“A “civil war” has engulfed the party, the New Yorker announced, which was especially lazy and misguided since there are exactly two Democratic senators standing in the way of Biden, and 48 who support him on infrastructure.”

That’s the thing. It’s not just that they’re fixated on process; it’s that they’re terrible at reporting on the process.

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very good pt!

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They are just terrible at reporting objective facts if they make Democrats look good. For example not only do 48 Senators support the bills, so does the majority of the American people. Then there is the fact that the bills pay for themselves but that fact destroys one of the media’s debt fearmongering which they reserve for when Democrats are in power.

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Most of the public also supposed Biden’s proposals, another fact the media disappears. They are back to their usual debt fear mongering which always happens when Democrats are in charge. Very little mention of the provisions in the bills that will pay for the programs. The media hates the idea of tax increases on corporations and the wealthy so they ignore those very popular proposals.

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Well we had a massive march in Los Angeles to let the six corrupted crooks on the court know where we stand on Roe.

Doesn't matter to the Press Corpse as they continue to defend the Sleazy Six.

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Absolutely Joe. Where was the msm coverage of those thousands of women marching for abortion rights? Oops. Forgot. Women do not earn front page treatment.

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Remember, they gave shoulder-shrugging coverage to the massive anti-war rallies in the days before W's disastrous Iraq War. But 5 Trumpkins in a diner? Front page.

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They give wall-to-wall coverage of even the scent of a RW rally.

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Oh and remember how the Press Corpse glorified the House restaurant for "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast"...ph add in the "Freedom Roast Coffee" and "Freedom Vanilla Ice Cream"!

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Instead the Press Corpse covers the "charm offensive" started by these corrupted judges to sugar coat what they intend to do--kill Roe, kill same-sex marriage, kill the 1964 Civil Rights Act and reinstating Jim Crow...or should we call it Donald J Crow?

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The problem is not 2 obstructionist Senators. The problem is 52 obstructionist Senators.

"Math is hard," says our Failed Political Press ™.

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Ah but the Press Corpse just can stop worshipping their Republican pals!

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This really ticked me off yesterday. A Washington Post Stenographer attacks Joe while he visits his family's graves...


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And Amy Walter of The Cook Report just did a "Dems in Disarray" schpiel on Morning Joe saying that "The Democrats are in a REALLY bad spot in the House ... and they've got a President right now who's under water." Wha...?!? 🤦🏼‍♂️ 😤

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Ha I’m sure she ignored the new AP poll that has Biden at 50%

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So glad I no longer watch tv....sad about Amy Walter though

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Why does the beltway press need an agenda besides good journalism? Sometimes good reporting has sizzle, but not always. Forcing it into preconceived boxes takes away the modifier 'good' so where are the editors?

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part of it is they became addicted to the Trump circus and want to replicate that sense of constant drama

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The editors are just as bad, and sometimes worse. They actually shape these stories.

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Headlines even worse.

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Something of a contrary opinion: I think politically there is no rush to pass BBB. Pass it now and in a year the voters will have forgotten about it. I’m sure it’s benefits won’t really kick in before November 22 even if passed and signed today. So the election would be held in that period wherein people forget that it was passed but before effects are felt. So I think maybe some time early next year would be better. Maybe even a delay will give Sinema time to get an epiphany. (Manchin is a much lesser problem than Sinema IMO.)

All that said, I’m usually wrong about this kind of stuff so, I dunno, take the above hopefully.

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"The D.C. media seems anxious to bury the Democratic president with over-the-top hyperbole"

So true. MSM keeps slinging mud at Biden.

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Publicity (good or bad)= attention=clicks=advertisers=$$$$$. Could is also be that the same oligarchs that own the media companies are some of the ones the WP's new reporting on the offshore $$$$ scam is about?

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Yup. And MAGA all of them.

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From what I read in the WaPo's articles about the Pandora Papers, U.S. oligarchs aren't mentioned much. They point out it doesn't mean Gates, Bezos, et al, aren't offshoring the wealth, they just aren't doing it through the firms in that trove.

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Then there's this certain orange goober...

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That one is all about ostentation. The gilt apartment, the name on the buildings, everything he does is intended to put his name and [claimed] status in front of people.

