Lol what do you want to bet they’re using My Pillow to launder advertising money into Tucker’s show from nefarious sources. I mean, how many pillows can the a Fox News audience buy in a year?

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I wonder the same thing! I mean they’re just everyday pillows you can find in any WalMart

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The key might be is the RNC or some RW PAC buys 50,000 pillows for the convention.

Equally the Trump re-election campaign buying time sets up a cozy relationship.

But I don’t see anything illegal.

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Even weirder is Proactiv ads on Fox News shows. That company sells acne products, hardly a problem with Fox’s audience. That is just as weird as the Trump campaign running their insane ads against Biden on MSNBC shows like Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid as if those viewers are likely to fall for the inanity of those ads. This looks like a decision made by someone with Trump’s genius financial skills.

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Oh geez hadn’t realized Trump was wasting money on MSNBC—I’m sure they’re happy to take his $$

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Yeah, I'm sitting here in L.A. watching those ads and thinking, "What a colossal waste of money!" This must be an ego salve, nothing more.

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It really doesn't matter. Fox makes $100 million a month just from subscriber fees--that's $1.2 billion a year without lifting a finger. They could literally go ad-free and still show a healthy profit. It's also why cable will never have a la carte subscriptions, because around 97-98% of those forced to take the channel as part of a "package" would drop it like a three-inch putt, and Murdoch is powerful enough to prevent that.

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good pt re: sub fees. In terms of ad revenue tho it’s crucial Carlson sell the inventory. difficult for Fox to explain to analysts why it’s 8 pm time slot is being run as charity

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Carlson is what he appears to be as far as I'm concerned. Lindell, on the other hand, is an odd duck. I'm not sure if he's simply a peddler of product and nothing more or if he's genuinely as right wing nutty as he comes across in his statements. Maybe a little of both. In any regard, his outspoken pro-Trump persona has narrowed his consumer base to the viewers of Fox News, OAN and Newsmax (FIOS carries that abomination as well). Honestly, he's got nowhere else to go even he wasn't such a sycophant.

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the chatter is Trump wants him to run for Gov in MN

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Tammy Duckworth is from Illinois, not Hawaii.

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MyPillow ad dollars have something to do with keeping Carlson on the air, but so do cable carriage fees (which amount to billions in revenue making Fox News Channel immune to dips in advertising on certain programs) and ratings (Carlson's show is the network's most-watched).

Getting Carlson off the air requires a multi-pronged effort that includes ad boycott's but is also targeted at letting cable subscribers chose NOT to have a chunk of their monthly bill go to supporting racist channels.

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