Parents believe that their children are being indoctrinated by something not even being taught to them. This false flag philosophy works quite well for the Republicans and sadly the Democrats seem to fall flat in trying to educate voters in just what the Reps are doing. The cold civil war continues and instead of cannons the Republicans use fear as a weapon. Sadly it's highly effective.

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Ballpark vendors would go broke trying to sell five-course, gourmet meals in the bleachers. People want hot dogs and beer. Anything else takes time and diverts attention from the fun. In the visiting team's bleacher you could serve it to them for free, and they'd toss it under the stands to "own" the home team. Don't all the news outlets count the clicks?

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I hate to say this. I really hate to say this. But Thomas and Alito actually are onto something. If it were easier to prove libelous or slanderous intent, we might just have a more responsible media.

Oh, what am I saying? They'll be upheld by Thomas and Alito and their fellow traitors as long as they libel and slander those who aren't right-wingers.

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The CRT debacle is a perfect reason for the need of a less white-centric POV in mainstream newsroom. Indeed, this farce can only be explained as racism.

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I'm keeping an eye on how the media treats Allen West's challenge to Abbot in Texas. West has said he sympathizes with those who want Texas to secede from the US and that truly does scare me!

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More "Good Stuff" — surprisingly, from the NYT. Even just the title and subtitles!


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I hate to say this. I really hate to say this. But Thomas and Alito actually are onto something. If it were easier to prove libelous or slanderous intent, we might just have a more responsible media.

Oh, what am I saying? They'll be upheld by Thomas and Alito and their fellow traitors as long as they libel and slander those who aren't right-wingers.

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What I see now is liberal & progressive critics complaining about the media promoting the dishonest wrong wing's framing of false outrage over a non-existent problem used as propoganda to spread divisive and fascist politics.

If postmodernists believe, because they have been taught through repetition to believe, that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, which of these groups is most insane? The fascists still spread propoganda successfully, the media still makes money and defends fascism. The left is the only group that expects different results with their complaints, this time.

So the better response is not "we need to expose these lies/make the media expose these lies/demand the fascists stop lying". The correct response is to ask "what is it WE are doing wrong, and how can WE stop doing that?"

I could.probably just repost this exact same comment to every PRESSRUN newsletter, and I know it doesn't help that I am, in fact, trying to get people to read my book, which I wrote to provide the answer to that very question. But what else can I do? That isn't a rhetorical question; any help or suggestions you could give would be greatly appreciated.


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Kudos to the for-profit propaganda machine on the right and their nut-job caucus in politics, the Republican party. Once again they've sold the country on a non-issue and have earned millions doing it... The real tragedy, just as Eric says, is the follow-along fools in "respectable" media outlets like the NY Times that simply accept the new narrative because they too can earn a buck or two off of it... Kinda like table scraps...

One has to wonder, is there ANY responsible, large scale means of informing citizens in a world where information has been monetized to this degree?

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