The Times is corporate America: rich, white, male and mostly Republican. Like the Yankees. The Dems are perpetual underdogs, characterized as inept screw-ups, like the Mets. Great recap of the Times’ fawning coverage of Trump and his acolytes. #LGM

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I believe the difference in coverage by the Times between Trump supporters and Biden supporters can be explained in large part by one bias. The Times and corporate media are far more concerned about Democrats going too far left than they are about Republicans going too far right.

The kinds of economic reforms the left-left would adopt would directly challenge the status of our corporate ‘citizens’; the Republican obsession with tax cuts and deregulation is a much more comforting vision.

The last thing the Times wants is to admit that a majority of Americans would support the economic reforms the ‘radical’ left offers or dare to endorse them. It’s ironic when you consider how Trump supporters view the Times as a radical leftist - socialist - communist - liberal rag.

Here’s a tell. McConnell and the GOP will be as obstructive as ever of the Biden administration. Will the Times call them on their defiance of the will of a majority of Americans?

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I live in the red, red part of Wisconsin and I've been a NYT reader for about 50 years. I used to drive miles to the only bookstore in the area to buy the Sunday edition, so I've watched it evolve along with everything other news media format during that time. It's important to remember that NYT is a BUSINESS, not a public utility. We can argue about whether that's beneficial, but that's what it is, and Trump has been a boon for them. Tragedy and civil strife, incompetence and brazen criminality, are moneymakers - just ask Fox or MSNBC. As a business, NYT and the rest are not interested in spending more than they have to on raw materials, and it's really cheap to send a reporter into the middle of the country for a day or two to talk to the rubes and write up that experience without making it too complicated. I think NYT core customers really love to read these pieces because making people in 'flyover country' sound stupid, racist, and naive allows them to feel smarter, less racist and clever. Of course, it's not that simple. What is simple is to demand that news outlets present balanced, accurate coverage of events and issues. And if they don't, we have to cobble together an array of reliable and responsible coverage to inform our decisions. That's our job as citizens and we've seen what happens when we hide in our comfortable bubbles with likeminded people and binge on information that pushes us further in.

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Thanks Eric. I greatly respect your energy towards and analysis of the NYT. I suggest that some, perhaps many of your Press Run readers know the extent that the NYT is flawed because writers like you point to those flaws when necessary. Especially the worship of trump voters. I can't wait to be done with the unscientific anecdotal diner interviews!

This campaign was certainly one for the history books. One new spin was the cohesive Democratic message following the primaries. It wasn't quite "republican lock-step" but there was unity. But all thinking Ds knew it wasn't going to hold for 4 years. That's just not how Ds roll.

So no, NYT, Biden supporters are not a cult. But by expressing thoughtful policy approaches over mindless support of money, Ds avoid facing down things like the hypocrisy shown in USSCT nominee 2016 videos next to 2020 videos.

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First off, I do suggest Trump voters are significantly more monolithic than Democrats.

Then we do have AOC saying that if everyone ran social media like she does; everyone would win. We also have Connor Lamb stating that “Defund the Police” hurt him in his Re-election. Abigail Spangbarger as well.

I do not view this as a detriment. Congresswoman Occasio-Cortez knows her district. Congressman Lamb knows his district. Each should support and encourage the other and avoid harm.

71 million Trump voters may goose step in unison. Democrats aren’t that regimented. It an outgrowth of our bigger tent.

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I’m a Black woman Biden supporter. Tell them to come talk to me. While I didn’t really have a favorite during the early primary I ultimately voted for Biden after watching and assessing all the candidates b/c thought he had the best chance of winning. After he became the nominee I donated, and I’m becoming a bigger fan every day as I watch how he, his staff and his family are handling this most unusual time. He’s the perfect person for this particular moment.