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Mangy Jay on Twitter had an outstanding thread with specific criticisms of media coverage about these bills. She ties it with a thread @johnastoher about how media covered LBJ's War on Poverty legislation compared with media's coverage of Biden's 2 big bills:


It's really an outstanding thread. And I do recollect how media coverage did cover policy and provisions.

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What a fantastic thread, thanks for posting that.

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You're welcome! It is a fantastic thread and I'm so glad I could share it.

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I sent an email to A.G. Sulzberger about his "trust" project, and had no expectation of hearing back. But I must say, his non-reporters, which is what those alleged to be covering politics in DC should be called, are doing everything they can to undermine the project. But after writing Advise and Consent, Allen Drury devolved into a right-wing flak--but he did write, and Gay Talese included it in The Kingdom and the Power, the routine about the DC media being committed to "stand tall in Georgetown."

So I say it again: Yes, republikkkans are traitors. Every single one of them in Congress (I'm also looking at the two on the January 6 committee--that's their only non-treasonous act in their careers, near as I can tell). But the bigger problem is that the DC political media brothel is 99.4% comprised of enemies of the people and this country.

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I agree with you 100%. I forgot that I read The Kingdom and the Power years ago. Do you think it is still relevant? I may give read it again.

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It's great reading, and it's interesting to come upon the ways in which The Times was more of an establishment paper then--and a male-dominated preserve.

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It definitely was male dominated and all white. I'm torn between whether or not media coverage has become less biased regarding race and gender. Part of me says, "Why, of course it has." And I agree. In a way it has. But I still see so much bias towards African Americans and women so in one sense I have to say, "Uh, maybe not so much."

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I'm reminded of a woman friend, an ardent feminist, who said of our woman boss that the question was whether she would be a "good old boy." I thought at the time, how is that possible? Of course, it was.

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You know the boat is listing to the right when Joe Manchin is described as a moderate. And even without an election for another 13 months, the DC-based media is in full horse race mode. Substance is b-o-r-i-n-g.

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yeah, the press loves announcing infrastructure vote will determine midterms…13 mos from now

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The press has essentially developed a bad case of Stockholm syndrome when it comes to dealing with the Republican Party.

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And for whatever reason, Facebook is having a major meltdown today. Somebody remarked that means 40% of America is now without access to medical advice... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/10/4/2056015/-So-what-s-up-with-Facebook-right-now-Temporary-glitch-or-something-else?_=2021-10-04T13:48:20.000-07:00

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So glad I ditched The New Yorker (now something like $8 an issue!!)....guess Susan Glasser is who you must be talking about? "proud" wife of Peter Baker (NYT)... More like water carrier for Peter Baker and his ilk at NYT. And to think, she did some wonderful satiric pieces on the former guy calling the Insurrection "Minsk on the Potomac".

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Yep, the Medicare drug negotiation is definitely what they hate the most. Three ads have run here in NEPA so far against allowing the govt to negotiate prices. One harkened back to the “death panels” twisting it that the govt will tell you what drugs you can and cannot take. They all end with call your rep and give his name and number. Mine is one the GOP is targeting since this area has gone very Trumpkin (which the Times loves and has covered.)

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Hahaha...I live in purple Chester County...what diner up there did the Times visit to find out what Trumpsters are really thinking...if they think at all?

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Oh, they love Luzerne County, home of all those "disaffected, left-behind, working class, salt-of-the-earth Dems" who can't get enough of Trump. I forget which "restaurant" they visited, but they have gone to people's homes as well. In every story—and the shallow book Ben Bradlee Jr wrote about this place—they ignored (and continue to) the main appeal of Trump for so many of his supporters here (and elsewhere): the racism. It's all about "those people"—as in "those lazy, less deserving who are getting something from the govt they shouldn't!"

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Oh yeah, I know Hazleton....for sure, you have that nut case former mayor Barletta running for Governor. God spare us all.

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He won’t win. He’s a joke. I’m further north—Wilkes-Barre. There are plenty of real Dems here but the media doesn’t want to acknowledge or hear from us. They barely showed up when Biden held a rally here before the election.

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