Fearless media commentary
Press Run delivers an unfiltered, passionate, and proudly progressive critique of the political press in the age of Trump. Because we can’t fix America if we don’t fix the press.
In an era when too many newsroom standards seem to have dwindled, and when the loudest GOP voices are rewarded with attention, Press Run helps makes sense of today's media landscape. Determined to hold the news outlets accountable with smart, incisive analysis and commentary that calls out bad practices and raises up voices of sanity.
I feel like this is the right forum to have a lively debate about the state of political journalism among people who feel passionately about it. We’ll find fault and search for solutions — and do it out of the earshot of constant online trolls.
Three days a week — Monday, Wednesday, Friday — Press Run subscribers will receive original media commentary, analysis, and reporting you won't see anywhere else, directly into their inbox. Press Run is supported entirely by readers, and comes from a trusted source who knows.
About Eric Boehlert
I'm a veteran media critic who has been monitoring right-wing misinformation for years, first as a staff writer for Salon, for ten years as a senior fellow at Media Matters for America, and most recently as a media critic at Daily Kos. (In my previous life professionally, I wrote about the music industry as a staff writer at Billboard and Rolling Stone. )
I've documented how GOP propaganda infects the so-called liberal media culture inside the Beltway, which thrives on false equivalencies while normalizing atrocious Republican behavior.
To date, I've written three books, including Lapdogs: How The Press Rolled Over For Bush, and Bloggers on the Bus: How The Internet Changed Politics and the Press.
A frequent cable news commentator, I've made hundreds of television appearances discussing the media, and have been quoted in dozens of publications, including BuzzFeed, the Washington Post, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. I'm also a Twitter thorn in the side of the D.C. press.
If you enjoy Press Run, please recommend it to three friends for independent, unfiltered analysis, commentary, and discussion. (We’ll also talk a little bit about great music.)
P.S. Me and Fern, monitoring the media.