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Stunning, just stunning. A few times over the past four years I nearly hit the "send" button to subscribe to the NYT's. The last time I stopped short was when I learned a "climate denier" was hired to give a different perspective. I can't tell you how sick I am and worn out by the perpetual 2 sides argument with Trump voters from the midwest constantly lined up in parks, evenly interspersed with Biden voters to give "both sides". What is equally disgusting are the focus groups with Trump supporters. I find all of media and journalism to be frustrating, but one thing I know for sure, and I don't need CNN, NYT, WAPO, The Daily Beast, or Lily to explain to me the why's of Trump supporters in spite of his complete malignant and self-serving self absorption. Of course the list goes on. WHY do they support him? Here's a hint-THEY ONLY WATCH FOX NOISE to get their 'news' ( or NewsMax, Breitbart, and so on). Any Trump supporter I've engaged with essentially mirrors FOX. The engagement ends when I ask them, "Let me guess where you get your news and information?"... By the way, how many people have increasingly interacted with Trump supporters who say, "well, I use to be a Democrat". Bullshit.

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The fact that the Times and other outlets are not screaming to high heaven that Trump and his enabling Republicans aren't attempting to stage a coup is outrageous. I know all the talking heads predict that the courts will hold and I believe they will but we've never seen anything close to this in the United States. Hillary Clinton conceded and called Trump the same night she lost. Barack Obama had Trump to the White House by this time four years ago. Ironically, David Leonhardt's article in today's NY Times does point out the dangerous behavior of this president by asking what would we call this if we saw it in another country? Unfortunately the Times doesn't give this story the front page. Don't put it past this corrupt Trump administration with the help of Bill Barr to attempt to corrupt electors in certain states to go against the will of the people. While it is unlikely, there were many things that came to fruition over the last four years that I considered unlikely.

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In 2016 I never saw any article in the mainstream media showing sympathy for the heartbroken Hillary voters, especially women, who had to watch their candidate be subjected to constant vicious smears, misogynistic attacks, and bogus investigations. She still managed to get 3 million more votes than Trump but her supporters were completely invisible to the media that depends on their support to survive.

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The endless coverage of Trump cult members (and the messaging that the "east- and west-coast elites" should work harder to "understand" them (and that's already starting up AGAIN). "They are mad because you've labeled them racists, and they don't think they're racists," etc. etc. There was NEVER a message that the right should try to understand the left, OR that the horrible propaganda painting us as the enemy was based on lies. There are still people who say "Killary" or make a point to emphasize Obama's middle name, which "sounds like a terrorist, ya know..." As one other commenter said, Democrats are NOT monolithic, while right wingers acted like Trump was the second coming. We DO want to hold Biden accountable, as we always feel is necessary with every politician. But yes, I stood up and cheered at home at their victory speeches. I AM excited.

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Its whatever is the most controversial. Fortunately, Biden's not getting sucked into the rhetoric. At his COVID press conference on Tuesday, none of the reporters' questions were about COVID. They were all political. Its nothing more than a distraction aimed at creating confusion. You can either enable it or marginalize it by reporting on substance.

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Sad to say, this hypocrisy has been par since Reagan, maybe Carter. One of the huge storylines for the corporate media during those years up to this very minute is the Republicans can do no wrong, Democrats nothing right or good. Then again, there’s a good question how well the corporate media actually inform in regard to national affairs, if they do at all, and whether that’s a failure of misinformation or disinformation.

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When so many publications are going belly up The Times is thriving it is not a paper it is one Big Blog full of hacks who bring nothing to the table other than discourse

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Part of the problem is that the better story is division among Democrats instead of the fact that they united behind their candidate.

And part of the problem is Conventional Wisdom. This story's authors are not part of the DC political media brothel (the chief chucktodd of them all, madam; Norah O'Donnell, the David S. Broder Chair in Sullying One's Once Good Reputation; and MoDodo, Grand Wizard). But they report to a national desk that is far too tied to it.

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The Hobson's choice does seem to be editorial input by curation or algorithm.

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Perhaps the reason for this is that Trump supporters really do adore Trump and Democrats really are leery of Biden? If that's the case, are you criticizing the NYT for accurate reporting?

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