Thanks for the reminder of how irredeemably stupid Chuck Todd made himself look when he asked if Obama would veto his own legislation if it didn't have any Republican support. It's more than a little bit bizarre that Republican solidarity, no matter how blatantly political, is almost admired, while Dem solidarity is deemed obstructive or divisive. That's your so called "liberal media" in action.

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it still stands as one of the dumbest questions ever asked a sitting president

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Chuck Todd makes a fool of himself quite often. I don't understand why he has his job.

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And it's obvious that he's by far the least popular person within the halls of MSNBC. Why is he still there, I wonder ..?

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I think Chuck is just trying to emulate Tim Russert’s widely admired (but actually juvenile) “gotcha” style of questioning. Unfortunately Russert couldn’t be bothered to use that tactic when it counted with Cheney and Connie selling their WMD lies. Remember when it was revealed at Scooter Libby’s trial Cheney believed Meet the Press was their best venue for getting their message out?

I can’t believe the media still has Russert on a pedestal after that and even after he told Bill Moyers that he didn’t know that experts at the CIA had serious questions about Saddam having WMD because nobody called to tell him. You can see that interview in Moyers’ documentary “Buying the War: How Big Media Failed Us”. It examines how most, but not all, of the media blew the WMD story.

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The Scooter Libby case hurt Russert's reputation more than it hurt Libby's. Russert's facade as a savvy insider was destroyed. He came across as a guy who sits at his desk waiting for someone like Cheney to call and tell him what to think.

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And yet I still often hear people in the media sing Russert’s praises. I understand that he was a good friend and mentor to many of them but that doesn’t justify his colleagues excusing him for violating the rules of good journalism. Their allegiance should be to American public and to our democracy not to their friends.

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I agree with you Charley, and I believe he came across that way because that’s exactly what he was ! That was the give away.

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Theodora, you are spot on. Russert never pushed back hard at all with the Bush Administration people. I got to where I couldn’t stand him.

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He lost me when he kept calling Bill Clinton “Bubba” clearly meaning it as a put down. Then he interviewed Rush Limbaugh and let him get away with excusing tell lies on his show by saying he was just an entertainer. I have to say his fawning treatment of the Bush administration, despite the warmongering and justification of torture, still came as a shock.

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Even today, when I hear him referred to as a reporter/pundit icon whose standard should be held up to, I cringe. Comparing Todd to him is about as low as the bar can be set IMO.

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I'm old now; but from the time I was young I have blamed the media for most of the world's problems. Yes: ridiculous, isn't it ? But it always seemed to me that the media have "inside" knowledge of what's going down and don't use it, preferring to pontificate above their various bylines. "Give us the *facts* !!", I was wont to scream, "never mind the fancy language !!!" (I did use an alliterative word, I admit.)

Had I lived with as much media as you have, I would've maybe been carried off in a fit of rage, foaming at the mouth.

Congratulations for continuing to be able to report on your media's totally infuriating and incomprehensible behaviour.

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I am also old and have been carping about the media for years. I remember when they reported on how Nixon’s PR people were working to sell him as the “New Nixon”. Next thing I knew the media were reporting on the New Nixon as if he had gone through a substantive change not a PR makeover. The late, great Jack Germond said that he thought the media buying into the New Nixon fable was one of their great errors.

Just today I was furious to hear a discussion about how our government missed the signs that Trump supporters were getting more and more radicalized without bringing up the fact that in 2009 Republicans — not Trump — threw a tantrum about a DHS report that the threat from right wing extremist groups was serious and getting worse and that military personnel were being recruited. In response to Republicans’ outrage at the focus on right wing extremism and the accurate description of military personnel being recruited DHS rescinded the report. The group responsible for tracking domestic terrorist groups was disbanded. Had that group continued our government would have been doing a better job tracking many of the people and groups involved in the attempt to overthrow our government.

The fact that the media quickly dropped their reporting on that story is an example of them having inside knowledge of a growing threat but preferring to ignore it in favor of other preferred storylines to avoid getting hammered by Republicans.

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You are so right, Eric. Here we go again. I was watching MSNBC yesterday MTP Daily and I normally turn when that comes on because Chuck Todd is a major tool. I should've kept that up as Chuck comes back from the live presser that Pres. Biden was giving and he immediately says that if Biden doesn't I think meet the goal of 1 million vaccines a day that it's a failure. Like WTF they haven't even been in office 2 weeks and you say this. It really just burns me up that they are coming out and holding the feet to the fire of Dems and did/do nothing when it comes to the Repubs. So infuriating.

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yes, press suddenly **very keyed** into vaccination rate w/ Dem in WH.

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The media is defining bipartisan in a very narrow way. I have repeatedly seen bills passed with just a handful of Republican votes being called bipartisan but now the media seem to be defining it as having a lot, not just some Republican support. I think they should also consider having a lot of support among Republican voters as being bipartisan.

