
Kasie Hunt, another purveyor of inside-the-beltway group think, is now at CNN. She recently got roasted on twitter for her sophomoric take on the California recall.


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Eric, the continued rewriting of history while dredging up the Monica Lewinsky story simply isn't stopping, as this Rolling Stone Q&A with the ACS season's showrunner proves: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-features/fx-acs-impeachment-monica-lewinsky-fact-check-1226894/

I'll just give you some basic lowlights and my responses.

“The Kathleen Willey story is a really sad one. Kathleen Willey did do some media around the impeachment of Bill Clinton, but her story just never seemed to get a ton of traction. It seems like it was a story that a lot of people did not want to hear. And I think Kathleen Willey’s story becomes quite sad as a result...I feel for Kathleen Willey.”

Oh, you feel for an absolute paranoid lunatic who was caught lying so blatantly that even Ken Starr wouldn’t use her? Who completely derailed into saying “the Clintons killed my cat?” Who is buddy buddy with Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing? You feel for this absolute basket case whose story has no legs to stand on?

“Paula’s story is a morally complicated one. I believe something happened. She did feel aggrieved about it. She told multiple people that week. By today’s standards, that should have been covered in the mainstream press, and taken very seriously, but it wasn’t. I believe perhaps it would be today.”

Not taken seriously? What universe do you live on? The press repeated Jones’ accusations as ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The media had determined, before there was even the boneheaded Clinton v. Jones decision, that Bill Clinton had assaulted Paula Jones. The press was eager for him to fall, and were certain this was going to be it.

“I believe if this happened again, it would happen in much the same way. The way some of the mainstream publications handled it — there were op-eds in The New York Times that referred to Monica in completely inappropriate ways, for instance — I don’t think that would happen again.”

What was “inappropriate?” The “stalker” claims? Claims which came from Michael Isikoff interviewing Lewinsky’s former boyfriends, who said she was needy and possessive? Blame Isikoff for that. All of that started with him. (I also am not ready for forgive Isikoff for what he did. His work with David Corn on Trump’s Russia connections is a start, but it doesn’t make up for how he built the story into the manufactroversy it became.

“But I don’t think political tribalism has gotten better in the United States. And that motivated a lot of the reaction to Monica Lewinsky. She was blamed for the actions of the president. She was blamed for this impeachment, for making him a vulnerable politician. And that, unfortunately, has not gone away.”

Who really blames Lewinsky as the sole reason for the actions of Clinton? Absolutely NO ONE. Clinton did what he did, and it was wrong and inexcusable. Everyone who talks about Lewinsky’s role is merely pointing out that it takes two to tango, no more and no less. Pretending that Clinton’s actions occurred in a vacuum or that he “violated an innocent, naive youngster” is simply wrong and is a bigger lie than the one Clinton told.

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In the early Trump years, CNN couldn't give enough air time to professional liars like Corey Lewandowski, Jason Miller, and Kellyanne CONway...all of whom were dedicated to convincing America that Trump was not an ignorant, pathological narcissist. Now CNN's "too green to be covering Congress" reporters lap up whatever BS their GOP sources feed them and dutifully pass it along, demonstrating that once again, access is more important than accuracy.

And BNL is a joy to listen to...quite possibly the most under-rated band of the 90s.

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As bad as CNN is, the rest are not any better. Media Matters reports that not a single broadcast news show covered the Trump Coup Memo.

Not even one.


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Kylie Atwood - Jake Tapper: double drivel.

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...just want everyone to know how much I enjoy receiving PressRun...I remember Mr.Boehlert on MSNBC and really appreciate his POV! If there's anything "good" about enduring #45's administration it's that I am FINALLY paying attention! No more "coasting" for me! Thank you!

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The future autopsy of American democracy may read like this. One of the causes of democracy's downfall was that news organizations became huge profit centers owned by corporate billionaires. The primary focus of these orgs were to generate money more so than delivering the truth. The best way, it was determined, was to manufacture news that would benefit their longevity, to skew stories to one side of the aisle, in this case Republicans, that would best protect their financial interests and to keep their taxes at a minimum. Sorry to be such a cynic but logically I see no other motivation for CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, even MSNBC and of course there is Fox News that has no shame whatsoever. Top stories should be that state legislators continue to pass bills that are gutting voting rights. Women no longer have control of their bodies in red states. Climate disaster is descending upon us quicker than scientists first reported. police reform is dead, Republicans lie constantly in their never ending quest to control the majority as a minority. The public is being screwed by a mainstream media that purposely obfuscates the truth for its own benefit.

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Fact is that every poll shows that the majority of Americans support the withdrawal of troops and end of the war against Afghanistan. The people who disliked Biden's method of withdrawal, sadly, are led by the nose by MSM who lie constantly.

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As far as I know the only pundit to debunk the incessant now permanently characterized ‘chaoticAfghanistanevacuation,’ one word, is, of all people, Joe Scarborough on one of his shows this week. He correctly said the evacuation was a mess at the start but was righted shortly by the administration and was a successful operation. Alas, no one else among the pundits has done the same as far as I know. And now we have CNN irresponsibly purveying another mischaracterization/lie on their network. Should I hold my breath waiting for a correction despite the fact that the lie is now out there in the echo sphere? Don’t think so.

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Everyday it seems there is another example of the horrendous “reporting” passing as breaking news. This morning on MSNBC way too early it was the decline in Biden’s popularity

I listened for 90 seconds before changing the channel. Someone is always buying a house somewhere.

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Not exactly on topic Mr. Boehlert; but I saw an article calling out “one of President Biden’s lies” over the adverb “swiftly”.

First I don’t think “swiftly” can be called a “lie” as there’s always faster and always slower. Swift will be faster than some. Always.

Next, after years of scrounging the thesaurus to avoid saying lie to Trump, the word has returned.

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The surprise is that Chris Cillizza hasn't done an article explaining how this means the end of the Biden presidency. Or has he? I don't read him. If I want to waste time, watching paint dry is preferable.

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I saw this on Twitter; tells it like it is...is Reuters my new news source now? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/backers-trumps-false-fraud-claims-seek-control-next-us-elections-2021-09-22/

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