The Post ran this headline at the end of last week after only two full working days for the Biden administration “Turned off by Biden’s approach, GOP opposition to stimulus relief intensifies

Biden may find he can get a big plan or a bipartisan plan — but not both”

Sure sounds like they are implying the blame is Biden’s. Since when are proposals supposed to be negotiated with the other side before they are even formulated? Forget the idea of traditional negotiations in which the party in power makes their proposal, then negotiates with the other side. Democrats are suppose to compromise and adjust to their opponents wishes before they even formulate their proposal.

The media also framed their reporting about Mitch refusing to agree to power sharing like his opposition was written in stone putting Democrats in a bind. Then Mitch agreed to let it go forward. All of this is designed to showcase maximum conflict over progress.

And then there is this convoluted reasoning Glenn Kessler gives for awarding Biden 3 Pinnocchios (out of 4) for his claim that under Trump federal contracts awarded to foreign companies went up 30%. Kessler starts out saying that the federal data system is very confusing. He then seems to tie himself in knots to prove Biden is lying. At one point he says that his analysis found “ the sum of foreign-sourced obligations increased 28 percent in that time frame, which is almost three years“. But then goes on to look at just Pentagon contracts and just the percent of money awarded to foreign sources, not the total at number of contracts.

The whole analysis seems convoluted and bizarre, designed to prove Biden is lying.


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agreed. when GOP passes bills w/ no Dem support it's often depicted as savvy

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This is off topic but I am very disturbed about the lack of media focus on the Supreme Court refusing to hear the emoluments case. I can’t find anything but just descriptions of their decision. Why isn’t there more outrage? I thought our SC was dominated by originalists yet they are refusing to enforce a clause that is in our Constitution so literally an original law written by our Founders. I would think that blatant hypocrisy would get some attention.

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Right? I can’t believe it’s being ignored. Trump couldn’t be taken to court on charges of violating the emoluments clause because he was President and you can’t press charges against a sitting President, and then he couldn’t be taken to court for violating the emoluments clause once he left office because he was no longer president. Wtf?!

That’s an outrageous feat of legal gymnastics. The SCOTUS has basically ruled that the president can violate the Constitution to enrich himself at will without consequences. It’s a disgrace.

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Indeed. When I was in J-school back in the Stone Age (mid to late '80s), we used to talk about the problem of access with the Beltway press, and that maybe publications/TV should rotate people in and out of Washington so that they don't get too cozy. I still believe that, but maybe they should also do it because they seem caught in this "must frame everything the Dems do in a negative way" and "Dems must always compromise with the GOP otherwise they're too partisan" infinite loop, while never treating the Republicans in the same way. They all seem to have conveniently forgotten that Biden won by SEVEN MILLION votes, that that is a mandate, no matter what McConnell says. They keep allowing the Republicans to set the narrative. It's so frustrating.

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It's time for the president to not worry about bipartisan with the Republicans because they have already decided what they plan to do. The president should tell the media to shut the hell up. When have the repugs worried about bipartisanship

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I agree with you, except for that part about telling the media to shut up. They would crucify him for that. On the other hand people like us can do it for Biden if we can figure out how to contact reporters.

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I haven't watched all of Psaki's pressers, so if she's addressed this, fine. But she should note, the next time OAN or Fox goes off on a "unity" rant, that, simply, it's up to the GOP to approach Biden and Dems, not the other way around, that Biden wasn't elected by a 7-million-vote margin to deliver a GOP platform (which in any case was "whatever Trump wants"), and that when you have a party with 140 supporters of an anti-Constitution insurrection just MAYBE they aren't all that interested in unity.

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They keep trying to get Psaki to tell them what Biden thinks of impeachment. If she says he supports it they can say he lied about wanting unity. If he says he doesn’t then they can focus on the split with his base and go off on a “Democrats in disarray” fest. Psaki repeatedly says that the impeachment trial is the duty of the Senate, not the President, that Biden is focused on the critical issues he is responsible for but they keep asking. Just the fact that they won’t take no for an answer is a sign that they are playing their gotcha game.

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Their gotcha game is all they've got.

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Jim Acosta CNN mused Saturday if Biden was going to leave fact checkers little work to do. (A reporter actually said that!)

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Check out the WaPo’s fact checker column. Glenn Kessler gave Biden 3 Pinnochios for his claim that Trump had not decreased government purchases of foreign goods but had increased them by 30%. Kessler gives a convoluted argument to justify his claim from what I could gather from his stats. If I understood his claims, he decided to focus on total increase of spending as a percent of just the Pentagon’s budget rather than the increase in number of contracts. Then he gives Biden the next to highest liar rating. Looks like the WaPo fact checker is out to prove his is “fair and balanced”.

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What are they worried about? I'm sure they'll get plenty of work from the lies told *about* Biden.

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And the lies they make up about Biden.

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Yes. It is as if Journalism decided that Glenn Kessler is the fact czar, so 'what me worry?'. And all they ever do is cite Kessler's numbers total, almost as if the numbers were the only thing of importance.

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Exactly. The compartmentalization is stupefying.

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The media talking about Republican “priorities” is pretty F ing funny when you think about it. I want somebody in the media to describe just what those priorities might be. Amnesty for those complicit the last 3 months ? Building the wall ? More tax cuts for the top 1/2 % ? WTAF !

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Good pt! can anyone explain what GOP policy agenda is these days?

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Their priorities are fomenting hatred and fear and making money off of it.

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Yes this is so frustrating. The Democrats won control of the Government by winning 2 Senate seats in GEORGIA! This was the people begging for the Democrats to help them. Mitch and the boys represent the Stone Age and it’s time to stop even trying to appease these out of touch lunatics who appear to feast on people suffering. Enough!

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The press is showing their true colors. The Democrats must ignore the press and take a no prisoners approach to governing. President Obama really only had two years of power. So in the last 10 years, the Republicans have controlled Congress and in that time what have they done other than obstruct? Where's their answer to Obamacare? What have they done to promote a good immigration policy? Where is their plan for growing the middle-class? What about our crumbling roadways, bridges, and antiquated rail systems and airports? The Republicans only goal is to put more money in the wealthiest of American pockets. Every poll is showing a huge percentage in support of Biden, the Democrats and their agenda. It's time the Dems stop reaching across the aisle just to get their arms bitten off. McConnell and his ilk will never change. It's time that the Dems do and to finally get things passed that will help average Americans. If the Democrats fail to act and prove that they cannot deliver on their promises then in two years, we'll lose the Senate and perhaps the House too. And in four years the country will be headed back down the road to autocracy.

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Yes to all of this. Words and framing matter. It’s time to label the media as having a right wing bias, if necessary, so maybe they’ll be shamed into the middle at the very least. This absurdity has got to stop.

Great song choice. I love this sound.

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oh good, I"m glad you like!

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Did you all notice how McConnell conceding to Schumer's deal to set up the Senate organization without an agreement on never allowing a filibuster was INSIDE the NYT? I mean, granted, Dems still need Manchin, Systema and maybe Tester to also go along, but for McConnell, the obstructionist to agree to anything, should be front page news. Just reminded me as to how much the MSM is complicit in allowing the "both sides" story to distract us all from where the actual dysfunction lies.

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What's really outrageous is that Republicans can afford to be so brazen and hateful because they know the media won't call them out on it. They know the media will spin it their way.

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Agreed. The media ARE responsible !!

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Amid the deserved praise for Marty Baron and his support of great reporting at WaPo, nobody mentioned the exception: political coverage.

Which reminds me that today The Holy Times announced a new deputy managing editor to oversee the documentary series that caused so much trouble. Maybe they should try bringing in someone to vet their political coverage of its bias and stupidity.

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Totally 100% agree.This fiasco starting with the ridiculous coverage of Trump in 2015 has made me realize how amaturish a lot in the media actually are.I often ask myself when I hear one of the these "journalists" ask an unbelievably stupid question,are they just trying to go viral or are theyactually that dumb?Sometimes it's really hard to say. By the way,was President Biden wearing his Rolex while presenting his plan to the country on how his administration was going to solve the pandemic?Maybe I missed it.I'm sure The NYT was on top of that.

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I agree with the critique on the press. BUT... Biden should work with the Republicans to craft a better Covid relief bill. 1) it gives Buy In by the Republicans. 2) it will show the nation reasonable people can compromise and reward the half dozen reasonable Republican senators (Romney) 3)prove that the walls of Jericho will not tumble because a Democrat is in office.

Also someone has to step up to the plate and work with each other. This is a prefect moment - there will be policy or personal issues where the President will have to put his foot down and not compromise

Covid relief is not the issue to draw a line in the sand

I happen to agree with the Republicans on this one. People who have been receiving their salaries do not need relief. President Biden can show nation Democrats are the responsible party

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Well, that would require Republicans willing to cooperate (as opposed to tell Democrats to

practically abandon all their goals and promises, and lose the next mid-term election)

After having a trillion$ tax cut 79% of which goes to the over 100k income group, Republicans now worry that a small fraction of Covid help goes to people with ahem, higher incomes. LOL


"Democrats are the responsible party" Yes, deficit typically were amassed by Republican administrations, and for no reason, certainly not for a reason to help victims of the financial crisis or Covid.

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If they don’t fight with full control they will be replaced. Mark my words.

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